
  • Ruthann
    Hi, my name is Ruth Ann Ausburn, first of all I want to tell you a little something about myself. I am a daughter of an old fashion holliness preacher. Back in 1960 my dad was told by God to build a church which he did and we still currently attend that little country church today. In my life time I have seen many miracles happen there, even a lady filled with the holy ghost taking her hands and touching all over a red hot pot belly stove without one single burn. I have trusted in God all my life and have never been one that was lacking in faith. I know my Lord Jesus can and does still heal today. Now here is my story, in April 2005 I lost my best friend, my mama. Then in 2006 a large lump came up in my left breast. Every sign of breast cancer, I believed in my Lord for my healing and stood upon his word. I read the healing verses 3 times a day. Then in 2009 my breast burst open with a hole large enough to put at least 3 fingers in. I gave in at that time and saw a doctor and was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer that had also spread to my spine, lymph nodes and pelvic area. My tumor markers weren't that high to begin with (83) and with chemo they went down to 20 and the scan showed that the cancer was gone from my spine and very little activity in my breast. Every month that I went to see my doctor the markers would be down even further. Then suddenly they started to jump up a little at a time like from 20 to 29 then back down to 23 then back up to 29 and then 43 that's when another scan was ordered which showed that the cancer had advanced to my sternum. And now lumps have returned in that breast and also in my right one now. I knew and know man cannot heal me only Jesus can. I still read my verses every day and some times I think of giving up but something inside me just keeps saying to hold on. Oh yea I forgot to tell you that wright before this cancer came upon me one night my mama came to me at my bedside (she was already deceased) and said "don't be afraid". What have I done wrong to stop my healing.My tumor markers have gone from 20 to 128 as of today. and they are wanting to start me back on chemo.It is in both breast and where they had done biopsys back in 2009 those sites are starting to bleed. Please pray for my miracle,I had to have xrays on my left leg yesterday because I can barely walk with a cane, nothing showed up that was very concusive. But now they want me to have a pet and bone scan this Friday because my liver enzymes keep rising. I still have faith in my God and I know heal still heals. I keep asking for him to send an angel my way or for to just speak his powerful word. I have a 17 year old son and a very loving and caring husband I don't want to leave! I am so confused. Thanks for listening to my whinning. I need your prayers! Thank you and God bless you!
    June 2013
  • carm
    here is a link for you to look into and incase it gets erased here, I will also send to you on a text, Carm.
    December 2012
  • Therose
    Ok its Zeal made by Zurvita I will check it out. Is this from your doctor or GNC some other source of vitamins vendor.
    September 2012
  • carm
    Pamelia, you are stuck with me for life, make no mistake about it. You are one of my girls and all that I have is yours. My home will always be your home, my heart, yours. You know how I am about my girls. You all make me so very proud, sincerely proud of all you accomplish. We will see each other, talk with each other, be the best of friends all the days of our lives, you can count on that!! Carm
    November 2012