What are you doing to keep occupied since almost everyone is on isolation?
Member Posts: 24
If I cook much more I'm going to gain 20 pounds by the time this is over. I guess I could take up exercise......nah, who am I kidding?
I have been reading a lot, listening to music, and getting outside for some fresh air at my house. I was able to work for quite awhile. My supervisor just decided to close our office on Tuesday. So I will see what I can get into now that I am officially "home" for awhile.0
I'm still in my workshop building chairs and tables. I have posted a few on the pinboard. Time flys when I get in my shop and start working on things.0
I am sewing scrub hats for the nurses in our community hospital.
That is when my hands will let me sew!
There is also gardening to do now that the weather is slowly warming, so I guess Spring is coming to the north country, though light snow has been forcasted in a day or two.0 -
I have been crocheting and knitting. It keeps me focused on the project and not what is going on. Also, I like to read a lot, so a book takes me away.
We all have to do what keeps us calm and happy and distracted.0 -
Most of my waking hours are spent on my iPhone, either emailing friends, talking, or on Internet sites. Working (art) on Photoshop. Watching movies and TV. Reading free library books online. Worrying. Be safe, all.0
Molly72, how kind of you to sew scrub hats for the nurses. I'm sure they really appreciate it.
I'm exercising almost every day - either an online class or a brisk walk outside - as it is not only good for me physically but also mentally/emotionally. I've discovered that fresh air helps clear my head so I try to remember to go outside and just stand there if nothing else - just to breathe in and out. I'm going through a gazillion photos - trying to organize them. It is a task I have put off for eons but I have no excuse now.0 -
I find that shopping for groceries takes far more time now that I am trying to do it online ... and not getting what I need in any given order ...
I'm having to cook twice a day ... cooking, eating and cleaning up takes a bunch of time ... and trying to find recipes that sound good takes a lot of time, too ... But, the bright side of that is that we now have several new meals to add to the rotation ...
I have way too many Bible studies going - some I am just doing on my own, some are through online studies ... I never get as much done in a given day as I wish I had. Like Greg said about losing time when in his woodshop, I lose time in my studies. ... I write notes to people who had prayer requests through online church ... and send cards to people on my Sunday school prayer list ...
Talk to friends either by text or phone. I hate talking on the phone, but I have done quite a lot of it recently.
I've done some weeding (and have little blisters on my hands where the fire ants got me - they didn't appreciate my efforts) ... I need to do more yardwork - wish I enjoyed it more...
I watch an occasional movie, read an occasional book, watch whatever my husband has on TV every so often (generally, he and I don't have the same taste)
And ... I keep saying that I should also add cleaning, deep cleaning, this house to the list - it could surely use it ... and exercise - definitely something I need to do more of ... but haven't yet0 -
because of the properties of the rare cancer and the site, I've been doing this since 2013. I often wore a mask- I tried to find the remote place in a waiting room, told not to be social--don't do this and don't do that in Dec. 2012. That is one reason I didn't tell the neighbors I had cancer and became a recluse. It's just that things are more extreme now.0
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