Just got diagnosed with thyroid cancer
Member Posts: 36
Now I have two cancers. How often does that happen? Anyone else?
Sorry to hear this. Which type is it?
As to multicancers, I had Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma - Not Otherwise Specified (three times), 20q deletion Myelodysplastic Syndrome in my marrow and also Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma, finally, all three simultaneously. I am now 5 years post-stem cell transplant.0 -
I am so sorry to hear this. I know of several people who have more than one cancer at the same time. Hopefully, they can take care of your thyroid cancer quickly.0
I have a dear friend who was diagnosed with bladder cancer. When they did her staging scans, they found a pretty large tumor in her lung. They did a biopsy of the lung tumor, and she had primary lung cancer too. She was asymptomatic for the lung cancer so her early stage bladder cancer probably saved her life.
Best wishes for treatment success.0 -
I am a six time survivor of four different cancers. At one time, three different ones were active simultaneously. Fortunately today, only one is active.0
Several at the same time, others one at a time.
Some of us lose count, along with our patience and nerves!
0 -
I think it is papillary. I am going to talk to oncologist today. I had a pet scan. wish me luck!0
unfortunately, many people get more than one cancer. Sometimes the chemo or radiation sets off a different type of cancer all together.0
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