

  • Sur2210
    What diet should I be on. There are so many foods that I like, but now I can't have them. I am scared to eat the moment I eat it all comes out within minutes. I had a food allergic test and it showed I am allergic to soy, gluten, and dairy products. What good it is, if I can't enjoy the only thing that makes me happy "Food?"
    July 2013
  • iambammie
    Carm, Your comments to Sur2210 have been very informative to me. I also had a small bowel resection in January 2013 for a stage III carcinoid tumor, which had spread to lymph nodes - that's the part that worries me. Please keep the information on carcinoid tumors coming. They are strange, to say the least.
    July 2013
  • Sur2210
    Thank you Carm for the websites. I found some interesting foods to eat. Yes, I am on Sandostatin 20 mg every month alternating each Gluteus maximus. I am also on Cholestyramine (Questran) to bulk up my BM's, however my Dr. bumped it up to twice a day. I notice the effects of this has made it more manageable than before. I've been taken one a day vitamin for women and drinking Dannon DanActive Immune system Probiotic Dairy drink, which I have to stop..."Dairy." I hope this does the trick, because I stay dehydrated often enough.
    July 2013
  • amy61-148911
    Carm ..I just had dbl. mysectomy stage 1 est. pos. Pro. pos. my blood test came bk in gray area ..surgeon said he wouldnt recomend chemo but oncology said she suggest I think strongly what do u think?Thanks for yr time :-)
    July 2013
  • Sur2210
    Thanks! Carm for the info. I hope all is well!
    July 2013
  • sherrya
    Thank you, I definitely will be seeking your advice.
    July 2013
  • Cellkiller
    I admire you. that you have interacted with so Many people. how did you get so many goodwill points. in only a year. bless your heart
    June 2013
  • idahocowgirl
    not sure how this works to reply back to same person but to Carm onocology nurse-my onocologist wants to followup after my surgery, b4 radiation and b4 hormone therapy-why? thought he would just start after I was thru with radiation. Even my radiation dr wanted FU between chemo and after surgery- seems like a lot
    June 2013
  • Rene82
    Hi Carm, You answered my question about switching from time released 30 mg morphine to phentynal patch 25 mg a day for 3 days. Well the reason im switching is because i dont have pain anymore and i want to stop taking all pain meds but when i tried to stop the morphine my body went into withdrawl and i got very sick so i asked my primary for help to get off thats when he gave me the phentayl patch to help with the withdrawl. i put the patch on and stopped taking the morphine on friday i was ok on saturday but i woke up sunday morning with withdrawl symptoms again, so i took off the patch and took a morphine and i felt better within 1 hour. what should i do because im running out of morphine but i have the patches should i try 2 patches or change it every 2 days instead of 3. how long will the withdrawl last when i stop taking the morphine and continue the patch? do i need to tell my doctor i need something different or should i try to stick it out and go through the withdrawl? please help me !! Im sick of poisioning my body when i dont have pain anymore!!
    June 2013
    Thank you so much!!! That explains a lot of things that you don't always find in the new patient info packets and in 4 months I have gone thru it all. I was surprised by my diagnosis but became determined to fit it every step of the way. I appreciate your help. Beth
    June 2013
  • BMac
    Carm, Thank you for your offer of help. I appreciate all the help I can get and may be asking questions in the future. I am fortunate in that I don't have a lot of side effects from the treatment. My most pressing issue now is just stress from trying to work and get enough rest. I need to work because we are struggling financially, but it is not easy. Thank you, again and I may be asking questions in the future.
    June 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Carm, I don't mean to be vulgar. Cancer is vulgar. My doctor gave me Medroxyprogestrone , 20 mg daily, to try to control my bleeding, clotting, flooding, cramping. She told me a better medication is Agestin (spelling? My bad) but my Medicaid insurer, Molina, won't cover. I get some relief but when the relief dissipates, the cramping, clotting, flooding returns. I can't bathe or shower. I bleed all over my shower chair, into my bath water, etc. Thank God this will be finished after the surgery. Have you any advice to get me through this to the hysterectomy date, July 10

    June 2013
  • EllasDaddy
    Carm, just read your answer to MYBODYSUCKS. Thank-you! It was very enlightening and als helped me understand the way chemo worked. I never thought to ask when they had me on them.
    June 2013
  • susan2013
    Thank you so much Carm....I really would appreciate it. I am so confused and trying to stay positive, but truth be told I am actually starting to have panic attacks. I hope I don't sound crazy, but it just comes from nowhere....I will be fine one minute, then just start shaking and crying and feel like I'm just going to lose it. I know that's not good for me but I can't help it. But... knowledge is power, and that is what I am seeking here. Once again....thanks. I look forward to hearing from you with any info you can provide :)
    June 2013
  • susan2013
    Thank you SO much for the information! This will help a lot. This has all been overwhelming, and I'm finding it difficult to find much information on urethral cancer in women. If you know anything helpful in that area, I would appreciate it if you could let me know. thanks again for taking the time to respond....people like you make all the difference! :)
    June 2013
  • DeBuhr1943
    What do you know about HE-4 marker for Ovarian Cancer? (supposedly better than CA 125)
    June 2013
  • vickyj
    Hi Carm, I tried talking to mom about what they saw on MRi and CT. My mom really does not want to talk about it. She seems to be growing more tired but no pain. There are days she wheezes like crazy but then we can go several days with no wheezing or coughing , do you know why it is worse at times and not others ?
    June 2013
  • Customs1789
    Carm, I had skin cancer ( malignant melanoma) removed from my scalp about 16 years ago. About three years ago it was discovered it had metastasized to my left cerebellum. I had surgery (all removed) and radiation. Two years after the BS and radiation with little or no side-effects my imbalance and to a lesser degree my eye site got so bad I had to take a disability retirement. It seems all I can do is physical therapy to slow the digression. Have you or anyone else had a similar condition or offer any advice?.
    June 2013
  • Nonnie917-89591
    Welcome to the site. I think that you will find this a friendly bunch of people who are ready and willing to help in any way they can if you have a question or just want to vent or sound off. All of us have been in your shoes at some point and time in our lives and that is why we are members of this site. We have all had cancer. Don't be afraid to ask questions because no question is silly or dumb according to us. Most of the time you will find that there is an answer to your question from someone who has been there done that. I know I have met many nice people since I have been on this board and they all have been so encouraging and friendly in answering my questions or just making a comment to one of my comments. Good luck to you.
    June 2013
  • mahala21091
    Well, she has been having hallucinations and speaking wierd things, and has been tired alot
    June 2013
  • Ladykarla
    Carm, YOU ROCK!!!!!!
    June 2013
  • FreeBird
    Thank you for all the help you give everyone, Carm. You are a special person.
    June 2013
  • FreeBird
    Hi carm. Hope you are doing well. What sort of things have you done in your experience to handle myoclonic jerks? They have dad using Ativan, and they told me to go to 1 mg. But they seem to be getting worse rather than better. The 0.5 mg used to help a little. But now dad can't even walk or hold a drink.
    June 2013
  • Zzchap
    Jerks? My husband jerks constantly, told it was magnesium deficiency. It's all day every day even when he sleeps
    June 2013
  • dot37
    I think I messed up somewhere I was trying to say that my mom doesnt really have any pain and this seems to baffle the medical people. She has a little in her back but we associate it with the cancer that spread to parts of her spine. She by the way is 75 and was a smoker for 30ish years but hasnt smoked for 15 or more now. She was always in good health and never on any meds. She had the lung cancer stage 4 diagnosed in march 2012 and was told then that we should not look at years but months. She is not ready to let life end so that is why we are considering the tarceva at this time. I wish we could just find something that would give her an appetite. thank you for your response
    May 2013
  • dot37
    also I was asked where she is being seen the answer is the Illinois Cancer Center in Peoria IL
    May 2013
  • dot37
    This is dot37 I appreciate your comment, I spoke with my mom today just before the hospice nurse came to explain their procedures. She now believes that she should take the tarceva pill (originally was worried about the size due to problems swallowing pills) showed her it was not much bigger that her vitamin and she feels like she should try it. The hospice nurse told me that since she has stage 4 it probably wont help, however, I believe that a mind set is sometimes just as important.( no stone unturned) I will be taking her to see the nurse pract. next Wednesday and have already called to let them know she is considering this. I know that you do not tell someone to take or not to take but I would appreciate any info or even opinions on this matter. We have had problems with her blood pressure dropping into the 70/46 range and she is on potassium pill but no pain pills except tylenol. Thanks for your concern
    May 2013
  • BobbyG
    I looked at the url you had recommended to Buck. Just getting started with Votrient myself. Much thanks, it covered all the basics of the drug including the history.
    May 2013
  • penny364
    Hi, Carm, thanks for that info. I just developed mad crazy itching in reaction to hydrocodone and two other codeine-based pain meds they tried. I would itch like fire until 4 in the morning. Not worth it! But tramodol may be the answer! I appreciate your help.
    May 2013
  • vickyj
    I have noticed that you have told several folks they can contact you. I am so confussed and worried about my mom and have no one to talk to about her condition. just don't know what to do. new to this site and trying to find my way around it. i have so many questions.
    May 2013