Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
Member Posts: 470
Well ... maybe the cancer is back ... maybe it is not. For the first time since I was diagnosed in 2012, there is a new spot in my right lung. It is still small - 3 mm, lower right node.
My oncologist says that spots sometimes show up in that area of the lungs that are not malignant. I could just be fighting an infection or something.
We decided that we'll just wait until I have the next CT scan - in 3 months instead of 6 months like this time (thank you, COVID19) - to make an decisions. If I am really lucky, the spot will be gone. Or, maybe it will be stable, like the rest of my tumors. Otherwise, I guess we'll have to put me back on a treatment plan.
My doctor mentioned that I had not had a treatment since April. He was really surprised when I reminded him that it was April 2019 since I last had a treatment - the immunotherapy has been holding things stable for a good long while. I have really enjoyed not having to go for treatments over the last year! (June 2020)
My oncologist says that spots sometimes show up in that area of the lungs that are not malignant. I could just be fighting an infection or something.
We decided that we'll just wait until I have the next CT scan - in 3 months instead of 6 months like this time (thank you, COVID19) - to make an decisions. If I am really lucky, the spot will be gone. Or, maybe it will be stable, like the rest of my tumors. Otherwise, I guess we'll have to put me back on a treatment plan.
My doctor mentioned that I had not had a treatment since April. He was really surprised when I reminded him that it was April 2019 since I last had a treatment - the immunotherapy has been holding things stable for a good long while. I have really enjoyed not having to go for treatments over the last year! (June 2020)
Well, I know that's not something you wanted to hear. On the other hand, just keep telling yourself that out of all of the times that something pops up that we think is "something", most of the time it's nothing. I've had this happen a number of times. But of course, it's Russian roulette, it could be something. I've taken to the idea that I'm always going to assume that it's nothing until I know differently. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.0
Oh, LWC, I'm sorry to hear this. I'm glad you are going back in three months. Sending prayers and hugs.0
I am so sorry to hear this, but I will take it as a good sign that they want to wait for 3 months to see you again. Try not to worry too much and hopefully the time will pass quickly for you. I will remember you in my prayers. Take care.0
Wow, a bunch of us oldtimers here are having issues, huh? Greg, you, me.... Hope yours turns out to be nothing.0
Thanks, everyone, for your good wishes and prayers! They are much appreciated.
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I'm surely hoping that this spot will disappear.0
Not something you want to hear. Hopefully its not bad news. I got the exact same news a spot on my lung I go for my ct July 8th to compare. Stay positive and keeping you in my thoughts.0
schweetieangel, July 8 is my birthday. Only good news allowed on my birthday. Very best wishes to you. Please let us know how it goes.0
Thank you bug.. :-)0
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