Have you participated in the Covid 19 life effects survey yet? You should have received an email abo
Member Posts: 742
Briefly: We would like to understand this impact and what characteristics help people to be more resilient during these challenging times. We would greatly appreciate if you would participate in this web-based study. We will collect data five times over the two years: at study entry, in two months, in six months, and in 12 months. The survey will ask about a number of areas of your life, and will require a thoughtful response. The first survey will take about 30-35 minutes to complete, and the next four surveys will take about 20-25 minutes to complete. You may save and continue, so you can take a survey in one or more sittings.
Click this link to participate in this survey: https://bit.ly/2TL2R2J
If you have any questions message me/email me or email Wes.michael@ rare patient voice . com (remove the spaces in the email address if you use it)
Click this link to participate in this survey: https://bit.ly/2TL2R2J
If you have any questions message me/email me or email Wes.michael@ rare patient voice . com (remove the spaces in the email address if you use it)
The link doesn't work.Maybe it's because I want ti tell them a piece of my mind about what I really think on this whole crap.Sorry Greg !nJust had to comment this.0
Both posts have the same thank you for taken the survey.And I have the same anwer for both that's above .
And no one has commented on either one ,except for me .LOL! Weird!0 -
Here's your truth
Talking to People at Gas Station While Going to the Beach
0 -
I will do the survey. Just haven't had an opportunity yet.
0 -
Hmmm. Lots of places must be doing those surveys. I am a member of another community that asks me to complete a survey every week or two on the effects of COVID. Some kind of study being done for a pharmaceutical company or something?0
Greg, the link isn’t working for me, either. And I never got an email regarding this survey.0
Well shoot, I was given that link to use and didn't check it myself. Do you see? That's what happens when you don't check things! I'll repost with a good link.0
Thanks, Greg.0
Did the survey last night. Just wanted to report it was relatively painless. However, answering all those questions made me realize I am at a pretty negative place right now. Gotta figure out how to turn that around.0
That's what happens when you don't check things! This is so true for lots of important things.And here is one>Here's your truth
Talking to People at Gas Station While Going to the Beach
https://youtu.be/eiz1Ltyk6ac0 -
Here is the correct link: https://s-34e565-i.sgizmo.com/s3/i-EwQqaOCG2wGpSw3dn4-3800607/?sguid=EwQqaOCG2wGpSw3dn40
Thanks, Greg. I just did it.0
Yes, Greg. I got the e-mail & signed up for the survey. I saved the e-mail & the thank you.0
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