OK people, I'm scared, don't know what to do. I need surgery but because of covid nobody can come
2943, double mastectomy. If I heal relatively quickly from that they will take me back to do another procedure to correct an abdominal issue. I have issues with not healing and infections, so they are worried that I won't heal up fast enough.0
You got this! Not sure why they talk about 14 days even with healing issues. I had a kidney removed due to cancer..out n 3 days.. and 9 days later mastectomy.. our next day. Have house organized for no lifting, zip/ button front tops, small ‘seatbelt’ pillow, pillows for bed. Ask doctor office what they want you to have.
Many of us have walked this journey and are here for you!0 -
As bad as this will sound, I'm actually ...glad...hospitals are using an abundance of caution in not allowing any but the pt inside their doors. You may be sure of your family...but if others you do not know were allowed in...you would have no control. My friend just had a kidney removed. At first, she was told she could have one family member come with her - to wait, to see her afterwards and to sit in the waiting area. Then, she was told no one. She was dropped at the door - covered in PPE's and wheeled away. 3 days later, she was wheeled to the door once again, in PPE's and rolled out to her waiting family member's car. As safe as possible coming - staying -and going. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! And you will be safe! Please keep in touch with all of us...we never sleep!0
PS - you will not be entering where covid pts are. you will not be in an area inside where covid is. The hospital will keep you very safe!0
Haha, Ashera, I am laughing at "...we never sleep!" It's true, isn't it? Sometimes I wake up and can't ge back to sleep so I just meander to my computer and check out what people are talking about on this site, and leave a comment, or not...But, I think it's safe to say between us we've got the night *covered!*0
MarcieB! Absolutely! I've been here often on 'those' nights. Not all the time, but when I'm feeling like I'm the only one in the world feeling the way I'm feeling! 24 hr service here....!0
Count me in to help cover the night watch!
And I'd just like to say something... I really appreciate how someone in this community can say "OK people, I'm scared..." and all of the responses are supportive. Some responses come from more of a "logic" side, some come from more of a "feeling" side, but all are supportive. No one says "You're being silly" or "Don't be a baby" or "Why are you worrying about that stuff" or anything else invalidating or demeaning. I really appreciate that. (I guess you can tell what kind of responses I get from some family/friends!)0 -
We all need a pat on the back or even a kick to the hind side during this. I was helped by knowing other 60 plusers made it thru and are doing well. It gave me patience lessons, appreciation lessons. I had not been to a doctor for 35 years and then had the rug pulled out from under me. 3 primary unrelated cancers, more scans, bloodwork, surgeries, chemo, radiation, immunotherapy. I have met incredible people who share this path and have encouraged me to be a better person. I am in the place I am (good place) due to the support here and other patient venues. Hugs!0
Late responding here, but I can still add my cents. I sleep days more than nights, so I can be on the night watch, too.
I’m glad you’re going ahead with your surgery. I hope you won’t be in the hospital as long as 14 days; on the other hand, it’s good to know that they won’t be releasing you until they are sure you are ready to be released.
And, as everyone said, there’re cell phones, with Zoom, emailing, texts, and good old phone calls.
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All of us have a bit of fear, even me. With 32 years of experience in dealing with cancer issues, treatments of almost every type, side effects of almost every kind, you'd think that I know what to expect and have it covered. I should bounce right through this. Well, I have fear too. Fear that even though everything can be going along just fine today, but in a month take a turn for the worse and I'm gone. I've seen it happen. I've had family that this happened to. I'm afraid that if the treatments that I am on don't work that I'm at the end of the road, unless something pops up, I'm afraid that one of these days I'm going to weave left when I should have bobbed right, and the cancer reaper is going to smack me right in the mouth.
But even with these fears, I keep them stuffed down deep, packed in a box inside me that I hope I don't have to open up and embrace. For now, I have confidence, optimism, and a positive outlook that if others can take this treatment that I am on and come out good, then I can too!
Thank you all for helping @TougherThanIt get through this little roadblock in her journey. This is exactly why WhatNext was developed. So people who 'GET IT', who are going through it or have been through it can help others that are currently going through it.0 -
Thanks again to you all. I am calming down a bit over all of this and I'm sure everything will be fine. It's just a shock to have everything thrown at you like it's coming out of a tennis ball launcher. I am hoping for a quicker in and out of the hospital than the dreaded worst-case scenario.0
Girl...with the team that has responded to this and others behind you..powerful feelings going your way. If you want to talk, I will send phone #. Hugs!!!0
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