Fain Friday
Member Posts: 787
Fain: happy; inclined; pleased
Any plans for this weekend (if you still demarcate the week that way)?
Feel free to mention any other topic!
Any plans for this weekend (if you still demarcate the week that way)?
Feel free to mention any other topic!
Carool, I do still demarcate the week that way. I do still have to go to work so I still have "work week" and "weekend." LOL I get Fridays to work remotely though, so my "weekend" is usually a three day weekend.
Now, this weekend starts with my husband getting a haircut by our favorite stylist. She used to work in a corporate setting- for one of the "mall salons" but she went out on her own about three years ago. She and her wife are some of our very best friends. We are going to Disney World with them in October. We booked our rooms back in January. With Disney still operating on a "park reservation" system, it is important to get tickets early so you can be sure you will get in to the parks you want to visit. With this year being WDW's 50th anniversary, it's going to be extra crowded. I put in my ticket order on April 6 and got my tickets on Wednesday evening. I cannot wait to see them today to give them their tickets and get us all linked up and make our park reservations.
We have been trying to make this trip work since early 2017. Life just kept getting in the way. This year, we are committed. Yes, something COULD happen but we are much further along in the process than we have ever made it before. I am super excited to see the Disney smiles.
Tomorrow, we head up to Charleston SC to walk around and see if some of our favorite places are still in existence. A lot of our favorite little shops closed during COVID and never re-opened. I went to college in Charleston, so it holds a special place in our hearts.
It's going to be a good weekend here.0 -
I do demarcate weekends as well, if only because it means it's more likely that I'll hear from my son who lives in California and because I get two days off from PT instead of one.
Yes, finally some plans - a small get-together graduation celebration for my daughter's fiance, outdoors, socially distanced but it will be good to see people. And since we are all vaxxed hugs can happen - can't wait.0 -
legaljen, thank you! Yes, you’re still a working gal and have weekends. It’s grest that you can work from home on Fridays.
And your husband’s and your trip with your close friends sounds great, and will, I trust, make many happy memories, as trips do.
I hope you find many of your favorite shops in Charleston still open. It’s sad when stores that’ve existed for decades weren’t able to stay solvent last year or this year.
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Dltmoll, thank you! It’s interesting why you separate the weekend from the five days preceding it.
It’s good that the graduation happened this year rather than last. Enjoy!0 -
I haven’t worked since October of 2019, so my week days and ends have merged. However, because the outside world still separates the two chunks of time, I still do, too, to some extent. Sunday still feels Sunday-ish, though it sometimes feels like Saturday....And certain TV shows are on only Saturdays or Sundays. And stores in my neighborhood have somewhat shorter hours on Sundays. Very prosaic, but that’s how I measure my weeks.0
Carool, I think almost all of us have been living in a time warp over the past year or so. I used to be very good about being able to tell someone the date or day of the week. Now I actually have to look at a calendar sometimes, or think what I did the day before and how that correlates to my usual routine.
And your point about TV shows is a good one- some only happen on certain days. Well now with streaming- that messes that up too to some degree. People binge watch shows and they can stream them on a day other than when they normally come on. I am one of those people so now TV shows aren't too helpful either. Oh, and my husband is constantly recording shows. He had one the other day that he recorded back in December and they were advertising a Christmas special. I really had to check myself that day. LOL0 -
I automatically demarcate, since my husband is a pastor I am very aware of Sundays...as you can imagine. He is partially retired now, but still has a part in at least one of our three morning services. I love Mondays, it feels like the week is stretching ahead with possibilities, like a blank sheet of paper. But, of course, I work on my own at home - when I worked in the outside world, I wasn't always happy to see Monday! When I went through chemo I often lost track of what day was which, but I didn't particularly care. ;-)0
I am retired, and as the Dowager Lady Violet on Downton Abby once said "What are weekends?"
Also, I have a clock/weather station that notes what day it is as well as the weather. Is that cheating?
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I love your responses!
legaljen, LOL! I agree re day-confusion brought about by the pandemic. And your point on TV show streaming. I watch a lot on demand.
Marcie, yes, I can see why your Sundays (and many people’s, of course) is demarcated from the rest of the week.
I like my Mondays, too. During my years of working, I used to hate them. I didn’t hate most of my job, but I preferred to be home.
Molly, LOL! I never watched Downton Abbey, but Dowager Lady Violet said it (of course from her lofty position)! BTW, I do think it’s cheating.0 -
Wait, Carool...you NEVER watched Downton Abby? You really should give it a look - I think you would love Lady Violet! I have a soft spot for the cook's maid, Daisy, myself.0
Marcie, nooop, never. I love Dame Maggie (who doesn’t?). I did just google to make sure that it was she who played Dame Violet. I WILL check out the series. I know everyone loved it. Thanks!0
Try to know what the date is after a few days nesting in the surgery ward. After a few days, they started asking me the date, usually after midnight. I said I know what day it is, It's Thursday, if it's past midnight, and Hell's Kitchen comes on at 7pm. They said do you know the name of the Governor? Michelle Lujan Grisham----0
Weekends for us mean stay away from the beach. It’s packed now every weekend and they started charging a small fortune to park at the pier! Since we are retired we just go during the week and do other things on the weekends. We go to a small fishing dock to fish and crab or kayak. We have farmers markets and thrift stores we like. And we always have yard work and housework to do. During the week we forget the days in the middle sometimes though! Lol!0
Meyati, thank you! Yes, hospital stays can mess up sense of time and date. But I’d be bothered by the staff testing me for orientation in time.0
Teachertina, thank you! Your beach strategy sounds good to me (I dislike beaches but love eating crabs!).0
Had my second shot on Friday. Laid around yesterday, dealing with side effects. But feeling great today! Made cookies, sat outside and did some knitting.0
cllinda, thank you, and glad you’re here! Yay re shots and feeling better. I had mine, too, with a great side effect of sleeping for ten hours straight.0
Carool you're kidding about your shots----My son and I didn't have anything much-- I felt slightly feverish on the 2nd Moderna. My son breezed through.
I had to have a COVID test a few weeks ago. I've been so scared to get one---it made the inside of my nose and throat tickle for a few hours. Sometimes drinking water wrong causes my throat to tickle, sort of an itch tickle. No I didn't have COVID at all.0 -
This is so good that all of us seem to be getting caught up with getting vaccinated! I say we all get as healthy as we can and then have a gathering reunion where we can actually HUG each other! The Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art comes to mind as a good destination...or we could shoot for coastal Carolina and take legaljen out to lunch! Or you could all come to my small, rather rural town, and we can have the local favorite - a Dairy Queen! (and we can hug, so there's that) ;-D0
Meyati, no, I wasn’t kidding! That was actually my side effect of my second Pfizer: ten hours of sleep uninterrupted by even a bathroom break! Something unheard of for me these days. I did also have some achy muscles and maybe a very low fever. I’ve never had a Covid test.0
Marcie, I’d love that, but I don’t travel anymore. Of course, if we all met in NYC or NJ or CT, I’d go, but those locations aren’t at all convenient for most of the rest of us. Still, if this is in the works, count me in on the plans!0
They stick a swab up your nose twist it a little bit and hold it in for a certain length of time. They really bother my son, but he's tested often. He takes meds that require frequent blood work for monitoring, so he gets one every Tuesday.
The-- You are kidding was my amazement that happened--pretty much your reaction-using different words-when I told you about my fender bender on FRI. I've heard of some extreme itching-mostly with Moderna. Here I decided that it was go for broke-- do it and get it over with. I was so surprised that I had only a slight fever. Then the NMDOH has been saying Pfizer was golden--which is what you had
I've known a few people that have slept that much or longer---over extending the waking hours- and the Navy provided them with Bennies, among other things. Usually training and maneuvers with the Marines. I constantly am surprised that so few military people don't get bad hearts from that, especially in extreme heat and humidity.0 -
You know, my *reunion plans* are a fantasy. I am aware we are spread out all over the country. I guess I thought it would be fun to pipe dream together about IF we could ever meet...where would we choose? I probably should have framed this as a question for discussion and fun instead of a comment. I was just thinking about how good it is that we are all getting the vaccine and feeling safer, and getting back into life...I got carried away!
BTW - personally, I would LOVE to sleep 10 hours straight!0 -
Marcie, I agree about being vaccinated. And it’d be great if we could all meet, but as you said, it’d be very difficult (maybe impossible).
Re sleeping - I wish I could sleep even seven hours straight. I never do. That’s why I loved that vaccine effect!0 -
Yeah, I would obviously like that side effect too, since it is now 4:20 AM and here I am writing...! Why do you suppose we have so much trouble sleeping after menopause? No one told me that would happen when I was younger.0
Well, I’m a night owl and love being up all night and sleeping days or parts of days. I can’t remember how I slept prior to menopause. Back then I was able to get up in time to go to my day job, so I probably slept pretty well (it’s 21 years ago since chemo put me into menopause).
I hope you get to sleep soon!0 -
I had to laugh out loud at Molly 72's response. I also had to look up demarcate. New term for me. I need some brain stimulation. Since I've resigned from Boy Scouts, all of the days are the same. Week ends always presented lots to do. Also, I've avoided crowds since 2016.0
petieagnor, thank you! While my days have all been pretty much the same for awhile now — and certainly since Covid — weekends still feel “different.” Old habits, I guess. However, I do love having a seven-day “weekend”! Of course, it then becomes an entire rest-of-life “weekend.”0
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