Friday Fuzzle

Member Posts: 787
Fuzzle: A Scots dialect word for just enough liquor to make someone feel slightly intoxicated.
So, how’s everyone at almost the start of the weekend?
So, how’s everyone at almost the start of the weekend?
Fuzzle. Cute.
Doing well. It was 79 degrees today - lovely outside. No news to report. How are you?0 -
Thanks, Bug! I’m trying!
Still up before going to sleep in awhile. I’m okay. Finally got images accepted into a publication (has been awhile).
How you doing? It’s still Thursday where you are, but this’ll count for Friday. Lol.0 -
Congratulations on the upcoming publication! Nice to hear someone was smart enough to accept your work.
Yes, it is still Thursday as I write this. It's 10:00 at night and I'm doing laundry. Very exciting stuff.0 -
Thank you!
Good for you! I should be doing laundry. Way overdue. It’s always mañana here when laundry is due.
To be continued....0 -
That is great, Carool, that your work is going to be published. You will have to let us see it. I think it is very exciting. I like the word fuzzle so much. I think I will have one later today. Have a great weekend.0
I like the sound of fuzzle. I’m totally down with the idea right now too. Off to work to face the day. It’s either the first day of turning over a new leaf there or it’s the last day of a situation stuffed down for too long.0
I love fuzzle and I am going to use it every chance I get! (except, I have to be careful if I use it in print because my autocorrect changes it to *puzzle.*) Carool, I am so excited to hear your work will be published! That is so affirming, can you show us some on the pinboard? Or tell us where we can see it when it is published? Is your partner an artist too?
It is a beautiful day here, and nice to have the windows open. My wild cherry tree is blooming and soon the fuzzy bees will find it and begin their feast. I love that because it is a time when you can stand still under that tree and the air around you vibrates with "H-U-U-M-M-M-M!"
(makes ya want to go listen to *The Walk of Life.*) ;-)0 -
beachbum5817, thank you! Not to tout my own horn too loudly, but I’ll say that I’ve published many times over the years, in obscure art-and-literary periodicals. It hasn’t been for awhile, though, so I was relieved about this time. I will share it on our whatever that page is called.
I looked up odd words beginning with F (for “Friday”) and came across “fuzzle,” and it fit. I’m looking forward to my first fuzzle soon!0 -
legaljen1969, good luck today at work. I hope your untenable situation is resolved to your benefit. Please let us know.0
MarcieB, thank you! PINBOARD! That’s the word I couldn’t remember! Yes, I’ll post the two images.
No, my partner (Bernard) is an International Chess Master, now retired. I quip that he and I both work on square spaces: he on the chessboard and I on either canvas or a Photoshop square on my computer (though I used to work on rectangular shapes only).
Your environment sounds beautiful and nourishing mentally. You sound very musical. Are you?0 -
Carool, I am not musical. I like music (my husband loves it), and I have certain songs that make me smile, but you know how a lot of artists say they have to have music when they work? I am not one of them. You?
I am waiting to see your images on Pinboard. I love Photoshop. My education is in fine art and public education - I was a HS art teacher until my son needed me to stay home, then I did evening or weekend independent classes. I went back to school as an adult to learn computer graphics and I am ever so glad. I was totally in love with Illustrator until I took the PS classes. I was one class away from getting my associates degree (I needed In Design), when my son died and everything kind of stopped for me for a while.
You KNOW I have to ask if you play Chess...? I figure you either DO, or you don't play against your partner because he trounces you.(?) I have never learned. My husband plays and all our grandchildren line up to play him - makes me feel a little left out...I am going to have to learn!0 -
MarcieB, I’m going to post the three works in a few minutes (after I wrote what I did, the magazine asked if they could publish one more of the five I’d submitted).
I had no idea (of course!) that you’d studied Photoshop or were in fine arts. Now I remember that you have posted some work on our Pinboard. I seldom go there. Going to look daily from now on. My undergrad and grad degrees are in fine art. I never took Photoshop or any other kind of computer graphics classes, just taught myself what I needed of Photoshop (though I didn’t know what I needed). I bet there are many better ways, technically, to do what I do.
I knew the rudiments of chess when Bernard and I met, but nothing more. Way back when we met in 1977, he and I played maybe a few games. He then suggested I read some chess books. I wasn’t interested so that was that.
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@Carool. Friday went okay at work. The work day was less painful than my COVID first shot, so there's that. LOL The absurdity of what caused the Thursday blow up would explain a lot of my frustration, but as I explained to Marcie, I am not open to the rantings and ravings of certain other lunatics outside my work situation at this time. Best to keep things on the down low.
The whole situation is crazy. One day it's "you can't do anything right" and the next "Here is a bonus. I couldn't run this office without you." The bonuses are always very generous. I think sometimes things just have to hit a boiling point for the situation to resolve. I hate that. I really hate conflict. I would rather do almost anything that have to pitch a fit to get my point across, and believe me I try EVERYTHING at my disposal. I try everything in my bag of tricks. And the point just doesn't come across, but when I reach the boiling point- it's like everything resolves.
I have decided that he just misses going to court and having someone to fight with on occasion. He can't fight with his wife, so I am the one who gets the brunt of it. Not really fair to me, or good for my mental health, but it is what it is. I just have to decide how much more I can endure.0 -
@legaljen, I just noticed your reply to my question (as you know, we stopped getting WN notices of replies or other comments; this lack is very annoying).
Thank you for writing. I did read your follow-up of Monday. I hope he somehow starts reining himself in; however, as you, I, and most other people know who haven’t been born yesterday, people don’t change (unless they really try to, and most people don’t try to, especially if they’re in power).
Hanging in until you can’t sounds smart.
I’d still be at the job I disliked, other than the work itself, if my sadistic boss (female) hadn’t laid me off (with some severance and unemployment insurance benefits). Laid off after 17 years of working hard. It still hurts and makes me angry when I think of it. Apology for repeating myself.0
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