Have you isolated yourself at home due to our immune system being weak

Member Posts: 24
I see that some people are still out running around like there is nothing going on right now. I am a little freaked out about someone coming around me that might be a carrier. The scary thing is most people that are carriers don't know that they are.
Today I had an appointment with orthopedist for my knee, stopped by pharmacy for presciption, visited my mother in senior care through the window and went grocery shopping. I wore a mask and used hand disinfectant often. By the time I got home I was utterly exhausted. I talked with my mental health counselor about the levels of stress we are all under right now. My extreme fatigue was no doubt from the high anxiety of being out doing these necessary things. I don't have to leave my property again until next Wednesday when I get my final shot from orthopedist. And, yes, there seem to be too many people who are not taking this seriously. I did see many folks wearing , often homemade, masks today.
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My neighbor is an EMT and says she is enraged much of the time bc people are putting others (including healthcare workers) at risk. With so many governors not ordering stay at home, it sends the message that this is not that serious. The GA governor saying he just learned about the asymptomatic people yesterday is bs. The CDC is in his state and they have been telling us for weeks. Atlanta’s mayor ordered shelter in place 2 weeks ago and has been begging him to order this since she locked Atlanta down. My niece contracts with the CDC and is appalled at the way this has been handled and is terrified about how this will ultimately play out.0
Btw, my niece is an epidemiologist, so I am paying close attention to what she says.0
Oddly enough, after a stem cell transplant, the past 4 1/2 years of semi-isolation and wearing mask and gloves in public now seem normal.0
I am locked up tight as a drum! I had a delivery yesterday from UPS and kept my distance when he pulled the box off the truck and I put it on a two wheeler to take it to my shop. Then put on gloves and took it out of the box, then put the box on my burn pile.0
I haven't been in the car for over a week. I do take walks with my son to work on my healing of my knee. But we stay away from people and just wave of we see someone.
Because my system may be down, we are not doing any grocery shopping or going out anywhere.
I do miss going out to lunch but all the restaurants are closed except for carry out. So we have been eating what we have. It's probably healthier this way.
We just have to get through all of this. Praying for this to be over soon.0 -
I have been personally locked down since February 28. My son has distanced himself from me and covers his face when he visits me. I have used grocery delivery for the past 2 years because of injuries but that system crashed a month ago because they didn't have enough trucks . I have been dipping into my "earthquake" reserves. There was a lot of individual shutting down before the guidelines were announced. Church shut down a month ago. And many restaurants were take-out only then also. I avoid going out because I must ride the elevator which is a closed space. I spend much of the day praying. And I have become more active on Facebook. The governor has announced that we will be staying at home until May 4 then the order is likely to be renewed be renewed.0
My son brought something home from the VA. I was able to fight it off for 2 weeks.
Sore Throat- lots of sneezing then coughing
Fatigue--either red eye or horrible pink eye
One night my left ear popped. I was in agony and it sounds like a jet engine is in my ear. I think that I lost most of my hearing in that ear.
I contact my doctor by electronic chart- then Walgreens calls me up to get the latest med.
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We've stayed home for the most part. One night, we did drive-through at Braum's for ice cream and I've gone to Walmart to pick up a grocery order - that was a very pleasant experience. I do my second pick up tomorrow and I hope it is as pleasant as the first time was.
We go outside some, but it has been really rainy here a lot of the days. A couple of times, I've just gone and sat in the backyard on days when it was sunny for a change in scenery.
I've always been a "homebody" so staying home is not that much of a burden for me ... and my husband comes close to being a hermit so he is loving the fact that I can't drag him out to eat several times a week.0 -
Thank you Boise-- and horrible ear problems are another symptom of COVID in the south Rockies. I have an idea that the ENTs will be jammed up with ear-throat problems for a few years.
It doesn't happen every year, but it happens enough where doctors know about it-- An ear pops really hard and the person's ear drum busts-ruptures-lose hearing.It seems to happen when a person is really relaxed and not doing anything---It was 4 am. I woke up-saw the time and started falling asleep and POP. It still hurts.
My doctors have me on a strong antibiotic to keep things like my ear from being infected. My temp was slowly climbing up about 4 days. I had a temp of almost 102 about 24 hours, and it broke. Dr. Kwan asked me how I was so sure of exactly what my temp was. I told him that I have an oral- digital thermometer that keeps record of the last 4 temps. I spent a bundle on that a few years ago. He said- OK then.
I have a little bit of hearing in that ear. I put a finger to close my right ear, and I hear only weak faint sounds. I put my finger over my left ear- and I hear pretty good. I can't find a ringing phone now, as I hear it only on the right side.
Other than being exhausted, sleepy, off and on headache, and my ear--I'm doing really well. I've been breathing OK, and I made that clear.Several days, I walked around while I was on the phone and I asked the doctor if it sounded like I had lung trouble. He or she said- OK good breathing. .0 -
Meyati, you are exactly right about an eardrum rupturing when the person is relaxed and doing nothing. I had prophylactic oopherectomy last year and my eardrum ruptured during surgery. You aren’t more relaxed and immobile than during surgery. I had been having what I thought was post nasal drip.....nope, it was that darn ear. It took 2 rounds of antibiotics to clear it up. I hope you feel better soon and get to see an ENT soon. The tinnitus can become unbearable!0
@Dawsonsmom----Thanks for your support. I've had Tinnitus in both ears since I was about 8- 3rd grade. I get all 3 sounds in both ears. It's one reason I hate fevers, NSAIDs, and acetophenone. They make it so much worse. My temp is normal now, so the sound isn't as fierce. It's still like a jet inside my head warming up. I try to inflate my ears -to get the pressure right, but the left ear starts whistling and popping. I feel like I'm going to pass out and vomit from the pain.
I've had several friends that hunted in rigorous territory--we don't have stands here, and we certainly don't bait deer or elk, but track them down--the real West. Anyway, getting back to camp, drinking a lot falling asleep and POP-- I've had friends this happened to at the end of a hard rodeo.0 -
Oh, I don't think the stress helped your ear either--as you say-- we aren't very active after the anesthetist plies their trade. It's just hard, and we are so helpless when we are under for surgery.0
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