

  • jojosmom
    How much or what dosage do you take of turmeric? I also have gained 50 lbs since chemo. Nothing I do helps with the weight.
    October 2014
  • DCroz
    Hi. I read your post in chemo and pets. I wish I would have seen it years ago!!! Exactly what your vet told you he saw more cases of from pets of cancer patients happened to my sweet dog. I can’t get any doctor or vet to admit it. I’d also like to send Bella’s blood and records somewhere to see if my treatment in fact cost her her life. I am 99% sure it did...but if I can get more hope is to spare more cancer patients from surviving chemo to live with this. Not to mention making doctors and vets be required to explain the dangers to caregivers and pets before treatment. They’ve now come out with “secondhand chemo” risks...and it describes what’s happening to humans...pancreas, organ failure and lymphomas. Exactly what happened to my dog.
    If you know the name of the vet you spoke with I would be eternally grateful to get his information so I can talk to him.
    Thank you so much! Be well.
    July 2018
  • GregP_WN
    We just wanted to thank you for your help, support and guidance for those that come to the site looking for help. I remember 9 years ago when I was diagnosed for the first time, and how relieved I was when I was able to find answers, help, and hope!

    Please take a minute and browse those questions when you log on and see if there are any you can offer some help on. You just might be the light of someone's day!

    And, it would be great if you would post one of your favorite inspirational quotes or pictures on the Pinboard. Lots of people browse that page looking for something to gather hope from!

    Thanks again from all of us on the WhatNext Team!
    November 2017
  • Larae55
    I didnt know that there were treatments with pills until recently Is that for breast cancer? I was triple positive stage II, How are you doing now
    May 2016
  • Zsuzsanna
    Breast cancer is curable! Controversies and failures of breast cancer therapy justifies that the more aggressive the treatment (mastectomy, radiation, chemotherapy) the poorer is the survival expectancy of patients. Aggressive treatment destructs the own defensive activities of patients. I have a new paper under review titled: Causal therapy of breast cancer irrespective of tumor stage and ER status: stimulation of estrogen signaling and breast conserving surgery.
    Dr. Zsuzsanna Suba
    November 2015
  • NNN
    OMG, Kathy1, when did you hear from Lily?
    We love to hear from her, miss her, I've been checking her profile and so far nothing from her...please let us know.
    October 2015
  • baridirects
    Hi, lilymadeline,

    I just wanted to give you huge kudos for your answer to Vicki regarding her sister with bone mets- just clicking "Like" didn't seem to do it justice. Somehow, I didn't realize that we have a similar story, age 55, Stage IV, with bone mets. I'm pretty new on this carousel, and I appreciate your knowledge and experience. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    July 2014
  • Kathy1
    So glad to hear from you. I have missed you! Knock on wood and everything far my tests have been good. Take care and big hugs from Texas!!!
    October 2015
  • Rob
    Haven't heard from you in a while, How you doing? I'm back in Cancer care again. YEA. I'm not on chemo this time though, they started me on a new drug, OPDIVO , it is supposed to build my immune system to fight the cancer cells' growth. I take it like chemo but with no premeds and 1 bag only takes 1 hour and I will be doing this every 2 weeks. Not exactly what I was wanting to report but God has been good to me, and I must go through round 4, then that's what I will do. God's love XXXOOO
    October 2015
  • happydyad
    Lillymadeline! Where are you? We MISS you! Prayers and a big hug! Judy in Ky
    May 2015
  • meyati
    You have my prayers Lilymadeline- you have given me joy, made me laugh and dream-- Thank you
    June 2015
  • Bug
    lilymadeline, I have not been on-line much lately and just saw the posts about hospice. I miss you and your posts. I wish you peace and comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    June 2015
  • Hussy
    You are missed by so many.
    August 2015
  • CAS1
    So very sorry to hear.
    July 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    We would all love to know how lilymadeline is doing. She remains in my thoughts and prayers.
    May 2015
  • cam32505
    God bless you. You have helped so many with your kind words. May you be comforted knowing you helped so many others, as can be seen on these wall posts.
    July 2015
  • angeldancer
    Liilymadeline...I have not been on in a while and I get back on discovering that you are not feeling well. I am sending prayers and good thoughts your way. I pray family are close by taking care of you. You have been such an inspiration to me and a personal cheerleader. I am cheering you on. Thanks for never letting me lose hope. Our hope lies within our God. May peace and blessing be within you and may you be in no pain.

    Praying earnestly.
    June 2015
  • TXHills
    Peace and light to you, dear one.
    June 2015
  • Carool
    I hadn't read the post mentioning hospice. I wish you comfort and peace, lilymadeline.
    June 2015
  • Carool
    LilyMadeline, I, too, am thinking of you and hoping for the best. Hugs', Carol
    June 2015
  • gonewest
    Love and light to our darling Lily.
    May 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Oh lilymadeline, how i miss your posts. Praying for your peace and comfort and happy that you are surrounded by friends and family at this time. My heart is broken with this news.
    May 2015
  • IronMom45
    Thinking of you.
    June 2015
  • Ejourneys
    Am sending prayers from here. I had been missing your posts. I wish much comfort to you and yours.
    May 2015
  • gonewest
    Could someone in Lily's company give us an update please?
    May 2015
  • happydyad
    Missing you Lilymadeline! Please have someone let us know how you are doing! Big hug! Judy in Ky
    May 2015
  • geekling
    Hi lilymadeline, heard things weren't going all that well so I'm writing to wish you an easy passage to the Undiscovered Country or an ability to save yourself from the trip at this time. Kibdest regards
    May 2015
  • MargeGh
    Dear Lilymadeline, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you very much!!
    May 2015
  • judyinflorida
    She has been a breath of fresh air to this online community and we wish her peace in her struggle. Please let her know that we are all thinking of her and we are happy to hear that she is surrounded by such love. We won't forget her.
    May 2015
  • yumolita
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    May 2015