We received an email from a member talking about the topic of whining about what's bothering us, whe

Member Posts: 8
and if it should be done here. He goes on to explain that whining about our problems is a good thing letting us vent, letting us help and support each other, and helping to educate others about some of the things that might pop up in their own cancer experience later on.
So, let's whine! What's bothering you this week?
So, let's whine! What's bothering you this week?
Sorry for starting off with something gross: I’ve been seeing water beetles (supersize cockroaches) in our apartment. They freak me OUT! We see “only” one every few days, but where there’s one...Gotta buy Raid! We had them years ago and one application of Raid got rid of them until now.0
I will join the whine bar. My biggest issue currently is the progressing pain from my progressively growing lesion in my throat and the lymph node in my neck. I'm hoping that changes this week either with pain meds or with treatments doing their thing.0
I have good news. The Air Force base is opening up on Tues. We can go buy groceries, and my son can get a hair cut. His hair is fine and thin, and he sort of looks like those ugly dogs in ugly dog contest- 4 long hairs. He has more but it's patchy.
The Air Force said it would help NM get a hospital for the Navajos-travelers and Western NM back in early March. The governor and base COs that was illegal, and for the base to isolate itself. All of the bases were closed to even recruiters. They say over 27,000 retirees plus military wives and kids were locked out of KAFB. I told my son that there had to be at least 26,599 complaints a day for KAFB- Anyway, Tues it will open. They say that E coli is in Walmart beef in NM. It will be a relief to be able to get safe meat. Military veterinarians go in the commissary and do visual and lab work on different meats.0 -
We must be alive to whine. So, what is it exactly we are whining about?0
@Carool, we had a major problem with those big water bugs a few years ago. I finally got rid of them with Bug Stop. And a really thorough job of going through the house and killing eggs.
The other day, we had to have our house treated for millions of bees that unfortunately decided to build a nest on house. I thought the bee company - called Bee Keepers - would take the bees alive, but they didn't - they killed them. (When I asked why, they said they would save them for a mere $6000 per nest ... and we had three nests. I hated to see them die, but ... The man who came to treat said ours was the 8th house THAT day he had been to, treating for bees.) The poison they used to kill the bees brought out tons of those water bugs. Irritated me because we have exterminators that come regularly and the last time they were here, I told them that I had been seeing more of those giant bugs ... apparently whatever they use isn't effective against them. I think we may be changing exterminators.0 -
Good point PO, I often say that lots of people don't have the opportunity to complain or whine. I'll take my situation over theirs.0
Many of us were not allowed to whine as kids, just be brave, eat your peas, do your homework-- blah, blah, blah.
Some were brought up with a martyer (sp.) complex.
It carried over, I guess!
Kvetch on!
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Martyr complex carried over into adult hood is sort of rough on anyone that complains, don't you think? I guess you described your childhood, but many of us didn't have childhoods as pleasant as that. My mother pushed me into hot water that left blisters on me. That stopped, when my father wanted me to sit on his lap. It hurt, and he asked why it hurt. I lifted my skirt and showed him.
Now I'm whining, I was fixing supper and the phone rang. It was Navy Federal. Someone used an app to send $800 to someone. It didn't work, because I had only $500 in my account. Apparently one of my grandson's friends got into my purse, spelled my name right, and wrote the debit card number. The alternative is that my grandson did that, so yes, I'm whiny and mad, and that does make me a carry over martyr from childhood. It didn't help that a thunder storm was rolling in and the 3 hounds were yelling at the top of their lungs, and I was cooking- it was 5 pm local time. If there is somebody that doesn't get bent out of shape with that--they are a Zombie.
Which brings up a point. - we do not know what type of stress, living conditions, etc that the other members have
Then combine that with some people live alone and don't have anybody to talk to.. Even married people sometimes don't have somebody to talk to.
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Well, I'm whining again. The freezer went out about 10 pm. I went to bed, then woke up about 2:30, and it was true-the freezer wasn't working. We don't have Sears any more. Lots of places delivered freezers in a few days, the other places had waiting lists. I checked rent-2-buy places, frozen meat lockers for butcher shops that dress deer and elk-then rent a freezer to the hunters and even freezer trucks.
About 4, a chat line person for Loew's tracked down deliveries to NM, and she found a Loew's with freezers. I woke my son up and got him there by 6:30. He was whiny. They didn't have freezers, but a truck load is supposed to come in at 10, and the freezers ready to go at noon. We had to go ahead and pay for it, which I didn't find unreasonable. Before we got finished, there was a line of people that wanted to buy a freezer.. My son then decided it was good to get their before 7 and buy it sight unseen.
There isn't any delivery--so at least we own a pickup.0 -
@LiveWithCancer, thank you. I’ve nevrf heard of Bug Stop. Raid did it for me last time. If that doesn’t work, next stop is Bug Stop. Those insects are sooooo bad, even though they don’t seem harmful physically!(mentally is another story).
I’m sorry about the bees. You tried to save them.0 -
Bugs---- Hey, anybody ever been attacked by Blackflies? They live up north, little tiny flies that love to bite your neck. Itch & hurt & leave raised lumps. I once had 40 bites on my neck after a trip to the Upper P. of Michigan. They are as nasty as ticks, and as mean as horseflies.
I didn't realize that NYC had bug problems as well. Bugs will outlast humans.0 -
@Molly72, are you kidding (LOL)? I thought NYC was infamous for our plentiful and varied house fauna, all of which are ugly and invasive (okay, mice are cute and invasive). We have small roaches, jumbo roaches (water bugs or water beetles, and legalgen1969 here told me they call them palmetto bugs), tiny centipedes which, though scary-looking, are beneficial (they eat other insects). We have mice and rats (most of us don’t have rats but some do). Spiders, of course; everyone does. I don’t mind them, rarely see them. And an occasional ladybug, and they’re so cute. Oh — and bedbugs (never yet had those, or rats or mice or the small roaches).
We keep exterminators well-employed. Writing this was fun!0 -
I've met black flies. My grandmother said they are much worse in Canada0
Blackflies are all over Canada, and the northern parts of the US.
We also have Deerflies in the woods, and of course ticks are all over the place, I find them inside, even.
Spring is the worst time, and of course mosquitoes are Satans's little angels.
Great subject to whine about, Carool-- pleasant dreams!!!
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