

  • MaryTD777
    You wrote: carm

    Leung, They are one in the same as there is no known case of an acute onset of cancer that arises once and disapears after a few days. Any disease that is recurrent is a chonic disease. You may go into remission and show no evidence of disease at one time or another but it will generally recur. Sometimes it might take years and sometimes months but mutations or viruses always regenerate and sustain. Best of luck to you, Carm RN.
    More -

    4 days ago

    It ALWAYS recurs / regenerates and sustains? Really? So when my Docs say curative, they are lying? WOW!

    February 2013
  • janetamy
    Hi Carm Thanks for the support & kind words, I used to live in unincorporated Des Plaines for 28 years, til we moved to Wauconda, il in 2005. I'm pretty overwhelmed by my diagnosis, & I know this time the treatment for this cancer will be harder than my two surgeries & 8 rounds of chemotherapy in 2004 for breast cancer.Since I still need to go through tests to determine my cancer stage, my treatment plan is not in place, but i'm at least a stage IIB & hope its doesn't move from there. I appreciate your support, Have a Great Day & God Bless
    February 2013
  • AlizaMLS

    You've done it again! The info re Tamoxifen harming tooth enamel is going to be sending me to the dentist (I'm ER+). I think however I'm going to be using a substitute antiaromitase inhibitor because I'm pre-menopausal and at my hospital, they don't like to use Tamoxifen before "the big event"...;) I don't like what I hear re the side effects either-I have two friends who are currently on the stuff. One has Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and is wearing leg braces; the other (my rabbi's wife) is slowly losing her ability to walk (she's an amazing women [with Hodgkins disease-she's traveled everywhere-India, Africa, Israel {of course}]), but it looks like she's going to end up in a wheel chair, but I can't bring myself to take T. after that. Next stop the dentist.

    Thanks for the valuable info. You're the best!!

    February 2013
  • LMM
    LMM carm
    Carm I didn't get info to my question on coping. Will you send it again please. Thank you.
    February 2013
  • AlizaMLS

    Thanks so much for your reply to my question re those dilators-I appreciate it!! I recalled you posted it in reply to someone else but couldn't remember what/where it was.

    Warmest Wishes,
    February 2013
  • seesun87
    Happy Sunday Carm: Did you see my last post about the non-small cell lung cancer. I would love to get any information that I can from you. Thanks
    January 2013
  • Ashok-103701
    Cancer is not yet fully understood despite millions of dollars spent after research. The treatments have been proved more harmful than deceases.
    All treatments must be critically evaluated critically.The pity is doctors are noncomital while giving treatments they have used for number of years on number of types of patients.They advise patients to take only chance.Is it a medical profession?Is it scientific?
    January 2013
  • natte
    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I was getting into the
    Fear mode and. I know that is not a healing place for me. I am living well with
    Ms because I stay calm and live in gratitude. I have learner that stress is not
    The situation but how you look at it! I look at everything. As an adventure to help others otherwise why are we here! God Bless You, Sharon
    January 2013
  • mpiper3
    Love this!
    January 2013
  • Knitkim

    First day after 2nd chemo carboplatin. This is massage day and lots of water. I want to do some knitting,but, that relaxes me and I end up falling asleep lol!

    And my Carm, what would I do without your love and inspiration. Carm, you are such a mentor and friend. I am so blessed that I found you in the craziness of CTCA. Nap time is upon me.

    January 2013
  • Laureen
    Cam, Thanks for the information, but I already have the mfg's & others' printouts. I am looking to see (unscientific survey) what side effects other people had. I want to know what the most common ones seem to be. If I had a large support group, I would ask them, but my group is very small, so I am asking the people of whatnext, my virtual support group.

    Example, You can get black hairy tongue from Keflex, but I have never known anyone nor has my dr known anyone who had that side effect. (Yes, I know Keflex is not a cancer drug, but it's the best example of what information I am trying to get.)

    You are a nurse in the field. When people are given, say, Doxil, what are the side effects you seem to see the most often? I get Doxil every 28 days & Avastin every 14 days.
    January 2013
  • Knitkim
    I have never taken this step. I am a little scared of putting myself out here. But you have inspired me to do more. The Green Circle means very much to me. I haven't forgotten.
    January 2013
  • Laureen
    Carm, Sorry I misspelled your name (I really should wear my glasses more often). Thanks for the info. I will call my dr's navigator & ask her for information.....people will talk with her more openly than they do to the dr.

    I have the tingly feet from my first chemo meds (carboplatin & taxol). The tingly hands feeling went away. Do you remember ever putting your feet in sneakers or shoes that had lots of sand in them? That's how my feet feel. Luckily, I don't have the feet asleep or just waking up sensations; those would make me nuts.

    Thanks again. Laureen
    January 2013
  • seesun87
    Carm, Thank you so much for the information. I am looking at the path report and you are so correct. It says the majority of cells stain with cytokeratin 20. SALLE4 also stains diffusely and strongly. Occasional cluster stain with cytokeratin 7. It states that the colon is the most common primary site that shows this pattern. My oncologist explained that in this case all we have to go by is the path report. I have never experienced any symptoms of colon cancer. The only thing I had was swollen lymphnodes in the right side of my neck. The biopsy was done on one of them. I can only put my trust in God and the oncologist. I am on Avastin, Leucovorin, 5-FU and one other that makes me have a metal taste in my mouth. I have the treatments every two weeks, and come home with 5-FU in a pump for two days. I just completed my second round on Wednesday and had the pump taken off today. My blood work after the first treatment showed good response, according to the oncologist. I consider myself lucky, because I am not feeling any nausea. I just feel a bit tired. I don't have any other health issues. I know that this site has helped me so much. It helps to hear all the success stories. Again, I appreciate your experience and any information. God Bless.
    January 2013
  • marie60
    Hi Carm, thank you for the link to the site. I've learned a lot there. I can't seem to post a comment on my board. The "comment" link isn't working for me.
    January 2013
  • marie60
    Hi Carm, I'll be starting chemo in 3 weeks and I'm thinking of getting a second opinion.

    My doctor used the term "standard of care" for the 2 chemo drugs that she chose for me. They are carboplatin and paclitaxel, given 6 times, 3 weeks apart. So I am wondering if most hospitals use this same standard of care, and will it be a waste of time and money to get a second opinion? Thank you in advance.
    December 2012
  • sunshinemb
    Dear Carm, I have recently found out that I have a hernia on the scar tissue from my surgery; is this common and what is true or false, when you have cancer that is just dormant not gone; and you get cut opened again; would that wake up those cancer cells and make them grow rapidly or not? Some tell me that is a myth some tell it will. I'm scared to death to have another surgery being in treatment for 3 years and in a advanced stage of IV Ovarian Cancer; which is dormant at the moment. I figured with your expertise you would be able to help me with an answer. thank you!
    December 2012
  • PAMMOB509
    Hi Carmi! I'm using that wen by Chaz Dean! Do you know anything about it?
    December 2012
  • 4HeartsBroken
    I have another question for you Carm. I know we shouldn't dwell on the past it should stay in the past but my mom feels as she killed Grandma with the liquid morphine. The hospice told us that there was no way we could overdose her on it. Is this true?
    December 2012
  • greensmythe
    The last comment you made to the person that had just been dxd with Stage IV lung cancer is probably one of the best comments I have ever read on this site since I began coming here after my initial dx November 12 with Stage IV lung cancer- I am on my way today to IU Simon to go over my treatment plan with my oncologist down there and have been playing the should I go ahead game in my head after reading so much junk online about how horrible all of the treatments are ( chemo side effects,etc) and your comment about how the HIV positive patients learn to live with their disease helped me immeasurably to get off the fence.

    I try very hard to stay positive and IU Simon was the place I opted to choose for a second opinion after one of the wonderful people here offered the option.

    December 2012
  • Terry15
    Dear Carm
    Thanks for your answer. I've read about the surgery which freaked me out. Do you know if it is painful? Sure sounds scary to have something stuck in your brain. Is the device eventually removed after chemo is finished? Is it very visible under the scalp? Do patients with the reservoir do better or worse tolerating chemo? I was told the reservoir is similar to using the chest port so little pain when accessing it. Do you know once you have the reservoir if patient can do this outpatient or must it be done in the hospital? Thanks for answering all my questions and I'll probably have more! Have consult with doctor this Tuesday with a tent surgery date of Dec 26.
    December 2012
  • Harry
    No, it isn't just cosmetics. In my area, dry cleaning fluid is a major bad actor--much worse than gasoline. When you smell that sweet dry cleaning odor, that's carcinogenic. Not much--as a customer--but the workers are exposed to unreal levels. OSHA regulates to prevent them from becoming sick on the job, but no consideration is given to cancer. Those guys are all walking dead.

    In the building where I work there used to be a nail salon with the name "Bella Donna." That used to crack me up. Bella Donna is Italian for beautiful woman. But, in English it's the name of a deadly poison.
    December 2012
  • Harry
    Carm, thanks a lot for that site, It really helped me understand the original nurses' notes from back in April, 2011, when I had the major reaction. I found what I was looking for. Not a mistake, the nurses did their job exactly right. But a possible candidate for a triggering event. Very normal. Exactly according to a conservative protocol, but still a candidate.
    December 2012
  • 4HeartsBroken
    Hello Carm I was wondering if getting blood drawn would be able to tell my doctor if I have cancer or not..?
    December 2012
  • 4HeartsBroken
    I was wondering .. I heard that cancer/tumors thicken the blood. What does that do to someone who is anemic?
    November 2012
  • zdarx7
    Hi Carm-thanks for your wall posting. I have not been tested for receptor status..I guess that's what I'm saying. I am going to ask my surgeon about this when I meet with her on 11/27. I was told I'm at stage 0 DCIS and will not need chemo if I go with the mastectomy. I am so dreading that surgery and reconstruction surgery because I live alone and fear I won't be able to continue to do all my daily activities. Thanks for the website and I will surely check it out. :)
    November 2012
  • marshala1
    Thank you for your informed response!
    November 2012
  • BoiseB
    Thank you for your answer to my question. A few things I do want to clear up My question was not prompted by political affiliation (I have none) I saw no difference in the candidates and did not vote. My question was prompted by note from my primary care physician saying I should make an appointment for a "Wellness visit" where we would discuss "end of life care" I have already gone over the end of life stuff with the appropriate people, my Pastor! I have planned my funeral, (even received the blessing of for the dying.) It is my belief that every moment of life is precious no matter how painful. I have always rejected painkillers. I really do not want to make this appointment
    November 2012
  • Kristinaako
    Carm, i've been reading your answers to a community and i luke your "levelheadedness"-see new word;-)
    My friend 45, been diagnosed in April with stage 4 pancreatic. It is spread. We, ve been going through chemo since then 5fu.
    We started with carcer count at 17, 200
    It dropped during treatment to 7200.
    Now it is back to 18, 000
    His oncologist said don't worry. But i do.
    What should i be preparing for?
    Clinical trial with gemsar is an option for us.
    November 2012
  • Nanc620
    Thanks for your insightful and thoughtful answers. Wish you were closer to be my Reiki Master! Reiki 1 class finished...Reiki 2 after treatment.
    November 2012