

  • queenvicii
    I just found out I have sclc. Haven't started treatment yet. I'm so scared...any encouraging words? Thanks
    November 2015
  • survivor2012
    To EllasDaddy Family,

    There are no words that I can say right now that make your pain easier. I just wanted to say to you that all my thoughts and prayers are with you right now. Know that he is in a better place right now, and I will pray that God will give you the strength you need to keep going.
    February 2014
  • JerseyKim
    Jack, thanks for sharing your experiences. Did it take a full six rounds the first time to show shrinkage? Or was there shrinkage the entire time? I've had my first CT since I started treatment show shrinkage, but at the same time, based on the feeling in my chest, I don't feel like there has been further improvement.
    January 2014
  • JerseyKim
    Hi. Just wanted to reach out/touch base with you since you've been on this journey longer than me. I was recently diagnosed with Ext. SCLC with mets to bones and liver. I just completed my third round of Carbo/Etoposide. I would love to talk with someone who's gone through what I'm going through, because I'm struggling through the days at the moment, but trying to stay strong for my son (11) and husband.
    January 2014
  • nnsavva
    Hi there-- first just want to say I'm glad you are going strong! This is a terrible terrible thing I have had to watch my father go through. He is 55-- diagnosed with extensive small cell lung-- did 4 rounds of chemo carboplatin/atoposide. Cancer went away for a little while but now it has come back with great vengeance. It is all over his bones (he is in a lot of pain) and spots on his liver. We are trying a 2nd type of chemo tomorrow. Could you share more information regarding your treatment --specifically which chemos--and what helped you with your bone pain, if any? He is on so many pain meds-- and suffers from horrible night sweats. I don't mean to bombard but any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much -Nicole
    January 2014
  • ladyc
    Hi. had my neulasta shot , but got no bone pain. did have a reaction . shortness of breath, rapid heart beat.... had to go to er... kept an eye on me... felt fine once it was over... i also have small cell... will be thinking of you....
    December 2013
  • magioates
    I would love to have my husband meet someone going through this journey so he knows it will get better. His name is Ron and he is 42. Could I share his cell w u
    September 2013
  • Gidget1978
    Oh ya, Oct 2nd marks one yr from my first brain surgery/diagnosis.
    September 2013
  • Gidget1978
    Hello again. Its been a while. Have had a very rough past month. Had 8 ppl very close to me pass away within a 2 wk span. Oan: Im still doing chemo. But the good news is all the tumors in my brain are gone, the one in my lung has shrank from 7cm to 1.2cm. Feeling good. How are you & whats been going on?
    September 2013
  • magioates
    Thank you. If you don't mind I'd like to communicate w you. I need a lifeline. Watching him struggling is a lot. He's barely eating because everything tastes bad and he's nauseous I'm scared.
    September 2013
  • magioates
    My husband was diagnosed a month ago w sclc extensive. Two rounds of chemo and he is extremely sick. Your posts have given me hope. How long did it take your body to adjust to chemo.
    September 2013
  • zoe
    Hi and thanks for writing, I know I won't feel it while I'm under,but what if it happens again after I'm awake? Isn't that why I need to keep the chest tube in after surgery ? What made your lung collapse in the first place ? It sounds awful what you went through. What do you think the chances are that it could happen to me?
    Are you ok now? I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you have those two cute little babies to cheer you up ! Take care, Zoe
    September 2013
  • lisanne6usa
    Thanks for responding to my "oh no" message..... Sometimes I really feel alone, even though my family is very loving and supportive. I think sharing with someone in the same boat makes a difference.
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Thank you so much.I have an appt. tomorrow with a thoracic surgeon. I have a 6mm nodule on my lung and I'm pretty sure he will want to do a wedge resection.I have heard so many people say how horrible the chest tube was that I'm now terrified of having the surgery just be cause of that. I was waiting for someone to say it's not that bad. Does everyone have to leave it in for a couple of days after surgery ? I'm so scared I can't think straight. Thanks for your reply, it gives me hope that I might be able to handle this. I hope you are doing well ,and I love your little doggies, I'm sure they bring you lots of joy. Take care. Zoe
    August 2013
  • StamPurr
    Where did your wife get the knitting pattern? I need to knit a hat like that for myself. Looks good on you!!
    August 2013
  • Gidget1978
    Well its more chemo 4 me thx too r great state medicaid. Was posed to b my last chemo 2 day & schedule a PET but they wont auth it right now. So Dr extended treatment. How r u doing? I was so happy to see ur son beat cancer. That is wonderful!
    July 2013
    My last scan showed additional mets to my femoral heads pelvis and various areas in my spine. My oncologist decided not to deliver my final chemo and begin me on another which I understand is very harsh. I am looking into insurance approval for 4 different chemo combos and hope to stop and kill this stuff. Beth.
    July 2013
  • Gidget1978
    My hair started coming back the same way. Now I have bout 1/4 inch of white hair all over except for bout a 3 inch wide strip across the center top of my head (like a skunk) lol. Its still barely got stubble. The patch like urs is pretty thick. I look like I have a clown due.
    June 2013
  • GrammaLeslie
    My hair came back really funky too, same as yours. I'd have to go in to get haircuts just for the back of my head along the neckline. I still have a few very thin spots on the top of my head from the brain radiations I had.
    June 2013
  • Gidget1978
    So sorry to hear the news. Have you taken Taxol b4? The 1st time i did, had an allergic reaction to it. It threw me into anaphalactic shock. i got my card today. Now i need help finding a dispensary with edibles & reasonable price. Prefer near Mesa. Any suggestions?
    May 2013
  • MRoadrunner
    You are so right about the "herbal medicine", I've been on morphine and percocet for months and my appetite has hit the can again. I still have some breakthrough pain and MJ is the only thing that will help with both symptoms. I hate to take more than 2 percocet a day due to constipation. The morphine twice a day is extended release but doesn't last as long as it should. On the other hand, my doc increased the dose and I thought it was too much for me so I went back to the lower dose. I think we're living in a parallel universe. I am still dizzy after the PCI and my hair is growing back everywhere but on my head. In retrospect, my "expiration date" was supposed to be 8/26/12 so every day is a gift. Still kicking cancer's ass!
    May 2013
  • MymomMYhero
    After reading your wall... i just wanted to say.... your awesome, and i have a great deal of respect for you.
    April 2013
  • lane
    I a PET scan tomorrow, got my fingers crossed. Wednesday I start chemo.
    April 2013
  • MRoadrunner
    Just wonder how you're doing now; have you completed your PCI?
    April 2013
  • LuvinSis
    My sister is dealing with a similar diagnosis/stage. She was diagnosed in late August and does chemo every 3 wk. She lives in IL and I live in AZ. What facility are you treating at? Seems we have some strong options here in the Valley. I know this must be a tough time for you. You'll find a lot if support and information here.
    October 2012