

  • meyati
    Well said to wild bill-----
    December 2014
  • lilymadeline
    I’m so sorry that you were attacked by an Internet Troll!!!!
    I reached out to Greg, and I hope that they set some sort of policy because I was attacked here myself a few times. It just isn’t the place for it, people can be combative jerks somewhere else!!! HUGS!!!! So sorry!!! Please don’t take it personally, they seem to go after the nicest people! Well, I guess you should take it personally because you are the greatest!!!! HUGS!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
    December 2014
  • Cole
    Some people just have no sense of common decency...and of course those are the words that affect us the most for some reason. Thinking about you and just want to let you know that as I read that conversation, the ONLY words that came to mind were F*** him! I am praying that you have a wonderful holiday season and squeeze in those special memories with your family. Much love to you.
    December 2014
  • azsuper
  • ritafaystageIV
    Thinking of you, and praying for you.
    November 2014
  • skimpy10
    Hi Amy, I've been praying for you. I wish I could give you a hug.
    November 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    Just checking in to say hello. I was out of it yesterday or would have come by to wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving.
    November 2014
  • Christiana3
    Amy Jo I had Greg send u a way to get a hold of me if I want to. It was a while back
    I can understand if u have too much on your plate now but if u ever want to talk let me know. We had talked about getting a hold of each other in the past but we know how that goes. I was so sorry to hear about your news
    Words sometimes can't relate how you feel. My situation is not getting better either and there r days I don't know what to do. I haven't been on here much and that's why. For some reason I feel like I know u and if you need to, ask Greg for my info. Love u and a big hug.
    November 2014
  • chiefomni
    When I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer they told me after chemo radiation and surgery that I would have a 5-10% chance of living 5 years.

    I prayed a lot and I came up with the saying: "God sits on my right shoulder and there is nothing that He and I together can't handle"

    I also came to realize that we can't change what has happened yesterday and we certainly have no control over the future, tomorrow, that's in God's hands, BUT we have control of the moment. Live each moment to the fullest.

    I live my life with the saying "Make where you are better because you are there", and 14 years later but for the grace of God I am still here.

    Take Care


    November 2014
  • NewBeginnng40
    Hi, AmyJo. Just checking on you as well. Hope life is treating you very well. Prayers going out to you. You're such a kind, brave woman. God Bless!
    October 2014
  • kkcomm
    I've been thinking about you lately. Wondering how you are doing. Hoping you haven't posted lately because you are just too busy with that beautiful granddaughter. Praying for good things for you!
    October 2014
  • angeldancer
    Hi AmyJo. Thinking about you and praying that you are enjoying your grand baby. You have encouraged me and I will continue to encourage you, God bless you always!
    October 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    AmyJo, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am really worried since we haven't heard anything from you recently. God bless you and yours. I miss you.
    November 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    AmyJo, checking in to see if you have posted anything. Praying for you. Hoping we see something from you soon! Hugs!
    November 2014
  • geekling
    There are many ways to look at the same thing. When a doctor says "end stage" he simply means that he doesn't know how to help any more, it is the end of nothing else but that and that does not have to do with a big world of possibilities and lots of ways to skin the proverbial cat.
    You have many choices, including the Plantation right up the road on Skees Road The medicinal mushrooms are chaga and AHCC (fermented) and please look up Paul Stamets (a botanist specializing in fungi) who disappeared his Mom's cancer with mushroom use. And black seed oil, when taken properly will give a little strength and maybe shrink a tumor somewhat and strengthen you a little so you can make clear headed decisions.
    I know people who have found other ways, if you might like to write to any of them, please let me know and I'll forward an email of someone waiting to hear from you because she passed end stage and is breathing just fine, thank you.
    However you decide, safe & pleasant journey to you .
    November 2014
  • YazBri
    Hi AmyJo,
    Just a little note, your in my thoughts, since I've read your post, I've put your name to my prayer list & will continue to keep you in pray. God Bless you!
    November 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    Hi AmyJo! I am checking in because I haven't seen any posts from you recently. I wanted to let you know that I miss you and that I am praying for you. Hoping we haven't seen you here because life is too fill and fun to spend time online.
    October 2014
  • CathIvyP01
    Amy Jo, I am feeling so sorry for the wretched decision(s) that you are having to make. We choose Life, so it is awkward (to say the least) for us to have to choose anything short of that because we can not find a cure for our disease, and/or because the treatment, albeit the best that we have, is barbaric. I will pray for you.
    I was on the Irhinotecan as well, and it made me so ill that I really thought that it would pull me under before the Cancer did! Unfortunately, after suffering through, it did nothing for me. I decided to return the the Oxyilplatin (despite the Neuropathy) but after my 1st treatment, we discovered that I was allergic to it and my Vitals plummeted (analphalactic). Now we begin on the Vectibix tomorrow. i am the one that posted the question about the side effects, and you were kind enough to respond.
    I do have one other practical question (I would have posted my question as a follow-up to your last comment, but I can't seem to be able to 'get back into' my 'questions!') Please forgive me for asking you here, on the heels of talking about your circumstance, but I don't know (site-wise) how else to do it.
    Practically speaking, since you have been on Vectibix for a while, what do you do when going out in public, if the rash is so pervasive and resembles (in some cases) severe acne? And did the rash occur immediately for you (I realize that folks have different experiences), or was it cumulative for you (like after the 2nd or 3rd treatment)? I am a bit trepidatious about this one, and any tips from you would be heartily embraced by me (from you.) God Bless you Dear...... you have and are on quite a journey. With gratitude for your sharing, ~ CathIvyP
    September 2014
  • cuddles456
    Hi AmyJo, My daughter at 18 years old has colon cancer and reading your thread has been an inspiration.
    August 2014
  • amontoya
    Have a good weekend, AmyJo.
    August 2014
  • glam
    Hey my dear do you feel???? are you feeling better? I got worried the other day you finished the message not very well...I think about you and wish you ALL the time I go to Santa Teresa de Los Andes if you allow me I will take a picture of you with me there.....I really believe she helps me a lot so let me know if it don't bother you......I am tired, a little stressed with the surgery Carlos is going to face next August, 14th but confident everything is going to be ok as is just that I would love to have a single year without having to fight cancer,,,,,,,, but it didn't happen yet....since 2012 we are fight continuously.....I am tired but have to feel blessed because we are winning that its the most important thing, isn't it? we are here my friend....we are alive and medicine is we can....and we will....wishing you all the best....God bless you always and continue blessing all of us
    July 2014
  • Schtroumpfette
    Hi Amy Jo,
    This might be an odd question, but have you been tested for Lynch Syndrome? I was just reading a post where you mentioned that your mother was an ovarian cancer survivor, and you with colon cancer, it would definitely fit the pattern of a family with Lynch Syndrome...
    August 2014
  • ritafaystageIV
    How are you feeling? Is the oxygen a big help? Prayers
    August 2014
  • MMarie
    Make sure you check out the video I posted. Some of your work is in it.
    Here is a link:
    August 2014
  • serenity101
    Hi AmyJo,
    I'm sorry to hear your CEA is going up. Have you looked into any clinical trials?
    July 2014
  • amontoya
    You're on my mind today. Be well and have a good day.
    July 2014
  • NanaL
    AmyJo, I start my vectibix tomorrow. I would love to exchange personal emails with you and possibly talk on the phone. I'm going to ask Greg to send you my email info, if that is ok. I feel that we are going thru such similar experiences, that my hope is we could support each other. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
    July 2014
  • NanaL
    Hi AmyJo, I too am fighting stage 4 rectal cancer with Mets to my lungs. My 4 year anniversary date is coming up on July 22nd. This Friday I will return to the cancer center for labs, ct scan, Dr appt and treatment. I have been on a six week chemo break, my choice. I'm nervous to find out scan results. I pray there has been no change or spreading. Our stories sound similar. I just thank God that 4 yrs later I'm still here and fighting. You are right. Never give up and always have hope. Best to you and God Bless!
    July 2014
  • NanaL
    Hi AmyJo, thanks for the info on the Vectibix. I'm very nervous about starting this new drug. I'm not looking forward to the rash which is a side effect that most patients get. The irinotecan is bad enough. I will keep you posted and keep you in my prayers. Thanks for being honest and hang in there!!
    July 2014
  • glam
    dear amyjo....I have you always in my thoughts and prayers. .. I miss your messages of courage and inspiration her. ... Please let me know how you are doing. ....I wish you all the best and send all positive energies and vibs to your treatment. ...... God bless you and continue blessing all of us
    June 2014