Immune system & COVID-19
Member Posts: 3
Apologies. I don’t know how to delete my previous post.
My question is how long is your immune system considered compromised after BC treatment - lumpectomy, chemo and radiation in my case. I am a good 6 years post-diagnosis and treatment. So am I at higher risk for this Coronavirus or is my immune system back to normal?
My question is how long is your immune system considered compromised after BC treatment - lumpectomy, chemo and radiation in my case. I am a good 6 years post-diagnosis and treatment. So am I at higher risk for this Coronavirus or is my immune system back to normal?
Do you regular Complete Blood Counts? A CBC shows your white cell count and neutrophil count (a specialized white cell that fights infections and viruses). Persons with compromised immune systems are those who have low white counts, low neutrophil counts or have had a bone marrow transplant. Also patients with blood cancers like leukemia or multiple myeloma are more likely to have compromised immune systems. Call your oncologist's office and ask if there are special precautions you should take.0
I winder the same thing. Is one's immune system compromised despite having CBCs that show counts in the normal range?0
I would think that since your CBCs are normal, you are at normal risk for the coronavirus.
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I had been thinking the same thing. I am 6.5 years post surgery and just had a good report from my oncologist. HUGS and God bless.0
This may need medical permission. I saw a document that says the best way to fight COVID-19 is distancing. However, one doctor felt that our B-Cells help fight inflammation and T-cells cause inflammation. Inflammation as you know happens with COVID-19. The same documentation stated vitamin D helps destroy COVID-19. Personally, if your doctor approves vitamin D with a specific amount, it may protect.0
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