Change of name

Member Posts: 205
How do you change your name?
Do you mean your user name for this site?0
Is PaulineJ my user name? Or my email address.I don't know much about these things.Their making things so complicated these days.0
Yes, PaulineJ is your user name for WhatNext. You will see it at the top of the page near your picture. I went to my account to see if I could see how to change it, but I didn't see anything. I think it can be done, because I remember when BarryBoomer changed his. Of course, I have no idea if he did it himself or if Greg did it for him. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Take care.0
I don't know why this place was hacked,but I did get hacked/robbed severely on Nov. 23rd on my computer .Over 50 icons and folders were also stolen/deleted? off my desktop.I had.
Because microsoft has done another updatel last month and also lost my customization in my browser that was given to me in 2007from the technician that set up my computer.Supposingly Cloud? was suppose to get all my stuff back I was told.So I had Norton on my computer all day at a later date.Nothing came back. I'm so depressed mentally and emotionally.I'm having a very hard time using my computer.And having a hard time focusing and functioning.0 -
Pauline, is there someone who can help you? A family member, or maybe someone from your church who knows tech? This sounds like more of a problem than you can manage. I know I would be confused if my folders disappeared. Is is possible you need a new computer? The changes and updates are going so fast these days, it is hard, sometimes impossible, for an older computer to keep up.0
My computer is not oldI think I got it in 2014.No I have no one.Why I'll never know.I'm 24/7 completely by myself watching others lives!0
I can't afford a house call from geek squad and I canceled ultimate norton tech support,because he was on my computer all day and nothing changed.He had an excuse of getting taken(the app)? off when he re-started the computer at the end and never called me back.Plus it's a nighmare making phone calls.I'm completely stressed out on that.Between getting transfered a million times,repeating like a broken record,getting disconnected and not have a call back and have to start from scrach,etc....0
Pauline, there is probably some youngster at church who is a whiz at doing this sort of thing. You probably don't need a paid service to straighten it out- just a good Samaritan willing to spend a little time finding things that seem to live elsewhere after a glitch.
If all of your stuff "lives" in the cloud, you should be able to recover it somehow. I am sorry to hear you got hacked/robbed? Like someone stole money or personal information? If so, please be sure to file anything you need to do to report identity theft. It can be quite a process, but it can be done. I hope you recover everything that was taken, stolen or misdirected.
I wish I could help you. Sometimes icons and stuff just get re-arranged. My mother called me in a panic because she thought things had been deleted from her phone after my niece was trying to help her "fix" it. My niece thought she was helping to "organize" but it totally threw my mother off. I told her she should have made my niece fix it while we were all together, but my mom was so upset that it had happened that she didn't even want to get into it with my niece. We were able to get it all re-organized.0 -
With students being out of school- high school and college- perhaps someone might be willing to come by and sit with you and help you get things straightened out.0
I had problems with getting people that claim they're Christians or anyone as far has that's concern.I'm tired of asking also ,because of being complete ignored,rejected or lies of saying they will help and you never see them again.There must be something wrong with me for being hated so much.0
Miss Pauline (isn't that what Greg called you?), I am so sorry you have had so many difficulties with people letting you down. Have you tried telling your Pastor your needs? A pastor has his finger on the pulse of the congregation and he would know who might be able to help, and of course, he will want to help you. I honestly think that is a good source to check out. I do not like hearing that you are alone 24/7. That could be a lot of your concentration/focus problems right there because people need human contact. I know the virus restrictions are making it so difficult, but there are ways. Even taking a walk outside and waving to people can lighten things up.0
I don't have a local church anymore.The Pastor I listen to mostly is in Hawaii online in utube,I also like the rabbi on Saturday on Beth Isreal from Georgia.He has a congregation with both the Jewish and the Gentilesthat Believe in the God of the Bible.I like the Church of the Apostles( I don't like the name,because there is no more apostles today.)Dr.Michael Youssef is the pastor.I been listening to him for years.And Robert Breaker from Florida.He pastors in Florida maybe in a local Spanish Chuch,cecause he teaches both in english and in spanish....and I listen to a few others.All online.I don't can't even now go anywheres.Plus it's cold I say hi to a few people a week thaat goes by to walk their dogs.Not to much walking trafic here.Just cars going bty a little.0
JD Karag in Hawaii (forgot to mention the Pastor )
0 -
@Pauline. I do not think you are hated. There is nothing wrong with you as a person. You are who you are. Just be you. It does stink when people let you down. I hate breaking promises and hate to have promises broken. People are so afraid of everything- getting infected or possibly exposing others to COVID that they use that as an excuse. I am not saying it is completely invalid, but that's been an excuse people have used to bail on me lately.
I note that you follow a rabbi in Georgia and you also follow Michael Youssef. I think he's out of Atlanta as well. Do you live in Georgia? Maybe it would be worth reconnecting with a "home church" again. Who knows, maybe someone else who follows the rabbi or Mr. Youssef might live near you. Maybe they have someone on their ministry staff who might know of resources.
It's definitely hard to trust people you don't know. I am not great at that either. That said, I can't imagine if a local person who follows the same pastor as you could be any more random that a person who would show up from "geek squad." It is so hard to let our walls down when we build them up so high from distrust and traumas. We don't have to tear them down, but sometimes carving out a little peep hole so we can see in and out is good for us.
I agree with Marcie. Maybe just some time outside and see other life- whether humans or animal life. This COVID cloistering has not done anyone any favors for their mental or emotional health. I am not saying you are mentally ill, but we are all a little worse off than we were several months ago.
If you lived near me I would be happy to try to come and help you.0 -
Do you have a cellphone? The store that I went to for mine has several people who are very tech savvy. They fixed a computer I used to have for a very low charge. It was dead and they brought it back to life. Local community colleges and social services may have some referrals too. I wish I could give you a big hug and tell you how much you mean to us here. Hope you can find a solution to your computer. Getting hacked is very distressing for anyone. My credit card got hacked once. It was a mess to get the thousands of dollars taken off. Keep trying and let us know how it’s going. We care about you and want you to find some happiness in your life.0
I'm in Ma.My area is extremely non existing and quiet even though it's considered part of Boston.It's Hyde Park,not Boston0
Anybody could tell you that people are cold up north from what I hear and see.Me ,myself and I attitude and clicks in local churchesI never fitted in anywherein 76 years.Even in a very small town I grew up in.I've been extremely lonely all my life with all the trama I've been through and a single mother of 2 out of 4.ETC.Been married 4 times to 2 that molested my children.I also got raped/sodomy in a catholic false church as a child.Never told my parents 'tl 1985?As a neighbor told me to and it was too late anyway.My life is like a million page book now.Someone wanted to write a book on me when I wain my early 30's ,but I was too negative,so she decide not to.And my life got worst and worst all the years after.Maybe I should have stayed in the novitiate to become a Sister and go to Africa to be a nurse.LOLBut I would have never got saved being in a religion.I would have never knew The Lord and Saviour.0
@PaulineJ- wow, you have definitely been through a lot. I cannot even imagine how hard it is to have those you should be able to trust betray you in such terrible ways- molestation of your children and rape/sodomy by someone in the church. I can certainly understand why you are not very trusting of others. Still, you are NOT hated. You are not alone by any means. I know that you know you have God on your side and you have such a deep faith.
The most important thing to know, and I am sure you know this, is that the actions of those who hurt you and betrayed you are NOT because of you. They are weaknesses and sin in those people. You did nothing to cause it or bring it on or invite it. You did nothing to enable it.
I have a very close friend who only recently revealed (well two years ago now) to her spouse that she was sexually abused as a child by her own father. They had been trying to have children and she was sort of "half in" on her commitment. They were having fertility issues and she was feeling very bad after the third round of IVF. She admitted to the doctor that she had not been keeping track as closely as she should have to the peak time. The doctor didn't really believe her and it finally came out that she was keeping meticulous notes and she was reporting her peak to her partner just after the true peak happened. Now IVF is not cheap at all, so the doctor told her she wasn't doing any more IVF for them until she resolved whatever was going on in their life because she didn't want to waste their money any more in case they wanted to try again.
The whole story came out. They both went through almost two years of counseling and two suicide attempts by my friend. It has been a remarkably difficult journey to navigate, but they seem to have made it to "safety" to a place they feel they are not treading water all the time. We are always there in case they need a safety net.
All that to say, WhatNext is a safety net for many. I hope you know we are all willing to be a safety net for you as well. Whether it's just to remind you on occasion that you are an heir to the throne of the Most High King, a daughter to the Heavenly Father or just to remind you that you are perfect just as you are.
It can be so hard not to be negative. I fight that tendency daily, but sometimes I see a glimpse of myself- my strong self, my worthy self and I am reminded that I too am a daughter of The King. There is so much to be praised and worshiped. There is so much about which we should all more frequently express our gratitude. I am always here for you. I know you have said you aren't much of a talker or you don't like to share. No pressure ever from me, but don't you ever hesitate to post that you could use a few extra thoughts or prayers. And if you ever want to reach out to me more- I am here.0 -
PaulineJ, your life story is very inspiring to many others who have had similar experiences that they have never shared. You have been brave enough and strong enough to share this with us. The idea of writing your story could be a very strong way of releasing the past and helping others in the process. If you just start writing about things from the beginning in a journal a little bit at a time then later you could get help to self publish or not. I for one would love to hear more about how you have kept going through it all. I know your faith has been a huge part of your life. Well wishes to you.0
Lucy Shimmers is the sweetest little 5 year old.You will have tears from watching this movie
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