

  • carter4
    So sorry to just see this. He replied on my comment once. SHows he cared about people. God's peace.
    March 2013
  • Ono11
    Oh, I am startled by this sad news. Harry seemed invincible, one of the core personalities here who reached out to everyone. I hope he had a peaceful exit and my condolences to his family and friends. Blessings of peace, grace and rich memories are sent your way.
    February 2013
  • JenniferAnn
    This is Harry's daughter, Jennifer. Unfortunately, Harry passed away suddenly on Monday afternoon. He will be dearly missed. Memorial donations can be made to International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation.

    Thank you,
    February 2013
  • marshala1
    We will miss you, Harry. So sorry for your loss, Jennifer. Your Dad was an awesome inspiration to me and many others. Praying for you and your family. May God give you peace and comfort.
    February 2013
  • DeanaBeana
    RIP Harry. You will be missed by many! Jennifer I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and the family during this difficult time. God Bless You!
    February 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Jennifer, I am so terribly sorry to hear this. I felt like Harry was a part of my family. He was for sure a part of our WhatNext family. I know there's not much you can say at a time like this, but I do understand how you feel, I lost both parents to cancer.

    Thanks for posting the information.
    February 2013
  • KimG
    thanks Harry for your input to my question regardin bankuptcy and getting a job. Each and everyone of you helped me feel better just by answering.kimg09
    January 2013
  • Rbboulet
    Thanks for the information to find a facility. I am really feeling lost.
    January 2013
  • boboman1
    Hi there, I'm also a Waldenstrom's sufferer - we are quite a rare breed eh? I'm a 62 year old grandmother to three and although I've been diagnosed a few years I'm about to embark on a clinical trial with Bendamustine/Rituximab. I'm glad to see that, in the main, you experience of this regimen was favourable.

    It would be good if you could spare the time to email me - shirleymcintyre50@gmail.com with more details of your 'journey'.

    Thanks for reading this and I look forward to hearing from you.

    January 2013
  • LMM
    Thank you for responding Harry. Do you have any advice on how I can get some sleep. I keep reading how important sleep is to helping the body. Yet, I lay down, close my eyes and sleep does not come. I am sooo tired.
    You too have been through a lot. I wish you only the best Harry. God bless you.
    January 2013
  • carm
    Harry, well now you just have to let out your softer side, LOL! But actually it isn't just cosmetics it is also cologne, deoderant, shaving cream, and household items as well, including fluoride which i'm sure you have encountered leeching into the ground somewhere. Got your contact info and so you know where to reach me, and I you, Carm.
    December 2012
  • carm
    Harry, you are most welcome and I am here for you anytime day or nite, I will send you my personal contact information. There are many tools that you can benefit from and the chemotherapy advisor is one of them. I recommend it often as well as Skin Deep website so that you can reduce the chances of coming into carcinogens from the everyday products that you use. Here is that link: http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/. I do not work presently because I am finishing a higher degree this month, so I kind of semi retired. But I do volunteer my services to many and get calls day and night from patients in the U.S. and abroad. Helping patients helps me by increasing my knowledge and keeps me current, so I think I get more out of it than they do. Never hesitate to call on me if you have a question or an issue that concerns you. I would rather have you ask then think you are sitting around stewing and stressing out over something that together we can handle with ease. Life is to precious to waste on that. You have a life to live, so don't trip over things that can be eliminated by an email or a phone call. Best of luck to you and I will send you my personal contact info, Carm.
    December 2012
  • Modern
    Hi Harry just saw you've had a bit of a tough weekend and just wanted to say keep moving forward and were all supporting you :)
    December 2012
  • Nomadicme
    Hi Harry. Sorry to hear about your recurrence, a cancer survivors most dreaded scenario. Keep on fighting, and stay positive. All those R-CHOP and R what not regimes should keep you around for a long time. My best wishes.
    December 2012
  • Deb949
    Harry- I do need the money but it doesn't seem to matter right now. This cancer thing has changed me & I need to figure out what that means I guess! I'm sorry to see you diagnosis/ recurrence. I can't even imagine what your feeling right now. Wishing the best in a really crummy situation!!
    December 2012
  • Nancyb-95131
    Harry was sorry to hear your recent diagnosis. I just finished my own chemo last week. But I to respond because after a year and a half of chemo and radiation for bone cancer that had reecurred because of breast cancer many years ago my cousin was told she is in remission. She was told when it started she wasn't treatable. My point is hang in there. All things are possible when you strongly believe they are. Good luck with your treatment Harry. I will be thinking about you and ppraying for you.
    December 2012
  • prayandhope1
    Hang in there Harry. You'll beat this. Take care.
    December 2012
  • maralyn
    my prayers are with you!!!
    December 2012
  • FreeBird
    Thanks for being here, Harry. You and your family have been through enough with cancer. Good luck to you.
    December 2012
  • Klnoisok
    I am curious if you have had many dental surgerys? I have had so many I can't even count with horrible infections related to some of the surgeries. I have Squamous Cell Carcinoma (secondary cancer in my auxillary lymph nodes in my Left arm pit area.

    They haven't found the primary source of cancer (CUP =cancer unknown primary) I have known since April and have had 2 biopsy's from the nodes. I have no Insurance until January 2013 so I will be doing a 3rd PET/CT and MRI of breast again where they didn't find it was coming from.

    I had precancer of the tounge in 07 so when I saw your post it peaked my intrest, since the last surgeon thought this might be coming from my mouth neck area.

    This has been a very long year trying to do all the medical and $$$ & take care of myself & hubby. yada yada

    Guess I had better horde my #&%*##.
    December 2012
  • Joy535
    Thank you so much for your answer, and for "being here" for all of us! My gallbladder cancer was caught early just by a fluke. I had no symptoms, no pain, no jaundice, never had gall stones, nothing to indicate anything was wrong inside! And I still feel "normal" after 12 sessions of chemo.

    Fortunately we have an excellent medical facility here in Kalispell, the only surgical oncologist in the state that does the kind of surgery I might need (who has already done very technical surgery on both my husband and me), and an excellent oncologist who we trust implicitly. Our daughter and only grandchild live two blocks away, and she works at the hospital in the lab.; so we are very well taken care of there. Our surgeon told me that if there was cancer left after they biopsy that lymph node he's concerned about (they're going to do the biopsy with an endoscope that will go down and can take the biopsy without any surgery or invasive procedure - another Dr. who is the only one in the state doing such work), that even if I had no further treatment I could expect to live well at least another year. After what you've said, I feel that I probably will be able to achieve my goal of being here to see my 5 year old grandson enter college 13 years from now...

    November 2012
  • Lindy
    Thanks Harry for that list, I am certain I need to get out of here! My oncologist has me as dead woman walking, not innovative, gives me about a year and a half. I do know the U of W tumor team is great, did a trial there. Thanks again, Lindy.
    November 2012
  • greensmythe
    I wanted to thank you for giving me the time yesterday to explain some things and get the number. I googled it and got the number. My appointment is at 8am this morning and my son is going with me. I just hate having to have all this upset in my families life at this time of year.

    Thank you for helping me and if you say it is ok, I will keep you posted.

    November 2012
  • marshala1
    Thanks for your response, Harry. I love the pictures of your dogs. We have a full blood shar pei named Tinkerbelle, and boy is she bossy. We adopted the stray dog that had been roaming the neighborhood and named him Buddy because he is now her pal. As long as he does everything she tells him to. :)
    November 2012
  • dvdbriansr
    So sorry to pester you again, but like you daytime TV not only repulses me, but it dowright makes me sick. And just think that as a kid, we may have only had 3 channels, but they were free and used to have 'some' fair programming. These days you pay a small fortune for 550 channels and still get nothing but repeats and cr@p. I think I'll stick to my original plan and take plenty of music with me. After all, music does calm the savage beast!!!
    October 2012
  • dvdbriansr
    Hi Harry, thanx for the post. Yes I've decided to give it a try, there's not much in life that I've backed down from, and I'm just an itty-bitty, little guy, with the tenacity of a bulldog. This one did knock the wind right out of my sails for a while. My wife of 36+ years deserves to have me bugging her for yet another 36+ years, my son deserves to continue to have his Dad to run to when his truck breaks down and my Grandkids most certainly deserve a grandpa they can always talk to about anything. I guess in truth I am a mighty lucky man. Best of luck to you harry.
    October 2012