

  • GregP_WN
    Harry, I haven't seen you here in a while and I'm happy to see you post. I hope you are doing well, we appreciate you dropping by and hope you will stop by more often!
    November 2019
  • beckyleu
    hello" Crazy Harry, like you it`s been 4 yrs for me to"" and i`m now working on my 3 ed round of chemo, I`m wondering how much of this can my body take.
    March 2017
  • FROG1210
    Congrats!!!! Great news
    July 2015
  • IronMom45
    After reading answer to the burning urination question wondering if you have ever been offered pyridium pill as a bladder analgesic ? Works great.
    February 2015
  • NewBeginnng40
    Quick questions for you. It's been four months since my rectal resection. No complications from the surgery just recurring tailbone pain that seem to be increasing in intensity. Did you have this? Is it due to sitting for too long. I had a little rectal bleeding month ago and surgeon said I had internal hemrhiods. Did you get hemrhiods following your surgery? Also, did you have any tumor shedding/bloody stool prior to your surgery? Not sure what norm is and surgeon hasn't really told me what to expect with recovery.
    October 2014
  • Nel17
    Love your moniker! (My daughter is married to Harry, so that may have something to do about it, but these days Crazy seems so appropriate.) Glad to see my household is not the only one disputing the PET scan. I am starting to appreciate that there COULD be a downside to the PET scan, considering the radiation levels involved and that the American Society of Clinical Oncology says there is no proven longevity advantage, plus many resulting exploratories which only show benign results. Until later, Nel17
    August 2014
  • Gabba
    Good luck next week with the colonoscopy. Let us know how you make out. Enjoy the prep!
    July 2014
  • meyati
    Hey, I was going to ask you if you lived in AZ-- Take care-signed NM.
    July 2014
  • Lisamarie65
    Haha butt warrior I loved it.I'm on ativan but its not strong enough I have myself so freaked out by surgery that I'm my own worst enemy.I go see the surgeon on may 28 to see if the tumor shrunk enough for surgery in june wish me luck
    May 2014
  • Blazin
    Don't woory crazy we have all been there we have all had enough at times and still do but we are all stonger than we think.You will always find a way to move forward. We ate all here to help when thise thoughts hit us. In 6 yrs with ni possible chance of cure for me ive been there a lot.
    May 2014
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Enjoyed your answer to the power port question but honestly did you have to say monster needle? Glad I didn't have any hair on my chest.:)
    April 2014
  • kalindria
    In my experience, the needle is NOT that big and not painful without the cold spray. I've had the port accessed with and without the spray and it's better with but it's also perfectly doable without the spray.
    April 2014
  • azsuper
    Hi Crazy
    How are you doing? How's Arizona?
    Question for you. Are you doing treatments at Mayo's there in Arizona? If you are what do you think of that place?
    April 2014
  • kustom1
    thanks for your response, I started with the hormone treatment which is driving me nut with the hot flashes and being tired... i start the radiation treatments tomorrow and i have asked my doctors what to expect and they tell me i think what i want to here and not really happens. that is why i joined up here to find out some truths about this. they make it sound simple but in all actuality it is not, as i am finding out. thanks for you response.
    April 2014
  • angeldancer
    Hi crazyharry. I am wondering when did they stage your cancer and was it in your lymph nodes. I will be having surgery before chemo and radiation. I am praying that I don't have to have chemo and radiation but I know it depends on what they find. Since being diagnosed in November but knowing I have had it a while an endorectal ultrasound said it was stage 1/2 but that was a few weeks ago. I am so happy you are doing better and I am praying that it never strikes you again.

    Thanks and Happy New Year
    January 2014
  • angeldancer
    Can you tell me about your stage of cancer found. They did an endorectal ultrasound and said I am stage 1 to stage 2. Two different surgeons said two different roads of treatment. I haven't gotten another oncologist opinion as of yet but trying to see what stage you were and how far down was the tumor?
    December 2013
  • slatebreak
    Just want you to know that you have a great ability to make me laugh..luv your 'poopie' answer! LOL
    March 2014
  • slatebreak
    Had my port installed today at the Mayo and was thinking about you. How are you doing? I feel so badly that after finishing this long colorectal cancer road, you find yourself with a thyroid cancer diagnosis. Sending prayers and hugs your way... :) After whipping colon cancer you will crush the thyroid cancer...stay calm, believe, and know that we are here for you.
    March 2014
  • Chinita
    Hi CrazyHarry I have a question re your response on the use of medical marijuana. Is there a "recipe" of how to make the edibles. You spoke about adjusting it based on how you felt. Also, I have heard that it takes a while for it to start "working" . Basically I am trying to find out how to use it. I don't know if you can email me though this forum, I tried putting my email before but it was erased
    January 2014
  • Gabba
    Good morning Harry, hope you continue to feel better...just thought I'd let you know we had ANOTHER foot of snow last night on top of, what seems like, hundreds of feet of snow...and it's a nice balmy 10 this get out there, walk that dog, and stop complaining of the heat!! (Just kidding... Would give just about anything for some heat about now).
    February 2014
  • DebDo
    I hope everything goes well and you can finally get some relief from your pain.
    December 2013
  • gracie1
    Thank you for answering my post. It has been very comforting to hear from people in similar situations. We are seeing a new surgeon next week to see why this leakage is not controllable. I believe one reason my husband Roy does not eat as much as he use to but eats the wrong foods. We are very Italian so food is one of his greatest loves. We have a tile business so he also continues to travel to customers homes inspecting our guys work.
    I hope things get better for you too. Now I know why they call Cancer a battle. Thank you Crazy Harry you made my day!
    December 2013
  • Memmie
    Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving my friend
    November 2013
  • Justellen
    Good luck and yeah for you!
    September 2013
  • junie1
    moffitt teletalk, time: 7p-7;30pm Tampa, Fla time.
    800-206-6032,, access code: 6633488#
    September 2013
  • GolfGirl
    Thanks Harry - you have been thru the ringer but manage to keep our sense of humor!
    September 2013
  • wendesue
    Thank you for getting back to me. The gentleman I asked about lives in Greenville PA. if you would like to talk to him I can give you his name and phone number and tell him you will call.
    August 2013
  • eyewonder2
    Thank you! :-)
    August 2013
  • Justellen
    You are too funny, you even made my brother in law laugh! And that ain't easy! I feel almost normal, right now.....I guess I have a week of ok!! Thank you for the cheer!!
    August 2013
  • Justellen
    I had a "hissy fit" about signing the release paper, I was and am freaked out by the neuropathy issue, as I am an artist and my hands are.....wel, important! They reduced my dose to 65 per square foot, or however they do it! So far the only nerve side effect is a slightly numb tongue, which,I just checked, has almost gone away. I'm not sure what that is about, but didn't get the cold problem, or finger tingle. The nausea and depression was another thing! But right this second, I am doing wonderful (it's like banging ur head against the wall, feels so good when you stop! Next Monday will be treatment 2. Can't wait. :-( anyway, glad to hear you got them to stop the oxi, they aren't sure about how much you need anyway! Good luck!
    August 2013