

  • Harleymemaw
    Dhall.. I read a post on here from you about Cannibis Oil... I was hoping you can take the time to explain to me how this works. My husband has Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer tumors in both lungs and some in his stomach and one on his hip.... He has had 18 chemo treatments of Carboplatin and etoposide.. then he had 15 radiation treatments on his head (precautionary only) after that he was off everything for 2 months.. then it all came back again.. which we knew it would because its such an agressive cancer, but wasn't expecting to come back that fast.. now he has a spot on his liver and the ones in his lungs have grown back and its pressing on his esopogus and vocal chords which has his voice almost nothing and he can no longer eat solid foods.. so we took 13 radiation treatments to the center of his lung area and now have started a new chemo called topotecan.. he takes it ever Thursday. We've had two of these so far... anyway.. now that i've given you a "summary" of what he's having to deal with, i was hoping you could give me some really detail information about this Cannibis Oil. I'm hoping i can find something that will give him some pain relief and allow him to sleep thru the night for a change.. thank you for your time..
    September 2014
  • YazBri
    Read your post to another regarding symptoms and feeling a lot of fatigue..same here, I was dragging w/fatigue for several months prior to being diagnosed. Ironically I loved hiking on the weekends, that always wore me out too, but loved how I was losing weight (on purpose), in the 2 months that led up to my final days, fatigue was increased, along w/weakness, then diarrhea & shortness of breath increasing to the point whereas I thought I was going to pass out. I had a lot of people telling me I needed to take more vitamins, or that I was unhealthy and lazy, showed them huh? Lol. Well I hope to go back to my normal life, as all do. Take care!
    March 2014
  • Bestmomever
    I'm sorry to hear about your "life of chemo" news. Bummer. I didn't have up front chemo, and was too ill for post surgery chemo, so I don't know what you're going through. I'm close to your age though, and wish you didn't have to go through this, as its been a life changer for me. You have a beautiful little one in your pic though!! I had liver lesions, and had section 5 & 6 removed only to find out there was no cancer-but the biopsy had already said this. Did you get caught up in the year end policy cancellations due to the Affordable Care Act and are waiting for the insurance company to get their act together? Our company is. Thank goodness Johns Hopkins didn't give me a hard time when I had my CT last week. Sorry, I'm rambling! I hope you're doing well. Stay out of the cold! Best of luck. God's got your back! Stay positive!
    January 2014
  • FROG1210
    Work mostly and fighting cancer and trying to staywarm. How are things with you?
    January 2014
  • Chajones
    Thank you so much for your answers, that's great news. I mean it sucks to be on chemo at any point but as opposed to the alternative. You have it scheduled every 2 weeks or 3? Any breaks planned. I will give you some hope from my side.. I had 12 tiny tumors in my Iiver and after 6 treatments of chemo and avastin they were gone. I did anther 6 sessions and they were still gone. So they put me on avastin for the holidays. Talk about a piece of cake... One 30 minute infusion every 3 weeks and virtually NO side effects. So keep on shrinking that thing because there is hope that it will starve out completely! They will never tell you that but it is possible.
    January 2014
  • Chajones
    Hi, you posted in my question about where are all the stage IV fighters. 7 years is actually a pretty good outlook and I have no doubt you will make that and then some. Can you tell me some details about your diagnosis and treatments so far? I too was originally stage III. Though we now have stage IV cancer, you and are still considered stage III patients since that was our original diagnosis. At least thats how it's done for statistical and research reports. I think it also gives us a slight advantage that sine we caught it at stage 3 we get scans every few months so it doesn't spread so much so fast. They found mets on my liver last march. It was about 12 of them. But after just 6 sessions of chemo and avastin I was NSD. I did 6 more sessions and scanned and once again NSD. that was great. But I have a scan tomorrow. Despite the fact that I feel great. I mean really really good, I am scared to death. I have a "tickle" in my liver and I'm sure it's mets. Althought I've been told that's not the way it works. I've read and been told that pain is sharp and only comes when them tumor(s) have spread to the extent that they are large. I don't know if they could have gone from too small to see to that size in just 90 days. Do you mind sharing more about your story?

    January 2014
  • barryboomer
    Check out The China Study
    AND this site below. Maybe you'll get some ideas of HOPE.
    We all need Hope and I believe the Body can heal if we give it what it needs and have some patience.


    There is very interesting Data on Cancer and certain dietary activities. Do some research as THEY can't do anymore for you.
    Maybe use God as your Nutritionist and Healer this time.
    Maybe help Maybe Not but certainly we have nothing to lose.

    January 2014