Face Masks - Since it appears that they will be a part of our lives, have you found a good source?
My family gave me masks for my birthday then yesterday my health insurance sent me two masks. They are a Mr. Yuck green. I was going to order some masks that said vote from the Democratic National Committee but when I tried to order they were out of stock they say they are going to get more in stock soon. The catalog companies are also out of stock.0
Boise, scroll up through some of the answers posted here, there are some good sources listed.0
Ebay is great- they used to give a quick shipment time, but since COVID 19, Ebay vendors say it will take several weeks. Chewy too, and that was the truth-even Sheplers in KS. Now most of the items come super quick, but they still say the shipping time is slow,0
I really have a supply of masks. I am just looking for fancy ones. The homemade ones are the best as my sister, and sister-in-law and my daughter are all excellent seamstresses. I also don't need anymore masks because I rarely leave my apartment, only to go to the Dr. I go to the mailbox in the evening when no one is around.0
I love being masked because I feel free to smile and laugh softly.0
I scored a whole box of Hanes masks last week at, of all places, Tractor Supply store. It's kinda like wearing underwear on your face but they are very soft and comfortable and easily washed.
I do not wear a mask out of fear. I wear a mask out of respect for all people to have a reasonable expectation of good health.0 -
Just a sidenote - if you read my earlier post I said I would wear a mask printed with Van Gogh's Starry night if I could find one. Well, I did. An advertisement came up on my Facebook site for masks printed with famous art paintings, so I ordered Starry Night! Now I will have a cute alternative to the blue paper surgical types which I usually wear. I hope it arrives soon, but I am not counting on it. Earlier in the pandemic I ordered a set of three plain white cotton masks because the ad said they were guaranteed to be delivered in 4 days - NOT. I think it was more like 4 weeks.0
That is cool, MarcieB. I hope it comes in a timely manner. Great to have alternatives depending on your mood at the time.0
I needed some Swiffer covers for wall and fan dusting. I couldn't find any in local stores. I went online and found them on Vitacost.com. They came right in.
Farmers wear mask--shedding horses out, cleaning dusty corrals, Toss a 100 lb bale of hay that has been setting out for 6 months, and it's like a dust storm. Do that for a few hundred bails.0 -
Been there, meyati. I just wish I had a nickel for every bail of hay I've tossed around in my lifetime. For awhile it was impossible to find a mask anywhere in NY but now they are to be found everywhere from farm supply to grocery stores. Supply has finally caught up to demand at least around here. I stocked up 'cause who knows how long we will be needing them.0
Here in NM we still need to order online. According to Washington Post and some cable media, NM has consistently had the toughest quarantine rules in the nation from the get go. We are sandwiched between TX and AZ with Colorado on top. .0
Marcie B. I ordered a starry night mask it took a couple of weeks, but I love it.
My friend has an Etsy store where she sells simple masks for about $4. OnyxxJettsoaps. Super fast shipping. I make most of mine myself and I have just started making simple pouches to keep them in until I need it. She is planning to make some for her shop as well.0
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