

  • MsLaurieZ2

    What treatments were you on?

    Thank you
    May 2015
  • better
    Bye BB, I'm off now for 6 mos. Many thanks and thanks.
    May 2015
  • puckett
    You are amazing to have gone through so much...
    April 2015
  • chiclb
    Actually there a tons of scholarly articles. If you search google scholar and then put in Cancer and Guilt you will get a whole bunch. You response made me want to check out if there had been. They are interesting
    April 2015
  • ivyJ
    By Ivory Jackson, copyright 2015
    From the book “Tell Me My Name.”

    Ode To Death

    You have shadowed my life from beginning to end
    You enjoy my fear with your cold chilling grin.
    That fake stance of yours it’s because you’re are loathed
    When showing your power wearing dark dreary clothes
    You just need a friend as all creatures do.
    So please take a sip of my kindness, please do.
    I will no longer let you torture my mind
    I’ll look upon you as someone who’s kind
    I will make you my friend, death, and with you I’ll stand.
    I will smile when you call me, then reach for your hand.
    With a nod and a smile I will pass by your gate
    No fear, no disgust, not one sense of hate
    Marching to glory, as we all must do.
    God’s glory seems brighter since I made friends with you.

    April 2015
  • skimpy10
    Hi Bosie I have bad news to tell you. Doctor says I'm almost terminal. One more try on chemo, and if it doesn't work, that's it for me except for God's final say so. I would like to see pictures of the garden.
    April 2015
  • TXHills
    Thank you for your feedback on my question about sleep. My kitty also likes to lie near me and knead for a while, then sleep. As much as I love Gospel music, I'm afraid it would be a bit too stimulating for me at bedtime. Glad it works for you.
    Your idea of medical hypnosis was a good one. Thanks for mentioning it.
    March 2015
  • chiefomni
    I would like to say congratulation of your 5th anniversary.

    With God's help I have made it to 15 years this coming May post esophagectomy surgery. My tumor was a stage III adenocarcinoma at the base of my esophagus.

    My wife and I created and I have been telling people about the Esophageal Cancer Education Foundation and what we do for patients on WhatNext.. Our main focus is the patient and walking the journey with them and their spouse through EC,

    We have a support group that meets by conference call once a month that give patients an opportunity to talk to other patients about issues they are experiencing.

    Just wanted to say congratulations on your anniversary

    March 2015
  • rpg54
    Hi Boise.
    March 2015
  • PennieEckard
    Hi BoiseB
    How are you doing? The chemo brain can be frustrating. Hang in there.
    February 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hoping your son is going to be okay. Years ago, my brother was stalked. He moved to another town and then joined the USMC ... and when he returned, the stalker was gone. I hope your son doesn't have to take such drastic measures to rid himself of his stalker.
    February 2015
  • better
    Hi B!
    Thanks for posting on my wall. You have great things to say that help a lot. I didn't figure out how to reply until tonight which had turned into day already!
    Diet has so much that I don't know about this and nobody to ask, and there is so much that I've learned over the years about food, both good and good for you, that I'm recovering and going off the egde into faint, failing, constipation, and back into better healing than anyone sees usually at 12 days after surgery :) So I'm giving it a whirl. Simultaneous results from the effort. Overall: GREAT!
    Please keep in touch. The exercise thing has me wary, I wasn't good at it before and want to do it right. Thus far I'm doing the things my PT taught me in the water for walking. Holding my stomach in place post hysterectomy is the hardest, it keeps flopping over my left side "inside" and stopping proper "elimination" unless I tighten the upper stomach muscles to pull it up and sit very straight.
    Any advice? You're thinner and look so cute, I love the picture of you on the hill.
    One of the things I've learned, is that I don't want to die fat. That scared me straight! It would take too long. I'm determined to be "ready to go to Jesus" at any second, with ease, and that means getting more like your image and "those people" I've always admired.
    Already started getting the social thing going, but haven't been able to get out and drive yet. I had the girls over (there are four of us...actually plus one husband and one teen.) Yet I realized want to have someone in my life to love, so I really have incentive to look better...
    And my Church Guild Board has been emailing me about Friday's meeting...please attend, can I volunteer for the Valentine's day party...always what can you do for us...not friends but a service. There are so many of that type of thing in my life...I've filled my life with things that don't mean anything to anybody but God, which always seemed good until this cancer thing when there came to me the question of Euelgy.who knew me? Nobody. That's a stopper.
    I love the silence of God's intervention.
    Got to go and start the day. Porch to paint, it's raining..and hours to read,(Lauds) and dog to feed...and dishes to do that I was too sick to think about last night.
    So nice to have you listening. GOD bless you. K
    February 2015
  • Overlyaverage
    I appreciated learning of your journey. I also call my first oncologist Dr. Doom.
    January 2015
  • meyati
    Major Updates in Justina Pelletier Case: Lawmakers Get ...
    Massachusetts lawmakers are getting involved in the Justina Pelletier case and have begun circulating a resolution asking the Department of Children and Families (DCF ..

    This is a case of a 15 year old competition figure skater that was held prisoner by Mass child protective services. She isn't even 18, and is now confined to a wheel chair and has a port for feeding.

    She has a genetic condition, her Connecticut gastroenterologists sent her for further eval,, diet recommendations and to see if they missed anything. A shrink that had been licensed for only 3 months, decided that she was abused. She was locked up in a psych ward, the Boston GI wasn't even allowed to examine her, she wasn't allowed to see her parents.

    This isn't cancer- but it should give you the mindset of the girl and her parents about cancer care. I would never send a child to New England for medical care.
    January 2015
  • tampa83
    Judi Thanks
    January 2015
  • JeanB
    Howdy BoiseB. I haven't been around for a while but was thinking about you today.
    January 2015
  • angelgirl
    Did it spread, or anything did you have a tumor in your esophagus as well.
    January 2015
  • geekling
    Just read your post about being cancer free.

    Wheeee! Congratulations!!!!

    Lots of luck to you but don't break a leg. :)
    January 2015
  • geekling
    I love your grammar Nazi attitude and the patience you have to explain. Thank you. I wish the New Year to bring you recovered health.
    December 2014
  • meyati
    Hi, I hope that you get feeling better for New Year's dinner. You take care. I'm safe here in Albuquerque with the Breaking Bad people. The Grimm scares me, and I don't like to be in Zombie land either AKA Cajun country.
    December 2014
  • sallas21
    BoiseB, did you have to go to a rehab center following the surgery?
    December 2014
  • sallas21
    BoiseB, have you had your esophagus removed? I had hoped to avoid the surgery but the doctors tell me that it is necessary.
    December 2014
  • Judt1940
    Chemo brain here. We're you not seeing about your back this month? Judy
    November 2014
  • Kittyluvr
    Thanks for your message. I actually am owned by seven cats, and six dogs. They all helped me get through lung cancer in 2012, and now they're helping with this new one. I can't imagine life without them.
    October 2014
  • MsMope
    Boise B: Why would your son pay a fine re the Affordable Care Act? Health insurance plans on the Healthcare Marketplace are subsidized so people with low incomes pay the least.

    We went to a county health fair last winter to get help choosing a plan that's right for us, and also to get help with the online application process. An official navigator who also happened to be an insurance agent gave us excellent advice.

    We get a subsidy, but we also pay more because of our age. A silver plan costs us around $250.00/month for two people in their sixties. The plan has a higher deductible - $4500.00 for each of us. But considering I needed cancer care, that's a bargain. My husband, healthier, has paid only about $300.00 so far for medications, a few lab tests and a doctor visit.

    And if your son's income is very low, he would qualify for Medicaid. We were pushed out of our state's Badgercare program when our Republican governor decided to refuse federal Medicaid money - money paid into the program by state taxpayers like us. Our fixed incomes were just a bit over the poverty line, tho thank goodness we qualified for Badgercare when I was first diagnosed with cancer.

    We're grateful for the Affordable Care Act. How would I have insurance without it? I'd have the pre-existing condition of cancer, and could not afford to buy health insurance. Before the Marketplace (and before cancer) we were quoted ballpark monthly premiums of around $1800.00 per month plus co-pays and deductibles. Maybe we'd have health insurance, but how could we buy food or gas for the car, or electricity, or gas for the furnace? I'm on Social Security and a tiny pension.

    I wish your son good luck applying for insurance, either on the Marketplace or via a Medicaid program.


    October 2014
  • ivyJ
    Hi, I talk to anyone and everyone. I live alone and talk to people in the stores, on the bus, etc. Sometimes I wish I would quietly contain myself....then something pops out. Anyway, isn't it good to have this website. Express your feeling to people who understand. My church sister wonders why I don't attend church more often, my daughter was cross because I raised my voice to her, as an African-American the chemo changed my complexion from a nice color to a dark dark brown...old friends stare at me, some church folks not recognizing me. One person told me that all I had to do was eat fiber and I'd be cured. And she's a retired school teacher!! Some of these ignorant people are laughable. (when I'm in the mood) Yesterday my cardiologist had me waiting for him after I had an Echocardiogram. ( the cancer tends to build fluid in my percardial sac) I waited two hours afer an EKG and Echo. He wanted the Echo repeated. I could have died from the hullabaloo and not cancer. Life gets crazy but you'll have to stay strong and bear it. I hope you will not be lonely and find a friend to talk to who understands. Not many do. Be blessed.
    September 2014
  • ivyJ
    My goodness!, I can really relate to your post about people not understanding you. WOW I've seen eggheads in my life but since I've had cancer I've seen enough of them to make a super-sized omelet. My missionary president told me that if I eat more fiber I would be okay. EG (egg head). Yesterday I was in an office, I told the lady I was sick and could she not send me back the long line. ( I had my chemo pack on) she nonchalantly and very cold said, "Oh, I understand." I was ill from the chemo, I blurted out, "No you don't, only a person with cancer can relate." I said that because she acted like it was part of her job to say she understood and with no feelings whatsoever. ( I guess she had taken Pysch 101. My church-sister keep urging me to go to church each Sunday. I'm a Baptist and church goes on for 2 to 2 and one half hours. I had to leave the last time I went. My cancer is now in my pelvis and sitting for those many hours is difficult. I could go on but we both know of those absurd comments people make. Say nothing to them and think to yourself, "You stupid egghead."
    September 2014
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi BoiseB,saw you were cutting your calories way down,are you going on a specific diet? About exercise,I would recommend buying a pedometer,mine cost fifteen dollars.Wear it and record your normal daily activity in steps, then set goals to increase those steps.Many times I walk numerous times up and down my hallway and kitchen,you would be amazed how quickly it all adds up.Record your steps over a months time and watch your improvement.I agree with you,everything tastes better with catsup and vinegar.:)
    September 2014
  • ivyJ
    PLEASE READ THIS LETTER A FRIEND SENT TO ME IT EXPLAINS WHY Mt. Sinai let me die, it was because of my age that they did nothing. .
    Just ran across the following online.
    It states that some feel it unnecessary to do tests for those over 65.
    We paid the Medicare tax for years only to be told once we're eligible that we are too old to get medical tests and treatments because of our "short life span" or that we may die of other causes!!! And that's probably why Mt Sinai didn't give you the small bowel CT Scan that would have found the tumor in time for successful treatment.
    People live productive lives for over 100 years nowadays.
    Hell, this is just another form of US genocide while our tax dollars are spent overseas preventing foreign genocide.
    August 2014
  • Judt1940
    Hey. Boise. May I ask what activity level are you? I feel I can handle my life even with being uncomfortable but everyone keeps telling me my back is a mess.
    August 2014