Thankful Thursday
Member Posts: 394
Hi, everyone. I am especially thankful these days and it encouraged me to start a Thankful Thursday post. About ten days ago my husband suffered a brain bleed. He was in ICU for several days. He has some residual issues but, in general, seems to be doing well. We're taking it one day at a time. So I'm thankful my husband's event was not any more serious than it was and the outlook is good. What are you thankful for?
I am thankful my *questionable* spot on my right breast is now determined to be a commonly seen fat nodule resulting from the elective surgery I had in November to even me out. I think this is the first time I am thankful to announce that I have *fat.*
And Bug, I am thankful your husband is home and progressing in a positive way. I have a friend who took the worst fall from a bike and suffered a brain bleed - it took a while, but she recovered just fine.
I am also thankful we are getting notifications again, but I will be even MORE thankful when the site monitors get them under control - so far I have received over 300...many duplicates. (!)0 -
Bug, that’s great news!
Marcie, ditto!
This is (well, was) an excellent Thursday!
I’m thankful that the trees in my neighborhood are blooming.
Marcie, yes, way too much of a good thing!
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Bug, I am so glad to hear that your husband is doing well. I am sure it was scary for you both. MarciB, I am so happy that you got good news. I had that happen after I had a fat transfer to fill in the gaps around my implants. It was scary until I found out what it was. I am thankful that we had a beautiful sunny day for a change.0
Marcie, your "Thursday Thankfulness" is a big one. We are all so happy for you to get good news. Now you can enjoy your visit with family without a worry or without "what next" hanging over your head.0
Bug, that is wonderful news about your husband, prayers for continued healing.
MarcieB, I know the feeling, the doctor removed a benign mass from my original breast cancer site this spring. So scary to think it may have returned. I'm glad you are well and I honestly think it's normal when these things happen and we become anxious.
I am thankful (a day late) that my new sleeve and glove arrived yesterday for my lymphedema. Wrapping my arm daily for the past 6 weeks has gotten old. It does work but it is cumbersome to say the least.
Have a beautiful weekend everyone!0 -
Wow, Bug that is some scary stuff to have a brain bleed. I am glad he is recovering. My thoughts are with you both.
Carool, yes to the thanks for blooming trees. They do look beautiful. I just wish they could bloom without so much dang pollen. It aggravates my allergies.
Before I sound like a whiner, I am thankful that my stopped up nose is allergies and not COVID.
I am still in the same workplace, but have been working really hard to reframe my attitude and focus. I am thankful to be able to work remotely on Fridays. Thankful that my schedule is flexible and I don't get my paid time off taken from me in bits and pieces if I am 5 minutes late. I had to go to the post office yesterday and the ONE lady in front of me was mailing ONE package but she was asking questions about the delivery like she was sending off the Hope Diamond. I had literally gotten in line 15 minutes before I had to be at work (my work place is 2 minutes away from the post office) and I was 10 minutes late. All my boss said was "It's the post office, what can I say?" LOL0 -
Bug, I'm so glad he's doing well. So many scary times.
I'm thankful for my husband who is taking such good care of me while I recover from this knee replacement. I cannot imagine doing it alone, though I know people do.0 -
Bug, sounds like a terrifying event! So glad things are improving for him.
My thankful Thursday is having made it to my periodontal appointment after over a year. I have to go quarterly and have brutal gum cleanings (thanks, chemo) but couldn't because of Covid and I was dreading this one! It wasn't pleasant but I am sure thankful that's over!0 -
legaljen, your “Hope diamond” comment made me laugh!
I’m thankful that I don’t have allergies.0 -
I'm a little late, what's new. I like the "Thankful Thursday" concept. You all got me caught up on what's happening. I've had bladder issues for over a year. I was referred to a new doctor, a Urogynecologist. I was thankful that I finally got a doctor that spoke my language. Yes, I speak English, but sometimes you just can't make people understand what you're saying.
Grandson is going to try to schedule his visit so he can take me to see the Reds play. Need to stay focused on piecing the quilt, tho.0
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