

  • geekling
    Hi; you keep saying you are a devout Christian. May I please refer you to Mathew 8:13?

    Best wishes
    May 2015
  • BoiseB
    Just checking in to say that the snap dragons are doing fabulously, We have had a lot (for Boise) of rain. They are a lovely peach color. Let us know how you are doing
    May 2015
  • sallas21
    Skimpy10, Sammy and Kayla are sending purrs and headbutts your way. They would like to know how you are feeling and the how the latest chemo is working out for you. Sammy and Kayla think that they're good typists, but.... I thought I would help them out. Too many paws on the keyboard is not good you know
    May 2015
  • Jenvivace
    How are you doing? I just found out my cancer has recurred after two years. I have a lymph node possibly trying to get into what is left of my stomach. Too amorphous to do surgery right now. I will be beginning oxiplatin and xeloda this week for like six months, my oncologist said. Have you had either of those drugs? I am at home to do my chemo instead of in Houston, but still under MD Anderson's direction. I am glad to be home.
    April 2015
  • BoiseB
    Thought I would tell you Sunday I found some Snapdragons They are the color of your blouse in your picture only a little lighter. Sending prayers and best wishes your way.
    April 2015
  • BoiseB
    Skimpy I am so sorry you are not feeling well enough to plant flowers. What is your favorite flower? I will plant one for you if I can find it.
    March 2015
  • Overlyaverage
    Hi Skimpy. We seem to be on the same journey though you are ahead of me some. I appreciate the updates you have provided along the way. One thing I am learning I suspect people who have been in treatment longer already know-instead of worrying about symptoms and fearing they point to something even worse, it is important to address them in a timely manner. I saw the radiation oncologist and the dietician today and was reassured that my colicky stomach and my muscle pain were treatable and not related to the cancer or the treatment.

    I am happy for you that this current treatment is going well.
    February 2015
  • rpg54
    See your from jacksonville,il lived there for about 10 years partner going through same thing..
    March 2015
  • angelgirl
    I was wondering my dad has the same thing but his Dr. only is giving him 1yr and a couple of months but we are staying Positive because we have to keep the faith. I was just wondering where all you had it if you dont mind me asking. This is my Therapy. Thank You
    February 2015
  • sallas21
    Hi Skimpy, I haven't seen any posts from you lately so I want to check-in and see how you are doing. I miss seeing you.
    January 2015
  • sallas21
    Are you feeling better?
    December 2014
  • BoiseB
    Wishing those I haven't seen here a Happy New Year.
    January 2015
  • sallas21
    Skimpy10, have you had the esophagus removed? I had hoped to get out of the surgery but I'm told it has to be done.
    December 2014
  • BoiseB
    Hi skimpy How are you doing? Haven't heard from you for a while. I am still praying for you
    September 2014
  • andisusan
    My BF beat it........he is cancer free right now:)
    And you can tooooooooo
    July 2014
  • Hatman
    Great to hear how good you're doing! Diagnosed last year at 43, stage 4, too. Lost 35 pounds during first 3 months of hellish chemo, but have also gone onto the same herceptin regimen as you and am back up to my pre-diagnosis weight.
    I needed the boost to know I'm not expecting too much in hoping to beat this thing.
    Keep kicking Mr. C's @ss!
    August 2014
  • chiefomni
    I am an esophageal cancer stage III survivor of 14 years. We created the Esophageal Cancer Education Foundation to help patients with their journey through this disease.

    We have co-authored a book called 100 Questions and Answers about Esophageal Cancer published by Jones and Bartlett and can be purchased at any book store.

    We have also published a book called Esophagectomy Post Surgical Guide Questions & Answers published by Authorhouse that can be purchased at any bookstore or on our web site

    We have support groups that meet by conference call on a monthly basis. Patients calling in with quality of life questions and hearing how other patients have handled a specific issue. We also have a 24 hour hotline to help with quality of life questions as well. Check it out.
    Good luck
    July 2014
  • andisusan
    I feel for you, have you called the help line? This guy is great
    an will give you the courage to take it one day at a time.
    I am working with a spiritual counselor. What ever works
    get the help from here and whatever else your heart is telling you.
    YOU can live and you will. Bart who answers the phone
    has had this for years and he will help guide you. I am
    here for you,
    July 2014
  • Sunneegal
    Hi Skimpy,
    Thanks for your positive comment...... I was told my hair would get thinner so I was surprised at the major fallout, so to speak. Tis okay, I deal with things in a positive way so am looking for cute hats and big earrings. Good Luck to you on your journey, Marion
    June 2014
  • barryboomer
    Thanks Skimpy......Greetings from Sebring, Florida.
    There are a lot of Florida People here.
    Good Luck!
    June 2014
  • barryboomer
    Thanks for Praying for me AND your caring response.
    Here is the song "THE STRUGGLE"

    June 2014
  • barryboomer
    I only wish you well. I have a terrible itchy skin condition called Grover's and has nothing to do with my cancer. IT'S driving me crazy and I've tried every cream the Dermatologist and every thing else I can think of. They don't know what causes it and don't have a cure. Say it might run it's course in 6-12 months. I might be dead by I have no major Cancer symptoms yet but I have this. I wrote a song recently called The Struggle which is about life and our Journey. I guess this is MINE as I've had a really healthy life for 68 years. Now in the past 8 months I get NHL and this stupid thing. Doing the best I can and trying to help others. What do or did you do in the real world?
    Barry from Sebring, Fl.
    May 2014
  • TammyF
    How are YOU doing?
    April 2014
  • TammyF
    Hi skimpy10. I would like to know what chemo they are giving you
    My husband has the same cancer
    March 2014
  • andy-128301
    Yes, it is more than rough, but you can be tougher. Prayers and happy thoughts to you.
    January 2014
  • mac65
    thanks very for the comment hope u feel better keep the fight alive and think positive I know its easy said and doned but I have good days and bad days since I was dignosed with cancer in august I cried a river for many days but I am hopefull that things will get better on day at a time so have a blessed week hugsz
    November 2013
  • geekling
    Are you swallowing or using a Gtube? If a Gtube, it doesn't much matter what you juice because your tummy doesn't have taste buds.

    Stick with simple. If you are on chemotherapy, use celery & cucumber with a shot of lime or ginger or parsley.

    Hope you have good company this Thanxgiving
    November 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi again. I noticed you decided to follow me. I try to be comic relief whenever possible. You've been warned. : ). I hope things get easier w/your chemo. I was relatively lucky. I didn't do the nausea thing. Only threw up once. But leg pains, wow! Spent a weekend every. Weeks on narcotics, then drug a cane into work w/me for three days the next week.. Hang in there. Come vent here. Weget it.
    October 2013
  • BoiseB
    We women with Esophageal Cancer have got to stick together. Sorry you have this cancer. But don't do like I did and go get Uterine Cancer so you can hang out with the girls here on WhatNext. We are as rare as Women CEO's (which is what I was hoping for when I attended all those conscience raising sessions in the 60's) But here I am the token woman in the Esophageal Cancer Club,
    October 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Skimpy. Welcome to What Next. As you've already seen, there are great people here. If you have any questions, please use the question tab above -- that way the entire network will have access. I'm glad you found us but sorry for the circumstances that led you here. Wishing you all the best.
    October 2013