Loss | Lost loved one
Member Posts: 1
My daughter lost her 6 year battle with metastatic breast cancer 6 days ago *Jan 29, 2020). She leaves behind her husband and 6 year old daughter. If you want to know just how special she was, go to you tube and type in her name, Renee Seman. She was also well known on Runners World for having run 6 World Marathons while under all kinds of Trial treatments. She was truly a special person and I am devastated.
So, so sorry for your loss. Always hard to learn we've lost one but, although we try to remain positive and optimistic, the fact remains, not everyone will make it. My sympathies to your family, especially your granddaughter.0
We are all sorry for your loss and wish you healing can peace with time. It's a tough one to handle.0
I’m so sorry, Kurious.0
Kurious, I am so sorry for your loss. It is always hard to lose a family member, but I can't even imagine what it is like to lose a child. My heart goes out to you, your son-in-law and your granddaughter. I hope in time your memories will bring you peace.0
I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for you and your family, especially your little granddaughter. Life sure isn't fair sometimes.0
That's amazing. She seems like a sweet, strong woman.0 -
My deepest sympathy on the loss of your daughter.0
I am so sorry. Hugs to everyone. That's a rough road to walk, hold your grand daughter tight, she'll need you more than ever.0
I am so, so sorry for your family's loss. Wishing you strength and comfort from each other.0
Warm thoughts are winging their way to you and your family. I'm so very sorry for your0
Kurious, it is hard losing a child. I also lost my son at 33 who left a 7 y/o son. It will be 15 yrs. this July. I did what he asked & took care of my grandson. who is now 23. I took him fishing; shooting; to baseball games; to hockey games; on vacations to the Capitol, etc. I filled in where & when I could. I didn't tell his mother how to raise him, just be there (HARD). He use to call after school, now on his drive to work. Sure, you miss the loss of your daughter, but focus on what you have. God will do the rest. BTW, I'm female.0
This is in english,even though the caption is in sanish for some reason.
And it's very good.
28 days ago
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- 3 Adrenal Cortical Cancer
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- 3 Bile Duct (Cholangiocarcinoma) Cancer
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- 4 Skin Cancer - Non-Melanoma
- Small Intestine Cancer
- 3 Soft Tissue Sarcoma
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- 1 Testicular Cancer
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- 7 Thyroid Cancer
- 2 Vaginal Cancer
- Vulvar Cancer