Has there been any of this coronavirus flu been reported near you?

Bloodproblems Member Posts: 31
edited 2020 18 in General Cancer
As we cancer patients are all in a weakened condition, I hope none of it comes close.


  • SuckItCancer
    SuckItCancer Member Posts: 24
    edited 2020 10
    We have a cruise ship docked off the coast that has people on it that have it. Now they won't let anyone off of it.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 06
    There are cruise ship passengers quarantined in Cornwall, Ontario. At night I can see the lights from Cornwall across the St Lawrence river. It's a little never racking to know it's could be that close. I haven't heard that any of the people under observation have developed symptoms.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 06
    We have people quarantined in San Antonio. I guess they're still there, anyway. Otherwise, I really have no idea if anyone has been diagnosed nearby.
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 10
    My best advice: Consult the Center for Disease Control website and follow their recommendations. Primarily, staying at home unless absolutely necessary. If you are in follow up care, ask if it can be done by phone. Wash hands A LOT and, if you are around anyone (family too) that is sneezing or coughing, wear a mask.

    Glove up when handling things that have been handled by others - packages from the store, particularly goods from China, may have the virus on their surfaces, waiting for you to touch it and scratch an itchy eye.

    Watch your temperature, as that is one of the prime indicators. Coughing and shortness of breath rounding out the three primary symptoms. Dr. John Campbell is a retired British PhD/Nurse teacher in England posting on YouTube. He is doing an excellent job of explaining the situation and teaching. He updates regularly.

  • lynniepoo
    lynniepoo Member Posts: 8
    edited 2020 06
    There is a person who apparently got the virus after visiting the nursing home in Washington and returned home. Now in isolation. But was out an about —church, restaurant, etc in my area. I try to stay home but it’s not easy as I live alone. I did go to a hockey game with my adult children which was my one activity for the week. I just hope I haven’t come in contact with this person. It’s really unnerving as you just don’t know.
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    We had a case diagnosed in middle Tenn yesterday, it's spreading around the country now.
  • BuckeyeShelby
    BuckeyeShelby Member Posts: 196
    edited 2020 15
    I have a cold, does that count? Do you know how unnerving it is to listen to the news of Corona this and Corona that when you have a cold? I have a cough. No shortness of breath. The highest my temp has been is 99.3. That wouldn't have even been enough to warrant a call to my oncology team when I was in treatment. I think that threshold was 100.1. No verified cases in Ohio last I heard.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 15
    Yes, Buckeye! VERY unnerving. I have had sinus and chest congestion for a couple of weeks. Then this week I developed a cough. I have NOT had fever or shortness of breath. Finally went to the doctor yesterday and she diagnosed bronchitis. I would be more concerned if this didn't happen every year as soon as there are signs of spring. Seasonal allergies. It doesn't always turn into bronchitis. Just lucky this year I guess. But it is very nerve racking.
  • lynniepoo
    lynniepoo Member Posts: 8
    edited 2020 15
    For those of us with weak immune systems any virus is a challenge but somehow the coronavirus just seems to cause more stress. I worry probably too much.
  • BoiseB
    BoiseB Member Posts: 225
    edited 2020 09
    I have moved to Olympia Washington. I am at ground zero. My friend who lives in Redmond Washington. Was dismissed from the hospital one day before the first fatality was admitted. Thank God he is confined to his home for recovery and he has home health professionals visiting him. Intercity Transit is offering hand wipes to the passengers I am keeping informed by checking the Washington State Department of Health and Thurston County Board of Health. Also I go to KING 5 TV website and get the daily update I also sanitize EVERYTHING. Bengal I hear you on allergies. Cottonwoods have sent me to Urgent Care. I have an air purifier that I run during allergy season so I get some relief. I didn't notice any Cottonwoods last year though
    Praying for all of you.
  • ColleenKerr
    ColleenKerr Member Posts: 3
    edited 2020 15
    I live in central Pennsylvania, where there are no cases of COVID-19 yet, but Philadelphia, about 2-3 hours away, has seen 9 or 10. I've had 2 rounds of chemo and, frankly, am afraid of this illness. Who else feels this way? Thank you.
  • KB2013
    KB2013 Member Posts: 62
    edited 2020 15
    Colleen, I live in north western PA and go to Ohio bi-weekly. The hospital I go to has been impacted by the virus in that county. Yes, I’m worried.
  • BoiseB
    BoiseB Member Posts: 225
    edited 2020 15
    First case reported in Thurston county 2 days ago. My handicapped brother came in contact with a person who was in close contact with the 1st case in Idaho
  • BuckeyeShelby
    BuckeyeShelby Member Posts: 196
    edited 2020 15
    Well, just watched breaking news. First diagnosis in Columbus, OH. 49 yrs old came home from a cruise March 6. Diagnosed March 13. Hope he's ok.
  • ColleenKerr
    ColleenKerr Member Posts: 3
    edited 2020 15
    The disease is getting closer to home. Three cases, including a child, in the next county. It will be everywhere within the week, I fear. Buckle up people and stay home if you can.
  • BoiseB
    BoiseB Member Posts: 225
    edited 2020 15
    I have to stay at home there is no place to go everything is shutting down church, library, and the Olympia Center. Many restaurants are closing also
  • lynniepoo
    lynniepoo Member Posts: 8
    edited 2020 15
    That’s what I’m trying to do. Ordering groceries for delivery, even placed an order with Costco for an over the counter med I use. I have to go the my hospital to see my care team, get labs and have my infusion on Monday which makes me nervous. It’s very unnerving how this is affecting everyone.
  • ColleenKerr
    ColleenKerr Member Posts: 3
    Lynniepoo: Luckily, my next infusion is not until March 26, by which date I hope my hospital has a plan. I called my care team a few days ago to ask what the plan was, and I was told there wasn't one! I was taken aback for sure. But I understand your nerves because I have them too. Hospitals are full of sick people!
  • lynniepoo
    lynniepoo Member Posts: 8
    I talked with the nurse navigator for my care team for 30 minutes on Wed. My care team is great at talking to patients to calm us down. My hospital does have a plan-only one guest per patient, being checked before entering hospital about being sick, and a few other things. Of course people lie which drives me crazy about being sick. I wonder how many cases would not have occurred if people hadn’t lied. I can only hope and pray I don’t get exposed.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 18
    I have had to be in and out of various medical facilities several times since the so called protocols were put in place. I'm sorry but it's laughable. The two basic questions are, "have you been outside the county" or "have you been in contact with anyone with a confirmed coronavirus diagnosis"? They never ask if anyone from outside the county has come to you. And, since testing has been so limited up until now there are probably a bunch of infected people out there unconfirmed so how can you know if you've been in contact or not. I actually have been symptomatic because I've had bronchitis but so far I have not been denied entrance. I have another appointment tomorrow. I'm curious to see if they've upped their game.