One of our members Lisa Lurie, founder of Cancer Be Glammed is in search of your opinions on life af
Member Posts: 11
Cancer Recovery Life & Style Survey
Many surveys exist about medical care, but very few focus on the day-to-day recovery & lifestyle needs of women with cancer. Until now! If you have had cancer or are currently undergoing surgery and/or treatment, Cancer Be Glammed & Wrapped in Love want to hear from you. The survey is short (5 minutes) and 3 participants will be chosen by random drawing to win a “Thank You” gift. Click on the survey link. Let your voice be heard!
Just click on this link to answer a few of her recovery and lifestyle needs. >>
Let me know if you have questions
Many surveys exist about medical care, but very few focus on the day-to-day recovery & lifestyle needs of women with cancer. Until now! If you have had cancer or are currently undergoing surgery and/or treatment, Cancer Be Glammed & Wrapped in Love want to hear from you. The survey is short (5 minutes) and 3 participants will be chosen by random drawing to win a “Thank You” gift. Click on the survey link. Let your voice be heard!
Just click on this link to answer a few of her recovery and lifestyle needs. >>
Let me know if you have questions
Thanks! I just took the survey.0
I took it too.0
I filled out the survey too, just for the heck of it. Can't help feeling my answers probably really scewed the results. Throughout treatment and since, being glamorous wasn't just low on my priority list, it wasn't on it at all.0
I clicked on the link when I posted thinking first I was just making sure that the link would work for you, then I thought I would go ahead and take the survey. I soon figured out that it's for women only. I should pay more attention to things, as Sweetie tells me quite often.0
@Bengal, my responses were probably similar to yours!0
@Bengal and @LiveWithCancer, that makes three of us!0
I didn't even sign up for the random drawing. The prizes were not anything I would want. When I lost my hair it was a baseball cap (or sometimes cowboy hat) in summer, toque in winter. So much for glamour. But.....I do understand it is important to some and can appreciate that. Just not to me.
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I have never been one that cared what they looked like, so when I lost my hair in various forms and started getting the stares it didn't really bother me. My hair fell out only in the back one time where radiation was hitting me. One older fella standing in a checkout line behind me once asked me, with a tone of disgust in his voice, why I would cut my hair like that. I turned around and told him that I didn't cut it that way, the cancer did.
My neck is currently all jacked up, swollen, scars everywhere, with a big hole in the middle of it where I breathe, so no, I'm not too much for caring what I look like or what others think about me. But, there are lots of people that do, this company caters to those who do care and need a little help.0 -
@Bengal. Same here! I also didn't sign up for drawing. Makes the odds better for those who are interested in winning
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I didn't much mind when I started changing either, I figure I have bigger things to worry about than what I look like, but I have some friends that went through breast cancer and they wanted to be looking good every day, just like there was nothing wrong with them. For some, it's part of not losing control and still being in charge.0
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