Is your area, City, Town, County, State opening back up now?
Okay, I have cooled down now and I would like to say I am sorry I sparked such a response with my post. I have re-read what I wrote and I guess I just don't understand what I said that was so horrible? I NEVER said I thought it was RIGHT that so many people would be out and about without masks, I was simply reporting they were. I said Gov W would pee her pants because she probably would - heck I almost did! My husband and I did a proper social distance celebration for my friend's daughter and we headed to the Dairy Queen to check out how it was working to be open. It was fine. The patrons all stayed 6ft apart, but not all wore masks (we did). We were both astonished to see so many people in the park, unprotected.
What does any of this have to do with how I feel about the deaths in Detroit? Why would my post make anyone feel I don't care? My husband and I are regular visitors there and we like the city (my husband once worked for a non-profit in the inner city and he is VERY partial to it). We go to the Music Hall, the summer RenCen festivals, Tiger games and Greektown. We have always had a good experience in the city and encountered good people. (okay, once we had three lug nuts removed from our car tire while at a ballgame, but I guess the game ended before anyone could successfully steal our there's that, but it was not a biggie)
I do not have to explain this to anyone, but the prevalent feeling in my community is that some think the Gov, could ease up on outlying districts and her timing in announcing the continuing restrictions have felt more like punishment than caring. At least that is how some people feel - certainly not everyone. Only hindsight will tell us if she is doing the right thing. Our small community is struggling and we are all trying to help each other the best we can. There is a neighbor here whose husband is out of work and she makes homemade masks and keeps them in a bin by her driveway for people to purchase by donation. She stresses that people should only give what they can afford. My salon stylist is self employed and rents her space at the local salon. She is a young breast cancer survivor and has small children. Her husband is unemployed now and they are struggling. She writes all her customers weekly and offers to drop off hair product on our front porch if we need it. (I know a few others who go to her and we all order product even if we don't need it - SHE needs it)
I was surprised to see so many people out this weekend, but in a way I am not. We are all itching for things to move on, even if it means things will be different. And I really don't know how my comment lead to a rant about people with guns showing up at the last protest? I honestly agree that was over the top and wish it had not happened. I don't know ANYONE here who would support that? I do know rural MI is home to some small colonies of survivalists and they are strong on the second amendment so when I saw men with guns, I assumed it was them. I don't think guns should be permitted at protests anywhere. It IS frightening. And it certainly is not necessary.
I guess I was too flip with my comment. It is a pretty day and it felt good to do some gardening and catch up with some friends via social media. I just thought I would leave a comment here. I'm really wishing I hadn't.0 -
MarcieB, I apologize to you for my outraged and inappropriate response. I got upset because I thought you were laughing at Gov. Whitmer. She isn’t even my governor. When I saw she’s your governor, I probably should’ve not even posted anything.
I’ve deleted my post. I’m sorry for being a biyoch. I apologize to the group.0 -
Carool, I also apologize to you for firing back with a knee jerk reaction. Tensions are high these days and I was being flip, as I said. For the record - I voted for Gov. Whitmer so I would not not laugh at her, even if I question some of her decisions. These are weird times, but, you and I are okay.0
MarcieB, thank you. Yes, tensions are high. I have to learn to simmer down, especially with good people. Yes, you and I are okay.0
So glad we're back to playing nice. Yes, everyone is like a coiled spring right now. But enough about that. I just keep going back to the hot fudge sundae with all the toppings. I want one so bad! The nearest Dairy Queen to me was destroyed by an arsonist (disgruntled former employee) two years ago. I read in the paper the owner had finally got a grant to rebuild (yay) just before the shutdown. Sure hope he's able to follow through. I'm amending my grocery list right now; Hot fudge, cherries, whipped cream........0
Ha! Bengal, Carool, MarcieB et all....Tensions are tight for sure! I'm...churned up with no one to choke. You should have seen me with the poor Instacart delivery guy who came to my porch yesterday - WITHOUT - a mask - as I opened the door wearing a mask and stepped back inside many feet away while he put the groceries on my porch. I said "Where's your mask?" He said -
"Ma'am, I just don't live my life in fear - don't much think I'll get this corona virus thing - and if I do, I've left it in Jesus' hands."
Well, I didn't have the right things to say quick enough - just said something like - that I was wearing a mask to protect...HIM...
I wrote Instacart a very long letter...explained I was high-risk, and did NOT want to open my door to an unknown, unmasked delivery person. and they responded! Said they would definitely take care of instruction there shoppers/drivers what the masks were all about.
I'm in northen MN...and we are still inside til May 18, and probably will be extended there. I've been inside since March 8. I do get out and drive - it's rural and foresty and my town and the one next to it are a medical hub for this part of the state. I mean, we've got Mayo, right?! The hospital here has a super cancer center, award winning and all that a mini Mayo they joke! Love my governor - daily TV updates. On the upside of the curve with average 400 new positive cases daily! We're doing huge number of tests daily and ramped up testing sites throughout the state. He cautioned when the testing went would the number of positives. He's opened some places, golf, some parks, trails - but with strict orders to wear mask outside, stay apart. No face to face contact - curbside pick-up, no bars/restaurants except delivery/pick up. Grocery store employees wear masks, all people entering must wear masks and limited number allowed in store. It's not's caution as one poster said.
I try to focus on the now. I get twisted when I try to see the 'big' picture or imagine what IT looks like...after... Too much for my mind to absorb. I've had lots of isolation experience - it is...afterall upper MN and the winters are long, incredible cold and snowy. It's what we do for 5 months or more every year. Only this year - the quarantine came right on the heels of being inside already for several months.
Ok, could keep going - but I've got to do something else! Love you all and glad we've got this place to -
Hi, Ashera! Yep, tensions are high. I’m glad, too, that WN is here. Hugs -0
What happened here is the governor presented a 4 phase plan for coming out. If cases spike we go back to square one and start all over again. Of course some people were not pleased with this. The plan also says vulnerable individuals should stay at home until we reach phase 4 but it does not have any provisions for economic assistance to these people so they will not be forced to go back to work.
I myself have gone into shelter-in-place mode. I had a close encounter with a Murder Hornet. I guess I won't be taking any walks soon.0
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