I was supposed to have surgery on April 1st, that was canceled. I am also supposed to have a checkup

GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
edited April 2020 in General Cancer
I am more anxious about that than the surgery to install this TEP device. I want to be looked at to make sure everything is healing like it should and nothing is seeking up on me. No appointments are being scheduled now, and with all of the surgery, office visits, procedures, etc that are being canceled I can imagine that it may be a while before I can get in.

Have you been told anything about rescheduling your visits and procedures? Any time length, anything at all?


  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited April 2020
    My cancer center cancelled my port flush for last week. They said that it would be okay to go until my June 18th bloodwork check-up.

    But the truth is that no one knows. Even when the number of cases goes down, we've got to be hypervigilant because there isn't a vaccine. I know that you must be frustrated.
  • MyLungCancer
    MyLungCancer Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2020
    I have had one doctor's office visit canceled. They asked how I was doing and said that if I absolutely had to come in I could, but not to if I didn't.
  • cllinda
    cllinda Member Posts: 153
    edited April 2020
    I did have my two week post knee replacement surgery office visit and things looked good. Since then, my leg is swollen, I'm doing pt on my own and I feel abandoned. And my doc said that my next appointment may be a video chat with him. I think if I had known all this crazy was coming, I would have waited.
  • KB2013
    KB2013 Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2020
    Two have canceled me this past week. One of them wasn’t until May 1st anyway. I’m very concerned my onc appt will be canceled and I have a growing nodule the radiologist thinks could be cancer.
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 393
    edited April 2020
    Greg, is it possible to cover any of it via a video appointment?
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited April 2020
    Bug, I don't think so. They need to physically feel a couple of swollen spots in my neck to confirm it's just surgery scarring and not lymph nodes swollen. And I am supposed to have a CT scan on one of these visits.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited April 2020
    I've been being watched with scans and doctor visit every three months. I'm stable, not NED. My next appointment has been pushed back to sometime in June, which will make it 6 months since I was last seen. Interestingly, they also pushed back flushing my port. It is suddenly not necessary to do it every 6 weeks. Now, they are recommending every 4-5 months. (if it is okay to wait that long because of the pandemic, it seems to me it should be fine to wait that long under normal circumstances. You can bet I will not be rushing to my medical center for a port flush after 6 weeks in the future, provided there are no repercussions from the long wait this go-round.)
  • Iyana
    Iyana Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2020
    The current situation is really stressful especially for cancer patients many patients have to postpone their appointments and treatments due to this pandemic.
    Btw have you discussed with your doctor hat is he saying?
    I hope you can get your surgery done asap and this pandemic may end soon.
    Best wishes!
  • Kylerem
    Kylerem Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2020
    My “non essential” visits at this point have been scheduled for July. I think they were being conservative