

  • seekthealth
    I would like to know if you consider that chemo was an important factor in your treatment and why.
    April 2016
  • GregP_WN
    Could I get you to drop in on this new member and offer some encouragement?


    i am so afraid and don't know what to do. any advice would be welcome.
    October 2014
  • bobrn
    Awesome that you are at 2 yrs. and I hope going strong. I am stage 3b and start rx next week. You are in my thoughts and prayers Free bird!
    September 2014
  • mamasdaughter
    Hey there friend! It's been a while. Just checking in on you and your dad.
    February 2013
  • Rick1970
    Hi FreeBird,
    Thank you very much for your ongoing thoughtful comments to "What Next" participants. In addition, the links that you regularly provide to other meaningful information resources are greatly appreciated. Rick
    August 2014
  • Leightonwl
    No they haven't done any scans as of yet, maybe half way thru Chemo is what we are thinking
    July 2014
  • lanie516
    How are you doing Free Bird? Did you have the Whipple procedure? It's good to see that you are still in active treatment and you were diagnosed two years ago. It gives me hope, which I really need these days.
    June 2014
  • Rick1970
    Hi FreeBird, Thanks for asking. Yes, my wife has received a Neulasta® (pegfilgrastim)‎ injection after each of her 9 FOLFIRINOX treatments dating back to last November. It just seems like they're has less impact on her white blood cell count over time.
    May 2014
  • Greengailg
    I read your journey and I am seeing this same journey with my brother at this time. In a way, it is good to know what is happening and what will happen. He was diagnosed I year ago. The last month has been hell. Oncologist has told us his options left are clinical trials. Not sure he wants or will go through more treatments. A healthy , athletic, wonderful man. It is so sad. Now in Palleative care. This is so hard.
    April 2014
  • country
    Yes it is
    ps waiting for the big snow here in Pa!
    February 2014
  • barryboomer
    I saw a survey that only 30% of Oncologists said they'd use the chemo and radiation if THEY or a loved one got cancer. Not exactly a vote of
    February 2014
  • carm
    Hello my good friend, I hope this holiday season finds you well. I wanted to let you know that I read a post today from a caregiver who did not know what to say to the patient who stated they were afraid to die. I suggested that the caregiver look to you as well for advice after I gave my 2 cents worth. I just did not want to catch you off guard. I believe the poster was amontoya. I hope you do not mind, but I trust you to always have the right responses in moments such as this and so I yield to your expertise. Take care my dear friend, Carm.
    December 2013
  • Gizmo1248
    Just got the call on the recurrence on Wednesday. Lung Doctor said CAT shows 2.5 centimeters in remaining right lobe, and that some of my nodes are involved. Have an appointment with surgeon on the 9th. I want a PET scan to see where else it might be and what I'm looking at. With my severe COPD, I'm already on oxygen 24/7 and take two breathing treatments daily. Have been on steroids for the past 1 1/2 years. My first experience with Lung Cancer, was 9/27/2011. I will never forget that day. Cancer was non-small cell and 1A stage. Two lobes were removed. Did not receive any other treatment, i.e., chemo etc. Had been getting CAT's every 3 months, and then was put on a 6 month cycle. The new tumor has grown to 2.5 in less than six months. I'll be honest, I'm scared but very BRAVE! I don't know what to expect! Thank you so much for sharing. It means so much.
    December 2013
  • Rick1970
    Thank you for sharing FreeBird.
    December 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Freebird, how you getting along these days? I hope you have started to get over the blow of losing your Father. I know it takes a while. If you're like me, by now you have started to notice that he really isn't gone, he is everywhere, lots of things you see, you see him, lots of things you do, and if you're like me a little more, as my wife says, I am just like him.
    Glad to see you on the site, you're a wealth of information and can help so many by answering a few questions.
    Thanks for being with us!
    October 2013
  • mrsdahrens
    Thank you for answering my question regarding shortness of breath with my husband..I couldn't find any way to answer your answer so I finally ended up here...hope you don't mind!! To answer your question, no, he hasn't thrown up at all except when attempting to take the Mucinex. If he keeps getting short of breath a lot, I will call the dr, I am just not sure they can or will be able to do anything to help this situation...until and unless the chemo works. Thank you for your help!!
    November 2013
  • akc1213
    Hi... you responded to a question my dear friend posted here... I wanted to let you know that your words helped.. you mentioned starting hospice early, for better quality of life. I read what you wrote to my friend.. my best friend.. as he was trying to make his decisions.. your words really helped. I wanted to share that with you, and say thank you... Ben passed away last week, very peacefully. Thank you, although you never met him your words helped him.. if you want to take a closer look at his journey his poetry is at and thank you..
    November 2013
  • GregP_WN
    This new user is a wife taking care of a husband with lung cancer, could you drop in and offer any words of encouragement?
    Thanks for your help on the site, we appreciate you!
    November 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Did you knit that? It is beautiful! Thank you for the like.
    October 2013
  • Victorria
    Thank you FreeBird. Good luck to you two.
    October 2013
  • music
    Hello FreeBird,
    How are you?
    September 2013
  • ShannonB
    Thank you for your response. It used to be a dry cough, now I've got real thin secretions (gross, huh?) Cough drops help a little, very little, but they're better than nothing.
    July 2013
  • zoe
    No ..I don't even know if I will end up needing one. I have to wait for my next CT on 7/25.I may be stressing out for nothing. I just like to know as much information as possible so I'm prepared for whatever happens. Thanks for asking. Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Hi FreeBird... No my last chemo was April 2012.
    All my scans have been great until this last one. It could be that it's just a shadow (is that possible?)
    Maybe we'll find out it really hasn't changed at all.
    I'll know for sure on July 26. In the meantime, I'm shaking with fear.
    July 2013
  • YQM
    Been thinking of you... hope you are well and feel your Dad watching over you, as you did so diligently for him!
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Hi FreeBird, Ok thanks. I've decided to celebrate both my date of diagnosis and date of surgery. Thanks for the info. Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks FreeBird.BTW I live in NY now but had my surgery and many chemo treatments at Moffitt in 2011.I don't know if you know Moffitt but my Dr. (my hero) was Dr. Malafa. I loved that place and miss it very much.
    June 2013
  • zoe
    THANK YOU !!! I thought I wouldn't have 2 years until Sept. but that means I already had 2 years on May 12th. OMG I didn't even know to celebrate that day.I'll make up for it tomorrow. Thanks for the info,you made my day!
    June 2013
  • StamPurr
    I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. I would hope that when the time comes for my parents, I can be as much of a comfort as you have been. I want to outlive both my parents. Be there and hold their hand. Peace be with you.
    June 2013
  • suedean
    Support is so important. I only have 4 radiation treatments to go. Have told my kids and husband I won't do it again! Eight months of this is long enough!
    June 2013