Ya know, it's sad...
Member Posts: 196
I'm working from home. I've been chit-chatting via email w/someone on my team. She mentioned that her nephew at just passed away. After expressing appropriate condolences, that first thing I said was that I hoped it wasn't the stupid virus. My ghod, has society changed! Oh, and he had been fighting cancer for awhile -- not Covid.
I guess we have a glitch playing with the site this morning. I posted this once and it disappeared.
These days you don't know what's going to get you. Virus, cancer, heart attack, pack of killer beavers, you just don't know. Be careful out there!0 -
Not the killer beavers! Aaaaaaaaaaa!0
If you want a good laugh- find on Youtube a lady reading 'Brenda's Beaver Needs a Barber." It's off color, but I couldn't stop laughing. I think the lady's name is Sakkie Maarten. I don't know which is funnier- the story itself or the lady reading it.
0 -
Yes, it does seem Covid19 and all things coronavirus have become the overriding force in our lives. I read about a young man in this area who had died unexpectedly and I know that's where my mind went. Everything I do, everywhere I go, every conversation I have comes back in some way to the pandemic.
And I don't know about packs of killer beavers but something has been tearing into my horse feed bags and when I put out a live trap the bait disappeared, the trap was mangled but no beast. Hmmm?0 -
Killer beavers!?! I have to put this on my “Worries” list.0
Yes, things change with the drop of a hat. Just like a person that gets diagnosed our life, society, the whole world, can change just like that too. Just as it has. Who would have ever thought that the whole country would come to a halt as it has?0
Killer virus, killer beavers.....either one would have been a blockbuster horror movie a year ago and nobody would have gave it a second thought.0
You guys want to add something else to your horror stories. A couple of days ago, I went out on my balcony and I saw the most gigantic wasp I have ever seen. I later found out it was one of these
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/02/us/asian-giant-hornet-washington.html . an Asian Giant Murder Wasp. I had mentioned to my son that conditions seemed to be setting up for a plague year but I am only familiar with plague years in Idaho. The weather indicators are indicating a hot humid summer.
But hey, the near earth asteroid safely passed us Wednesday so we can check near earth objects off the list for awhile.0 -
Holy cow, Boise!0
I second the Holy Cow! Did you report the sighting to D of A?0
I didn't know what it was until today. I just since it is rare on this continent I couldn't find it in any of the sources listed on Bing under insects native to the Pacific Northwest, I just remember seeing lots of insects some of them were species that sometimes cause plagues in Idaho. Grasshoppers aren't the only beasties that ravage the countryside. Hopefully there will be no infestations this year. Also no fires or hurricanes. The article was shared on FB today but I have been having bad dreams about that ugly critter.0
Boise B -- I saw a piece on these murderers just tonight on the news. They still don't know how they got into the country. They kill entire bee hives. That's what they are looking for. A beekeeper's suit isn't strong enough to protect him from one of these. It was said the sting was like a hot poker, lots of them. The stings from them are far more fatal than others.0
Yup. I am not as allergic to insect stings as my sister. She has to carry a pen with her at all times. But I get pretty sick and dizzy when I am stung. My daughter asked me if I wanted a beekeeper suit, I told her I really didn't think it would any good. Looks like Washington is ground zero for another plague. So I just guess I can add another panic button, Volcanoes, earthquakes, the virus and not giant murder hornets. Somewhere in the mix I lost the cancer button,0
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