

  • BoiseB
    Barry I was just thinking about you. I hope you are enjoying your passion for politics and we will see you back on WhatNext after the circus is over.
    April 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    Like Lynne-I-Am, I am just coming by to check on you. About the time you quit participating here, you were worried that your health had taken a turn for the worse. But, you also said you were going to turn your attention to Facebook around that same time. Hoping that's the reason we haven't seen you around and not that you're faring worse from your cancer.
    April 2016
  • amanda4real
    HI My Dear.
    My name is Amanda,i view your profile hear and became interested to know you, please contact me with this id,( enable me send my Details and pictures to you for us to know each other better i hope to hear from you.
    Yours new friend,
    March 2016
  • Sharlie
    For some reason, my computer won't let me post replies to some posts, including your recent one. Just want to let you know I'm thinking about you and sending you good vibes. ( ( ( Barry ) ) )
    February 2016
  • Patisblonde
    Thanks, I used to live in Sebring, FL what a small world, that's when my life was good! thanks for your message to me, Pat
    March 2016
  • ItsMeJennifer
    Hi, Barry-Please don't let tampa83's post bother you. There's a big difference between being real and being negative. Death is a part of life. Talking about death is just accepting life for what it is. And life is wonderful. Let's all live it until we die. :)))
    January 2016
  • mircann63
    Since you are one of the ambassadors on this site... : ) Is there a way to private msg another person without disclosing your email address to everyone? I found another woman in my neighborhood and wanted to chat with her...any info welcome!! : )
    January 2016
  • meyati
    Barry, I usually stay away from CAS- I took the bait this time, because the study was limited to only those with head cancer, which is quite disfiguring. For awhile, my nose was actually pointed toward my right ear. She has called me stupid, uneducated, that I am semi-illiterate, etc. Her and some others told me that I was really stupid because I say that science changes. Actually, I should say that our perceptions of science change. After being called semi-illiterate-then someone asked what genre do we like, and could list a good book. She wrote that she had a well read family. I couldn't resist saying that I have about 2,000 books in several languages-and posting it right after her. We all have bad days- cancer brain, treatment brain. I try to say that I'm feeling bad, so I'm reading more into this than there is. Then I say, they must be feeling bad, why should I rock their boat, I don't need the last word. But I won't open any question by her again-easiest way to avoid being called names. Many times I won't comment on somebody else's question if she comments on it already. I like give and take. So, I'm answering your take it personal question. As a former teacher, if someone calls someone stupid, they call others stupid, so I probably am not alone. She is what she is and believes what she believes. Thank you for being a peace maker and trying to help us.
    January 2016
  • FROG1210
    Hi barryboomer I am trying to get myself going on natural cures organic foods juicing etc do you have any helpful tips?
    January 2016
  • hosley
    Thank you for your note. Simply having a kind response to my post has been humbling. Glad I decided today to start a conversation with others in this boat.
    January 2016
  • lindi143
    Hi Barryboomer, Yes Chemo Brain is...... I forget LOl also I think it spreads i am notthe one having Chemo but the stress has taken its tol on my brain I think worse than my husband.
    December 2015
  • meyati
    I wasn't especially talking to you about stress. I know that you have your wonderful videos, and do things that relieve stress- You get me laughing in a good way. I just wanted to throw Eustress into the mix. I'm sort of mean that way. By the way, where do you think that Congress met Pres James Madison, after the British burnt Washington, DC down in the War of 1812?
    November 2015
  • scasey
    Hey barryboomer, have followed your posts in the short time i knew about this whatnext website. I must say you seem very knowledgeable about all this and someone whos word could be trusted. You also seem to have a kind and caring spirit. I do believe you have helped many people who were scared and confused about all this cancer related mumbo jumbo. And for that I say THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU !! just saying !!
    January 2015
  • Grammy957
    Hey Barry, Haven't been on here for awhile until yesterday to ask a question. Today I re-read what you had posted to my first posting. I don't remember reading it the first time but then again my brain was in such a fog. Thank you for what you said. Everything you said was exactly how I feel but just didn't want to put it on here as it seems a little harsh (honest but harsh) about Chemo. Almost vegan still. Cancer cloud still hovering over me once in awhile and I get scared but trying not to let it hover too long. I am now almost 2 yrs out, with a new oncologist/hematologist and this one seems to really care about me and my well being and what I want to do. On my first appointment with him a couple weeks ago, he suggested trying Arimidex but said there is no need to rush now, we will discuss it after the first of the year because i have other things going on right now that I need to take care of. I wasn't scolded for my "stupid" decisions before, which kind of caught me off guard considering what the Cancer Center had put me through. Anyhow, just wanted to say thanks for what you posted. I really needed to read that today.
    November 2015
  • Carool
    Hi, Barry! I haven't seen any recent posts from you. Just wanted to say hi, hope you're doing well. Hugs, Carol
    November 2015
  • baridirects
    Hi, Barry!

    I just wanted to give you a shout-out...and kudos for your posts. I find them to be thoughtful and insightful...I have to admit, although I've made some changes in my diet, I haven't gone whole hog with the organics and whatnot. I am open to making more changes as we go. It's encouraging that I have been stable for not quite a year, so whatever I'm doing seems to be at least somewhat helpful. In any case, I'm glad you're out here with us!

    February 2015
  • NNN
    Hi barry, check this website
    October 2015
  • Wildwoman
    Hey Barry boomer does my goodwill and the number below indicate your followers? You must be a celebrity,
    I can see why, your very postive, thanks for all the support you give
    October 2015
  • NNN
    Hi barry, I did the truth about cancer quiz and they will send you the results and an electronic book to read...very interesting.
    October 2015
  • TXHills
    Do you remember back when you were in school and you learned about Dr. Alexander Fleming and his accidental discovery of penicillin? He left petri dishes of bacteria growing in his lab and one day a mold grew on one and it made the bacteria die? That was because mold spores are all around us, floating in the air. They are inescapable and we all breathe in mold spores all day, every day. It's completely normal and in those amounts, not harmful at all. If there is continuous water damage and mold grows in huge amounts, it can trigger allergic symptoms, but no horror.
    October 2015
  • NNN
    How is barry doing ? :)
    September 2015
  • Carool
    Barry, thanks for your "Like"! I didn't mean to be mean to you, and I hope you know I wish you everything good in life! And I DO so love to argue (especially when I'm right and you're wrong, to quote James Carville, in a different context). LOL. Hugs from your birthland, Brooklyn -
    September 2015
  • amontoya
    Barry! I bought a new book last night. It's all about being a vegetarian. I'm extremely happy to report, I'm almost a vegan, without even realizing it! I have very few things to cut out of my diet but I'm there. I believe you're onto something with cancer & nutrition. Anyway, I had to share and I hope you're doing GREAT!
    January 2015
  • waterrunsdeep
    Hey Barry, I see that you're a fan of natural products and supplements. I'm a fan of them myself. Have you ever heard of Rockin Wellness? It's an amazing nutrition supplement powder (I mix with almond milk) I suggest checking it out, you may really love it!
    July 2014
  • geekling
    BTWhey, boomer. If you are usibg whey, you arent vegan. :D
    September 2015
  • BuckeyeShelby
    "I know you work in the Industry so you're not an honest broker"
    September 2015
  • CBarwick
    Sebring isn't too far from me. Have you sent for the Ark yet?
    September 2015
  • NNN
    Barry, check my reply on the thread of:
    PH Test Strips for Saliva and Urine...try it you might be able to get rid of your cancer for ever.
    August 2015
    dear friend hope all is well :) I was wondering, what anticancer suplements do you take? I think I should take them too
    August 2015
  • greytmomm
    I hadn't been on here for a little while and I saw a post that you were going to leave. I'm personally so glad you didn't. I like your point of view. Life would be so boring if we weren't all different. A little late with the message but better late than never! God bless you and have a good day!
    July 2015