What is the first thing you will do when the quarantine is over?
Member Posts: 24
We are sitting around watching TV and have watering mouths over all of the food commercials, looking at all of the pictures of vacation spots thinking about how nice it will be to go there. We are making a list, what will you do?
I will take my Sweetie out to eat where ever she wants to go. She said she's had enough of this cooking every night! I try to help her out however I can. And yes, those commercials on TV are looking pretty good.0
The first thing I will do is visit my mother at her senior care facility. Hopefully she will still be alive! I have been able to see and talk to her through her window but it's not the same. Then I will go out to eat. And, yes, it seems as if there are more food commercials on TV than I remember before.0
Donna's mom was in a facility a couple of times before she died. Probably 5 months or so worth. I can't imagine what it would be like to have this going on and all of the nursing homes having outbreaks of it, and not being able to go see her.0
Fortunately they are allowing these window visits and so far I have been able to drop things off for her (flowers yesterday and special things she likes) at the front door. I'm afraid as things worsen that may no longer be allowed. I just saw a piece on the news about a nursing home in Maryland that has Covid19 inside. It is absolutely terrifying .0
Go out to eat!! I hate to cook and we typically eat out a number of times each week. This cooking every single meal every single day ... ugh!!! I told my husband that when this is over, we're going to be eating out every single meal for months.
Provided they don't kick things out of my basket before I go pick it up tomorrow, I am pleased to say that I finally was able to get some meat, eggs, cheese ... we'll see if I actually get those things when I go pick up my order. I hope so! We have food still, but are starting to run low on some things, like ground beef.0 -
Buy a years supply of toilet paper!0
Y'all are going to kill me, but I can't wait to back to Silver Sneakers exercise classes and be with five cancer buddies. We've been exercising for 4 years together - we motivate each other and support each other.
I LOVE to cook so a leisurely shopping trip through Publix with an unlimited budget and the shelves all stocked would be heaven for me.0 -
I will go to church services and I will pray as I have never prayed before. I hope that my prayer group, Bible Study group, and cancer support group will be able to reassemble. KandyKat needs to go to the Vet for her annual check-up. I also am overdue for check-ups not really looking forward to that. Then I will need to resupply my earthquake emergency supplies.0
Take the subway into Manhattan and
meet my friends, either for dinner or book club or anywhere, as I’m not sure what the restaurant situation will be like by then. We’ve been seeing each other on Zoom, but it’s a far cry from actually being together.0 -
Get a haircut! I usually go every six-seven weeks. I got one two weeks before knee surgery and the surgery was March 10. So I will need one by the end of quarantine.0
Not at all JaneA! I can easily understand why that is something very important to you and your "cancer buddies" as you call them. Is this something you can do remotely? I'm sure you continue to be in touch and support each other.
I just had a phone call from a "long list friend" who lives in a suburb of Montreal. We pledged that when this is over we WILL renew our friendship and get together. Even though we are separated now this seems to be bringing us closer together.0 -
We have been talking about how good all of the commercials on TV look too and have been trying to decide where we are going. I bet all of the restaurants will be packed.0
clinda, I'm with you! I need trimming and shaping every 4 to 5 weeks to keep my short hair style manageable. It's already a hot mess, and I hate to contemplate how much worse it'll be when I attempt to cut it myself - something I haven't done in 55 years. I may have to go back to wearing my chemo wig.0
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