Has anyone started taking antidepressants after you were diagnosed?

Bloodproblems Member Posts: 31
edited February 2020 in General Cancer
I've never had to have anything like that before because I've never been depressed. Not even close, but now I seem to mope around all the time and I can't get rid of this whoa is me feeling. I told my doctor about it and he just said I "might" need to take them. I really don't want to take another drug and I'm afraid of anti-depressants. Anyone else taking them?


  • BuckeyeShelby
    BuckeyeShelby Member Posts: 196
    edited January 2020
    I didn't do anti-depressants, but I did do anti-anxiety. On the nights the hamster on the wheel in my brain wouldn't shut up, the meds helped it go to sleep so I could go to sleep, instead of doing the "what-if" dance all night.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited January 2020
    Ditto. I turned down anti-depressant because of potential side effects but I do take an anti-anxiety med "as needed". I can tell when it's time to take one, often at night to shut off my brain so I can sleep. Drs tend to just throw medication at everything these days. I would rather recognize WHY I am depressed (like, duh, we have good reason) and work on coping skills to get through it than just medicate it away. God luck
  • NorthernSnowB
    NorthernSnowB Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2020
    Haven't taken them or even asked, but I have considered/wondered if what I am feeling sometimes is depression, the blues, or just feeling blah, or whatever.
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited January 2020
    I was always against my taking them, but maybe ten years after treatments, I admitted that my health anxiety and some depression were hurting me. I got put on Lexapro, an antidepressant and anti-anxiety med that has no side effects discernible to me, especially the typical sexual side effect. I’m still very anxious and a little depressed, but those are better than before.
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Lynne-I-Am Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2020
    After being diagnosed with cancer I accepted any and all help offered. My doctor was the one who recommended an antidepressant. My diagnosis threw me for a complete loop and I am sure this happens with most survivors. I was reluctant to take an anti depressant. I think there is a stigma when it comes to these drugs. Someone will take anti anxiety but not an anti depressant. I was on Prozac minimal dosage throughout my surgery and chemo treatments. I insisted on the minimal dosage and did not know what to expect. My tears dried up, my attitude became more positive ,I had less sleepless nights and became more focused. Interestingly , this med. is used both for anxiety and depression. Talk with your doctor about your choices. Everyone is different, but I give my experience a thumbs up.
  • DJS
    DJS Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2020
    Absolutely. They made a world of difference for me, and I am so grateful I had them. Remembering that they help restore your chemical imbalance at a time when chemo, added medications, and personal stress are likely to knock it off its usual even keel may make it easier for you to decide to let this help you get you back to center yourself. That’s all a good antidepressant should do - let you be you; not plaster a fake smile on your face. Anti anxiety meds are great, too, if you need just temporary boosts. Get help if/when you need it.
  • PaulineJ
    PaulineJ Member Posts: 205
    I've never taken anything with reason.And I've survived with a reason.
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited January 2020
    Sorry to hear this. Withdrawing into the self is a natural, but not very beneficial reaction. Counseling of other psychological assistance might be worth looking into. If you are able,some form of helping others, from volunteer work to online interaction will expand your horizon, exposing you to others who share your situation, or are actually in worse shape. Focusing on them takes your focus off of yourself, and your self-worth will gain from the knowledge that you have helped.

    Balance this with keeping up with doctor's recommendations as to activity and medication. But, you are reaching out here, and so there are others that may also benefit from contact with you.

    Lastly, there is an anti-depression/anti-anxiety drug called Trazodone which can be very effective. Non-addicting, it is available in low-cost generic form. It is a 'clean drug' in that side effects are mild and actually beneficial (they help you to sleep soundly). You may start and stop as you need to. Consider asking doctor about it.

    If you do take it, do so as you are lying down to sleep. It is metabolized quickly and best to be close to your pillow when you take it. Otherwise, you'll be stumbling around like a drunk - don't ask me how I know!
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2020
    Bloodproblems, how are you doing these days?