I've seen a ton of stories on TV about all types of businesses that are using Zoom to conduct their
Member Posts: 742
Are any of you using it, or a similar platform to conduct meetings? I have seen everything from large business meetings to family connecting. What do you think about these platforms?
I’ve used it three times so far: with a five-friend dinner group; a seven-friend book club; and three-friend artist group (all numbers include me). I don’t love Zoom but it’s better than nothing. From now on I’ll Zoom the way I talk on the phone: in bed but with lipstick and earrings on. Until we can meet in person....0
I am not conducting my own meetings, but I've taken part in Zoom Bible studies for the last 6 or 8 months. I personally really like it a lot. It allows screen sharing, which is convenient. I am camera-shy so I don't turn my video on.0
Here we go again-- mysterious tech apps or whatever one calls them available to only those who live in larger towns or cities.
Believe it or not, millions of Americans do not have the capability to access such wonders of technology. We do not have high speed internet where we live. We have old computers, or even no computers. I have a landline phone, no miracle I smarty phone. No "streaming" device, whatever that is. I have an antenae (sp.) on the roof to get TV signals.
The kids where I live, must drive to the library-- miles away to do their homework which I understand is on the internet now instead of in a textbook! Oh, wait---- the library is closed now!
The same problem for people who have been told to work at home. They can't.
I was told by a dr. not to come to his office, but to do some weird thing called telle medicine. Another futuristic wacko idea, no doubt the dream of a voyeuristic techno dude! I can't even begin to imagine what might happen with that idea.
So please, try & remember, the many of us left behind in this crazy world of technology.
Off my soap box now!!!!
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I've become acquainted with Zoom recently. My wife and I are active in church activities so have had several Zoom meeting. For myself, I'm have one or more each week, and our pastor is considering starting a Bible study using it. I'm aware of one family that has been using Zoom for a long time, well before this pandemic, for family gatherings since they live in different states. My wife an I are also starting to do that to visit the children and grandchildren since we are not able to travel to see them. For those of us who have the capability, facilities and access, it has permitted continuation of necessary business functions and social contact with family and friends.0
We are using Zoom for about 6-8 family members on Sundays as a way of keeping up. But Molly72 is right - there are a whole subset of folks who don't have access to these tools, not only regionally but generationally too. I'd love to hook my Mom into these but she doesn't have (or want) access to a computer and wouldn't know how to operate it if she did. Back to the question, Zoom works great, but be mindful of some security exposures: make sure the host uses a password for the call, make sure the host disconnects from Zoom when done, and make sure to close your browser the call is over. We also use Webex at work, but I think that is a pay-to-use platform.0
My family and I have been using Zoom, I Zoom with some girlfriends, and my husband and I Zoom with other friends. I know folks who like it better than Skype. I haven't really noticed a difference.0
WW (formerly Weight Watchers) is using it for their meetings during the pandemic. I have "attended" several meetings. I am not a huge fan. I guess it's better than nothing. Our school district is using it as one tool for teaching the students. I also have heard that there are security issues with it. Jayne, thanks for the reminder of the steps needed to take to help make it a more secure environment.0
Molly, I know what you mean about not having internet. We live in the country and can only get dial up internet, or satellite. The satellite internet through Hughes or Dish isn't very good. I really need high speed to do my internet work, but I get by with what I have.0
We might not have fancy high-tec internet & their mind-boggling devices, but---- we have peace and quiet and dark skies at night. No sirens, or honking horns. We don't worry about someone breaching the security of our computer. (Maybe we worry about those hunters in the Fall though!)
We have woods and streams and I have a quiet, almost private lake full of fish to eat, and ducks and swans and Sandhill Cranes even! Deer and coyotes and live in the woods nearby.
So it's a trade off, isn't it?0 -
Hear yah, Molly72. There are still many, mostly rural areas that are underserved, or not served at all, by technology. So many people at the other end of that spectrum don't even know that and just assume that this technology is available to everyone. I had a "telemedicine" appointment on Wednesday. It was a phone call! But, yah, I sometimes think I'm the only person left in the world who does not own a smart phone. I, too, live out in the country and dread the day when I may no longer be able to do so.on my own.0
One smart alec question for those who do telemedicine appointments!!-- It wasn't a proctologist or gynocologist I hope?0
Hahahahahahaha. ROTFL!0
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