Is all of the coronavirus overload of information making you freak out? Have you run out to see if y

Member Posts: 742
Our blog post today is meant to steer your mind away from it and hopefully calm that last frazzled nerve. Ms. Jane has put together a good one for us, take a look at it here>>
My son ran out for us last night. He got us a big tp pack and paper towels, too. And the most important item he came home with is a big bag of mini Hershey chocolate bars.
The overwhelming news stories can be depressing. We watch the news sparingly and try to watch other things. And books and knitting and the tv off helps too!0 -
I got an Email this morning from that my dog food was shipped out around midnight.
I was close to hysterical when I got an Email on Monday that my order would be delayed a week or so. I've been calling up Chewy and listening to messages while on hold. I hang up after 10 minutes. I don't have the patience to wait longer.
I went in and one store had 1 bag of dog food-puppy food, but I bought it anyway. I sent a city Email to my councilman about this. It's been on the news that people are turning in their large dogs to Albuquerque and county shelters in NM, because they can't feed them. The city is doing 5 dollar adoptions-- but how can anybody feed a large dog if the stores-including Pet Smart and PetCo don't have any dog food? Small and medium size dogs can subsist on table scraps for awhile, but large dogs? I told Chewy in an email that I'm 78 with 3 large dogs, and I have been trotting from store to store trying to find dog food, and they should consider that in delivery priority. I've been a customer for about 10 years anyway.0 -
The contagion seems mostly to be driven by media coverage. The hourly death counts are rather morbid and do little if anything to inspire hope. I live a fairly isolated existence and am taking serious precautions. I do not watch TV or the "News" as all of it upsets me. I will not pay to be upset. If I want to know about it, I can watch the daily YouTube videos by Dr. John Campbell. He is still slightly morbid (it can be fatal after all), but his teaching is very clear and understandable.
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Since I'm an avid Biden supporter, I am enjoying the updates about the Dems presidential hopes.
Other than that, I'm not particularly interested in COVID 19 news. I know how to care for myself and the house. Pine Oil kills 99% of germs. I doubled the amount of PO in my mop bucket-It does smell nice, if nothing else.
Yesterday, we had our first 2 community sources of COVID. The others were travelers-NYC, NJ, Egypt, China, Spain, Italy, Japan, and lots of cruise ship vacationers. With Legionnaires disease, flus, break downs in sewage systems, engines, air conditioning, and so on--I don't really know why people want to live like in a bee hive petri dish.0 -
I had bought the big giant pac of TP a few weeks ago at BJ's so I figured let the rest of the yo-yos do the freaking out. I'm good with that for a few months. I did stock up on horse feed this week. My girl is old, her teeth are about gone and she needs special feed. I wanted to have at least some stockpiled because without it she would starve.
Some stores here are now limiting the number of any one item a customer can buy at a time. I think maybe it's time to bring back corporal punishment for some of these greedy hoarders. A good thrashing might be in order.0 -
I'm supposed to get my Chewy order-by Monday I hope.0
@meyati I am supposed to get an order from PetFlow tomorrow it is coming by FedEx. I hope they bring it to the door as the office is manned but locked. If I can't pick it up tomorrow I will have to go to the FedEx office to pick it up don't want that kind of exposure.
I am a sale buyer and whenever the brand of TP that I use goes on sale I buy a 12 pack. Right now I have 18 rolls. I am short on Kleenex but I have some old tee shirts that can be used instead of Kleenex.
I obsessively listen to the local news and follow all the guidelines. I don't pay much attention to the National News because I have lost confidence in the National Leadership. Listening to the local news calms me0 -
I'm pretty happy with the state and local government. Medicare approved payment to doctors for phone visits, and that is now part of their accepted daily work load.
The VA has one open gate, and each vehicle is assessed. If they get in, they have to exit through a different gate, about 3/4 of a mile down the road. I need to check on my Chewy order.0 -
Michigan, Ohio & neighboring states are all on lock-down.
No toilet paper & when a truck comes in to our grocery, it only has a small amount. The food
available is slim pickens.
We have enough T.P. for about 2+ weeks & then will use Kleenex. I am sure many people were under the incorrect assumption that Coronna was a intestinal virus!0 -
Yes, I find the news stressful, especially the US news. I find it biased and full of scare tactics. I've been checking the BBC news for a few minutes when I want some news. We do record the national news Mon-Fri and I chose whether to watch it or not. I did my last food shopping for the next 3-4 weeks yesterday. I took advantage of the senior hours and everyone was very cordial. The supermarket had 6 ft spacing marked out with blue tape around the higher traffic areas. Kept you aware. I had picked up TP before this started and still have a decent supply. I have plenty of tissues if it gets to that. Also if you ever did any camping...paper towels torn into pieces and rubbed together to make them softer but be careful how much flush.
We have 346 active cases in our township in NJ with one death. They opened a testing center at the local university parking lot. We were notified that one case was a HS student so all the students and teachers are on a two week at home quarantine. The HS is within walking distance of my house so that was a bit scary. I breathe and keep busy with my list of unfinished projects. Three down and much more to go.0 -
I can't find TP and my frozen meals by Healthy Choice Chef And Marie Calender anywheres with my multi medical conditions I also have IBS ,incontinent and constipation from having to take immodium,when I'm on 5 pills a day already.0
Paperpusher-- We live in the country, our sewer system is not like what you have in the towns & cities. A "grinder pump" is used, paper towels would clog it up. Then we have to call the sewer company to come over & unclog everything. We would be without a toilet for a while.
PaulineJ-- Have you ever tried a daily supplement of Magnesium? Might see if that helps, but ask Dr. first.0 -
He's already put me on Calcium,Vitamin D on top of me taken Centrium silver.Plus something thing for my copd and colon.I also go from immodium/suppositories to contipation pills quite a bit lately.From constipation to incontinet to diarhear in days to one week.I've been constipated 5 times this March .I've tried CBD the last couple of weeks .Now I don't know which is causing my problems.I think magnesium is already in Centrium silver.Plus we're siuppose to stay in and just go to the market.I can't go to doctors unless I'm in real bad shape and can't use my lifeline to go to the hospital.No one can come over.I'd have to meet them at the door downstairs outsisde,plus the doctor want me to call him ,but all you can do is leave a message and wait.What a mess!
I know I responded more than you wanted,but I go into details most of the time .I feel I'm in Babelon.No one seems to care for the eldely here or undestand me.And no one explain things in details,nor call.It seems clients and patients are put in the position to do the calling.All they do is transfer us or text each other at work places instead of talking to them.It seems it's the lower class peoples responsibiility to do their jobs. Sorry for going on and on.
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My town has a toilet tissue plant. They make it out of recycled paper. The plant is a former property of Proctor and Gamble, and used to make Charmin.
The toilet tissue plant offered as many rolls as you could fit in your car at a little above wholesale price one day a couple of weeks ago. Cars were lined up for miles to take advantage of the offer. It was really a generous gesture to the community.
I can see why some people are concerned about toilet paper if they are accustomed to being at work all day. Until my husband and I retired, we had no idea of how much toilet tissue we used at work. Our jobs were very demanding, and we usually had only one or two of hours a day at home before going to bed. A pack of 4 rolls of toilet paper seemed like a huge amount, and would last for several weeks. We also had much lower water and sewerage bills than our retired neighbors.
So, for all of the people furloughed from work, I can definitely see the concern about supplies of toilet tissue.
I hope all of you are getting the supplies you need. It is made in the US, so supplies should be replenished on the shelves of your stores.0 -
Kp2018 No wonder we can't still get toilet paper.
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We finally found a 4-pack of T.P. at a gas station store. Not on shelves, but behind the counter & only if you asked.
It was $5.00. We are retired, and I have gastro problems sometimes, so use many rolls.
Kitty litter is also running low at the stores, who knows what the hoarders are doing with that-- there never has been a shortage of that before.
Our nearby grocery store only gets a few cases in, and who knows when it comes in. It disappears immediately.
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Only his supporters are getting all the tp.The rest of us as to hunt for it.Especially when we have desperate conditions0
I got a phone call from Walgreens. If you get prescription eds meds from Walgreens, you can pick up extra items when you go to the drive up or get a home delivery. They said health and basic like bleach, soap, whatever. I would ask for milk, a roll of TP, eggs.
It took almost 2 weeks to find a a salt cellar. I'm lucky-I transfer money to Levi- and he's our "GO-Fer" just like I was a movie star.0
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