Lucy Shimmers is the sweetest little 5 year old.You will have tears from watching this movie
Member Posts: 205
Lucy Shimmers is the sweetest little 5 year old.You will have tears from watching this movie
I cried through it, Pauline! There were a ton of commercials at first, but I watched it through. Thanks for sharing the link!0
These commercials is enough to send me to my grave.LOL! You tube always wants money and ask to skip the commercials on a trial for a month
I 'm glad you liked it it was from the time she went to that man's room and at the end that even though I can't seem to physically cry it did bring somewhat tears to my eyes
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I watched the reviews for it and those alone brought tears to my eyes. I intend to go back when I have more time and watch the movie and deal with the advertisements. Thanks for recommending.0
Thank you Pauline. I got around to watching this today. I appreciate your suggesting this Youtube movie. This is a positive suggestion, especially at this time of year. Thanks for taking the time to offer this. I was touched by the movie and intend to suggest it to others.0
Very powerful movie.Too bad it's interupted by so many commercials.But I noticed that the Christian movies get more interuptions than others.And I understand why....0
This is the first that I've heard of this movie. I watch mainly Hallmark movies that have happy endings. I'll check this out. I also hate the commercials, so I tape everything then fast forward through them. It saves me time, too. Thanks for sharing this; sorry to be so late.0
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