Lymphedema discomfort

Pego Member Posts: 4
edited October 2020 in General Cancer
My arm is always throbbing. I see no outward signs of blood clots. Massage taught to me by a therapist does not help. The sleeve does not help. Is this just my new normal? I am very puffy next to the arm pit area as well.

Thanks for listening to my lament!


  • andreacha
    andreacha Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2020
    Pego - I've never had that problem, so I am unable to offer advice other than to make a call to your doctor or doctor's nurse and explain your symptoms and concerns. I wouldn't want to tough it out and have something happen. Best of luck to you.
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited October 2020
    Also sorry to hear this. Did you have a lymph node biopsy in the area? If so, it might be nerve pain. But, what for that, Gabapentin perhaps?
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited October 2020
    My experience is probably something completely different. However, several years ago, my arms - both of them - hurt so badly that I was ready to give up the fight. It turned out to be something in my neck/spine (can't remember exactly what). I was given an epidural to the nerves and have had no more issues.

    Again, my experience is probably completely different - I have lung cancer so no lymphedema or anything that I ever have had to deal with.
  • MLT
    MLT Member Posts: 89
    edited October 2020
    Hmmm. Is your arm red and warm? If so, you need to get checked for cellulitis immediately!! It spreads rapidly.
    If not, see your dr and get referral for lymphatic massage. Therapist might be more helpful. Hoping you can get relief soon!
  • omaalyce
    omaalyce Member Posts: 48
    edited October 2020
    Yes, make sure that you do not have cellulitis, I have had it 4 times and it is painful and as MLT said it can spread very quickly. And can make you very sick, the first time my fever was 103.9 -scared everyone. Now I know what to look for and have pills to take if I catch it immediately. If not then it's IV treatments at the Infectious Disease Clinic.
    I do have Lymphedema and I have a sleeve and glove, sometimes they help sometimes they don't.
    I have a masseuse in has been trained in lymphedema massage. It does help me. The Gabapentin did not help but it is always worth a try as we have all said before we all react differently. What doesn't work for one might be a life saver for another.
    Hope you feel better soon.
  • 2943
    2943 Member Posts: 94
    edited October 2020
    You might also wish to try to find a LANA trained doctor. Special training in lymphatic issues. One is in the process of treating husband and thing works!
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2020
    That's what I was wondering... Is the person who taught you how to do the massage someone who is trained in lymphatic massage and drainage? That appears to be really important.
  • Pego
    Pego Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2020
    Thank you for your comments. I have seen a physical therapist who works with lymphedema patients. 7 lymph nodes were removed 13 months ago. Thankfully, no fever, redness or other signs of cellulitis.