

  • barryboomer
    Check out Chris Beat Cancer and this site below as they are fantastic...Get the book Radical Remission by Kelly Turner PHD.

    My advice is really simple.
    If it grows in the ground, a bush or tree EAT IT.
    IF it has a face Pet It....
    Get a Bullet and get some great recipes....I juiced for awhile but am on the smoothies now. I added Salmon on Saturday night and that's the only flesh food I eat. No Milk or Milk products. Go to PubMed for Supplements for cancer. Pray and drink a LOT of water. Keep your bowels going no matter what you have to do.....

    I'm at b d b u t l e r @ c e n t u r y . n e t.

    ALSO check me out at barrydbutler channel on youtube as I'm a singer songwriter.

    Deep breathing and learning to meditate and slow down your breathing........Keep it Simple and close to the soil.

    God makes NO Mistakes and HE put people food in plants, bushes and trees and it also says so in Genesis.....
    Good Luck!
    January 2016
  • BoiseB
    Frog I know the feeling when the Dr.s say "It's back. " I also have lied to relatives. Three years ago next month. I was in the hospital because of injuries when the pipes broke in the apartment above mine and caused the ceiling to fall on me. I started to bleed from the uterus. I thought is was caused by the injuries (I had lifted a lot of heavy objects) But my PCP. ordered a test for uterine cancer.
    test was positive. So I had an hysterectomy. Pathology results showed that I had an aggressive uterine cancer that had pierced the lining of uterus stage II grade 3. But wait there were also esophageal cancer in the uterus fallopian tubes and ovaries. My original cancer (esophageal) had returned. On April 1 2013, my Dr. walked into the examination and announced the tumor board believes there is 100% chance that the cancer will be back in 18 months. My reaction "Do you want to bet? He did make a bet with me. And he had paid up. (Something he had to do )
    I will keep you in my prayers
    I too lied to my children. With my first cancer I lied to my son who was in studying in England. When everything came out he wasn't really upset but a little saddened.
    January 2016
  • azsuper
    Hi Frog1210

    Just checking to see how you are doing and to say Hi.
    How are you doing?
    July 2014
  • azsuper
    Hi Frog1210
    Hope everything is going ok with you.
    May 2014
  • zubsha
    Do you have your pathology back? I missed it if you posted it. I hope it was great news
    November 2013
  • Bestmomever
    How are you doing? I think this is a tough journey for everyone and I have no clue what HIPEC is, but I wish you didn't have to go through it! I have so many BM's its hard to work, but I'm trying. I am glad to hear that you are working and having a sense of normalcy. Best of luck to you, and God Bless You!
    January 2014
  • dhall
    tell me why "frog"?
    January 2014
  • dhall
    hey frog1210 what's hopping in Dublin GA?
    January 2014
  • dhall
    why frog?
    August 2013
  • mgm48
    I thoroughly enjoy tax season. Don't get me wrong the IRS and the forms are truly a pain but meeting with and catching up with my clients is special. It is also a time of year when I can for the most part completely forget that I have cancer. I'm just too busy to do any more than the doctors force me to do. I have changed a couple things about tax season though, I schedule ME TIME. I force client appointments around my activities like the opera and spin classes. I guess that is partly due to a refocus that came with dealing with cancer but I think it is the healthy way to go for all CPA's. I'm sure I am one of the few that do it but more should then tax season wouldn't be as taxing. Ha! Ha!

    Best of luck in your battles with this disease.

    Keep it positive and smile :)
    February 2013
  • nitronick
    Hi Frog1210
    I too am a anal cancer patient. Diagnosed 9 months ago. I have had 3 surgeries. 2 rounds of chemo, 7 straight weeks of radiation. And I want you too know. YOU CAN AND WILL BEAT THIS. If you like to talk about anything love to hear from you. Try and keep positive every day.

    Nick in Buffalo
    February 2013
  • cindywho
    Hi frog1210 you were wondering what is BRAF mutation. Go onto the internet and look it up. It is hard to explain to you what it is. I just asked the question what is BRAF mutation and it came up. So good luck!!! How are you feeling??? I guess I have never heard of BRAF mutation before??? When you go back to the doctor have him or her tell you what it is too!!! Good luck and take care. Cindy Burnett
    February 2013
  • LauraJo
    HI Frog,

    Welcome to the site, although sorry you have to be here. There are lots of good folks here, so please feel free to ask ANY questions - we've been there. I am two years out from being diagnosed with rectal cancer, and a year out from treatment. A lot of the treatment protocols are similar for colon/rectal cancer.

    If you are still having pain with the port tomorrow, you may want to call your doc. And as far as the hair goes...I had FOLFOX and did not have any hair loss on my head. When I was first diagnosed, an elderly lady who had been through colon cancer and breast cancer told me - "if the cancer is above the waist, you will lose your hair, but if it is below the waist, you keep your hair, but get a free Brazilian" NOT what I was expecting to hear from an elderly church lady!

    but I also went wig shopping, just in case! Didn't need it. Good luck to you!
    January 2013
  • CarolLHRN
    Hi. Keep us posted on how you are doing. I went through FOLFOX. I was able to work through the chemo and I didn't lose my hair. I would go for my infusion on Wednesday and then be hooked up to the pump for 46 hours. I met the home are nurse at home and tried to finish up work at home. The weirdest thing is once I was disconnected, I was exhausted. I would nap for hours and then sleep well that evening. By having chemo on Wednesday, I had the weekend to recover and by Monday morning I was feeling pretty good.

    Please let me know if you have questions or anything comes up. It is definitely a manageable chemo treatment. Best wishes.
    January 2013
  • DeanaBeana
    Hello and welcome to the site! I'm sorry for the reason your here. But happy you found WhatNext. Lots of great people here just waiting to connect with you.
    January 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hello and welcome, we are glad to have you with us. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, any questions you may have just post them in the questions tab and everyone will see them there and be able to help you.

    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site.

    Greg P
    3x survivor
    Team WhatNext
    January 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Frog. Welcome to the What's Next site. We have a lot of wonderful people on this site. Any questions you have, chances are someone out here has experienced something like it, can offer some advice or maybe just a little empathy. If you have any questions, you'll see the question tab at the top -- someone will respond. I'm so sorry you have to be here, but I'm glad you've found the site, and I hope you find it as helpful and supportive as I have.
    January 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Find other people like you. You can do this by clicking on "see more" in the "People Most Like You" box to the right.

    2) Go to our Questions page to see what's been posted, ask a question or give some advice. Here is a link to our most popular questions:

    3) Complete your journey profile to share your experience. You can do this by clicking on "Add Experience" in the box next to your picture above.

    4) Don't forget to upload a picture!

    Thank you for being here and sharing your story. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ or contact us.

    Team WhatNext
    January 2013