Can you help me any gifts card
Member Posts: 4
Can you help me any gifts card
Naghm, I think you need to give us more details about what you are going through and what kind of help you are asking about?0
We are sorry for your diagnosis, a cancer diagnosis is tough on anyone, some worse than others. The drag on finances is a big one. As Marcie said, give some details about what's happening with you and what your specific needs are. We have a resources list of lots of companies that offer help to qualified individuals. Let me know that and I'll see what there is to help you.0
Iam pharmacy assistant i lost my job from start of 2020 and my treatment cost me 20000$ I have 2 boys 11and 7 years old now i make the surgery after i finish my chemotherapy0
Reach out to your sons' school(s) and see if the social worker or school nurse might be able to offer you any information on resources available. Talk to your hospital's social worker too. I found one of the counselors/social workers with our local hospital to be very helpful in getting me to resources that could help me. He just gave me a list of people to contact and what services they offered if I ever found a need for them. I would bet your doctor's office or a nurse navigator could get you in contact with someone who can help.0
I just wanted to say hi and wish you all the best. I have no advice to add to the excellent suggestions given.0
If there's a Cancer Support Communities near you, they are awesome to help when they can, too.0
This is our resources page. It's a long list of companies that have, or used to support cancer patients. You can't just call them up and ask for something to be sent, you will have to fill out an application and be approved. Believe it or not, there are people that will pretend to have cancer just to scam some people that are good hearted and willing to help cancer patients. I believe there are a couple of companies in this list that will help with gas by gas cards. But there are literally hundreds of benefits in this list. Take a look and see if anything will help you.0
I forgot to post the link to the resources page, here it is>>
Do you belong to a church? Ours has a financial group that helps when people need it. Ours is called an Outreach program.
Cancer is financially draining.0 -
Please update us on how you are doing and if you have found some help somewhere. Wishing you well!0
Also, check with the Am. Cancer Society in your area. They can sometimes help in ways you would not believe. Don't be afraid to ask for help, but sometimes finding the right agency is hard. Keep trying.0
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