Waiting for a hurricane?
Member Posts: 205
On top of the virus issues and scheduling my ct scan , now I’m anxiously waiting for this hurricane to decide where it’s going to go. Is anyone one else in the path? I’m on the coast of N.C. where it’s headed. No evacuation is ordered yet but they aren’t planning to open any shelters because of the virus. Guess we’ll hunker down and ride it out. Hopefully it won’t be too bad.
First of all, this is a big reminder that Mother Nature is always has the upper hand. Unless you are in an area prone to flash flooding, you'll probably be fine, stormwise, and remain safe from the COVID-19 too.
Now's a good time to just think through what you'll do if you lose power for 2-3 days. Be sure you've got food to eat and your regular medicines and water for flushing and drinking. Best wishes.0 -
We hope you scate through this with no issues. This is another example of how those of us with chronic health conditions are at risk further when something like a natural disaster, or a stupid virus comes along to shake up our life a little more. Stay safe!0
Thanks guys! We have supplies, lots of frozen food we might have to cook on the grill. My biggest concern is being in a mobile home. Wind forecast is not as bad as Florence and we didn’t blow away then, some damage then but very fortunate since some neighbors lost homes and everything in them! We evacuated then, couldn’t come back for 9 days. This one doesn’t sound as bad As that one was. They still don’t know how it’s going to go. One option if necessary is to try to find a hotel room nearby. We will see!0
Teachertina, I will certainly be praying for your safety and minimal stress! The coast of NC is very special to me - my family meets there every summer for a week vacation in Carolina/Kure Beach. This year we couldn't do it - too risky. But, we were there when hurricane Irene came through and had to get motel rooms in Wilmington because they close the bridge at Snowcut. All the rental agencies want everyone off when the storm hits Cape Fear. North Carolina always seems to get hit somewhere every year.0
I hope you escape damage from the hurricane. It's been quite a year. Pandemic, hurricanes, etc. What else?0
I am on the coast of South Carolina so we are pretty sure to get some stormy weather from this one. I am a little surprised this one is going so far north this early in the season, but hurricanes are wild and Mother Nature definitely has her own plans.
I will be holding my breath for the next couple of months. I am surprised we are already to "I" this year. It's barely August. We may easily exhaust the alphabet this year. We got pretty close a couple of years ago.
I will keep you all in prayer who are more directly in the path of this one. That said, anything could happen and the course could change quickly.
For those inland, please keep us coastal folks in your thoughts and prayers. We will keep you in ours as well, as the last few years the effects have gone far inland. Last year my supervising attorney headed for the mountains and lost power for 3 days. We barely lost power for an hour or so.
At this point, at least we know how to prepare for a hurricane. 2020 has been such a maddening year, that the predictability of "hurricane season" oddly feels like something I can finally "count on" for a few months. My kit is filled. I have a place to go if I must.0 -
Praying for any and all who are in the path of the hurricane. Tough situation always, much tougher this year with the whole COVID worry mixed in.0
Good wishes to anyone who may be affected by a hurricane.0
Teachertina and legaljen, everything okay?0
Thinking of everyone in the path of the hurricane today. I hope and pray you all stay safe.0
We are just starting to get the rain bands. Overnight is supposed to be the worst of it and moving on by tomorrow evening. No evacuation orders or shelters open in this county. Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst, except for a generator! Losing power is bad for many reasons!0
Tina, after this last round of issues I have started looking at alternative power solutions. Generator or solar power. We have a generator now that's portable but I couldn't pull the rope to start it. I'm looking into generac auto start when the lights go out. Also I'm looking for programs that would help with the cost for disabled people who can't be without power.
Has anyone looked into this before?0 -
Storm came and went last night, no issues for us, thank goodness! Other areas nearby had some trees down, power outages, inland areas had more impacts than we did. We got lucky this time. Now we watch for the next one! ‘‘Tis the season!0
Teachertina, that’s great!0
I thought I had posted yesterday. We got some rain in the later morning/mid afternoon. I was at work and stayed all day so it was a non-event for us. But the season is just getting started.0
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