

  • Judt1940
    You haven't posted in a long time. Bring us up to date. Hope you are doing well.
    February 2014
  • IKickedIt
    Hi...checking in to see how you are doing. Did you enjoy the weekend? Are you feeling stronger? Have you made any decisions about chemo after hearing from so many cancer patients and survivors? Stay's not a race. It's just important that you get there. Good luck.
    May 2013
  • Lindy
    Dear heart, I am so sorry you are having all these difficulties. I did struggle with low red blood cells, being a vegetarian it was amusing to see me at Sonic desperately eating the hamburgers I was craving. I do wish you could get some help managing the side effects, time is what constitutes our lifespan, chemo is our hedge. I had differing side effects with each chemo, each a surprise but the last was not the worst for me. Please see your oncologist, be frankly honest, detailed about your experiences, fears. You deserve absolute attention and answers.
    May 2013
  • Carol-Charlie
    I know sometimes, as I tried to sleep, I'd puff up my pillow.... like someone's shoulder, I'd pull the covers close around my shoulders and bring my feet up, like a baby, Then I'd take a nap in God's lap... I would begin to visualize it.... and be asleep instantly. He let me nap there when I was little and crying, He let me nap there when I was older.
    God bless you, I'm sure he'd let you nap there too.. He has lots of room. AND it's okay to feel sorry for yourself!!!!
    May 2013
  • Carol-Charlie
    Whatever is the name of this sweet cuddly kitty? I will never forget my two boys climbing in close with me when I'd nap and at bedtime..
    January 2013
  • debwadham
    (((((((((((((((((((( marie 60 ))))))))))))))) I have not had surgery yet or started any treatment ! My heart goes out to you ! If you need to talk or vent hear for ya ! <3
    April 2013
  • GypsyJule
    Hi Marie, I saw that you asked about numbness in your fingers. I'm getting ready for round 6 (my final round, God willing!) of Carbo / Taxol, and I can tell you that in my experience, the numbness has gotten progressively worse through my treatments. It's just now to the point that it is really annoying, but it also may have to do with the cold weather, too. That being said, it is more of a minor annoyance than a real problem in my case. I'm not a knitter, but I imagine that it might slow you down a bit, but I doubt that it stops you. I've read other posts here that say your oncologist can prescribe something for the problem, so make sure to ask. Good luck to you! I hope it doesn't slow you down!
    December 2012
  • SettledSue
    I'm surprised you are getting a port. I only had trouble getting the IV put in on my fifth treatment. If I have to have chemo again I imagine I will get a port.
    December 2012
  • SettledSue
    Marie, I was getting Taxol and Carboplatin.
    December 2012
  • mtsis
    Marie, I just joined this site and I'm still learning my way around. I got an email request from you via the site for my contact info. i think we have some things in common and I will reply to the email.
    December 2012
  • mjs24
    I took a small lunch, fruit, veggies, water, book, lap throw, slippers/socks. I received benedryl (spelling?) and it put me to sleep. With all of the IV's, drinking lots of water, port flushes and going to the goes by quickly. It was actually a very nice experience. The next few days not so much. One woman brought eye covering for the light & a man brought ear plugs. Whatever works.
    December 2012
  • Carol-Charlie
    Welcome to WhatNext Marie. I'm glad you found us. Sorry you had to look, but at least we're here. I see you're a kitty person. I have two boys, Stevie 7 and Sammie 2.. To say they're busy... is really an understatement... Though Stevie is an old soul and is so gentle and loving... Sammie.. is a baby and is so inquisitive and loves to run and rip up toilet paper, or anything else.

    When I was first diagnosed with Stage IV Ovarian Cancer I was 62. They did surgery and upgraded me to a stage IIIC... Then I started chemo.... That was 7 years ago next month... I've been cancer free also for almost 7 years. Glad to see you're doing well. We're tougher than we look.

    I hope your sweet kitty snuggles like my 17 year and 14 year old kitties did back then. One purring in my arms and one cuddled up to the painful part of my back. I slept to the sound of their purring throughout the next two years. Sadly lost Charlie at almost 19 from a stroke and Spunky just last year to an intestinal infection..
    December 2012
  • SettledSue
    Hi Marie. I was diagnosed with stage 2 clear cell endometrial cancer at the end of March 2012, when I was 60. I have finished 6 rounds of chemo and 3 brachytherapy treatments and had one clear CT scan a month after treatment ended. I am now just keeping my fingers crossed and waiting for my hair to be long enough to lose the wig. Good luck to you!
    December 2012
  • elf
    Hi Marie, My name is Julie. I also have stage threee endometrial cancer. I am 18 months "NED" a term you will grow to love---it means No Evidence of Disease. I just wanted to say hi and let you know I am here for you. I have a cat named Leo that looks a lot like yours. I also have 2 kids, a basset hound, a mutt and a husband :-) I live outside kansas city, mo.
    December 2012
  • mjs24
    Hi Marie, my name is Mary Jo and was diagnosed with stage III uterine cancer Feb. 2011. Went through chemo and so far all ct and MRI scans are clear! For me going through treatment was ok, had anemia then pneumonia but afterward I got a little depressed but snapped myself out of it. It pushed me to start eating better, juicing too, which helped me feel better. I hope your treatment goes well, you will be on the road to recovery in no tome at all!
    If I can be of help just send me a message. All the best, Mary Jo
    December 2012
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Marie.

    I like your kitty picture. Our furry friends really help us get through this, don't they? I'm currently in chemo for endometrial cancer. 2 more sessions for me, and I'm hoping I'll be done. I hope things are going well for you, w/minimal side effects. Please don't hesitate to use the "Questions" tab at the top to ask any questions you might have. That will send the question to the entire network. Likewise, feel free to take a look and see what others might have asked -- maybe you'll have an answer to share. I'm glad you found us but sorry you have to be here. I hope you find the folks here as supportive as I have.
    December 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Marie, here is a link to our Endometrial cancer page for some information for you. Let us know if we can help with anything around the page.

    You will find some good information on this page as well as links to some of our active users with Endometrial cancer.

    Thanks for being with us.
    Greg P
    3x Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    December 2012
  • mjs24
    Hi Marie, my name is Mary Jo and was diagnosed with stage III uterine cancer Feb. 2011. Went through chemo and so far all ct and MRI scans are clear! For me going through treatment was ok, had anemia then pneumonia but afterward I got a little depressed but snapped myself out of it. It pushed me to start eating better, juicing too, which helped me feel better. I hope your treatment goes well, you will be on the road to recovery in no tome at all!
    If I can be of help just send me a message. All the best, Mary Jo
    December 2012
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Find other people like you. You can do this by clicking on "see more" in the "People Most Like You" box to the right.

    2) Go to our Questions page to see what's been posted, ask a question or give some advice. Here is a link to our most popular questions:

    3) Complete your journey profile to share your experience. You can do this by clicking on "Add Experience" in the box next to your picture above.

    4) Don't forget to upload a picture!

    Thank you for being here and sharing your story. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ or contact us.

    Team WhatNext
    December 2012