CT shows spread to bones, liver and possibly ...
Member Posts: 4
CT shows spread to bones, liver and possibly pancreas.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, plus Ryder and Jax of course!!
I've had a rough couple of years with both my parents dying in October 2016, plus my health. I've never been in remission, and this year I started having problems keeping my chemo pill down and ended up in the hospital in July (just for dehydration). The doctor there thought it was due to my reflux and said to focus on that, but my tumors get bigger when I don't take my chemo pill. I also had my 70th birthday in September. . . .
I've been tired and a lot less patient with some of the political opinions and rudeness on WhatNext, so was trying to wean myself away from here some.
You are so entertaining talking about your dogs, you should try to do freelance writing for your newspaper! Hope you have a great day and get to see your grandchildren Christmas!0 -
I'm glad to hear from you, but I'm saddened about your situation. That certainly isn't anyway to spend your birthday.
I know what you mean about politics. Lots of people on both sides are mean and ignorant-here I'm probably pointing 4 fingers at myself.
Let me tell you about the idiots on the left---One 70 year old wrote in the Washington Post that she feels so anxious and scared with the current politics-so many people being fired or quitting, and this kid-younger person wrote that she should die because she voted for Trump-Everybody over 50 needs to die, because they voted for Trump.
That exploded---people told that kid there wouldn't be very many civil rights, if it hadn't been for the protests and demonstrations about voting rights, women's rights etc.
Then the tirades against cowboy boots, western hats, and pickup trucks. I point out that my very Progressive Congressmen drive pickups, hunt, own guns, wear cowboy boots, wear western hats, herd and brand cattle, etc. This includes the ladies.
One of the top campaign pictures, is a young Latina in jeans, boots, etc. by the tail gate of her pickup. She has a can of coke on the tailgate, and she's loading her semi-automatic shoot gun for bird hunting. Even Carool approved of that pic. She has nice credentials too, as she's one of few the multilingual, international water rights lawyers in the US. She speaks Navajo, Spanish, English. She has to be somewhat of a crop expert, so she knows what people are talking about.
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I've had Dingo cowboy boots and a cowboy hat for dancing about the time the Urban Cowboy movie was out. I got rid of the boots because my feet swelled and they got too little. I'd love to have some now, but I admit I live in the city and don't do the cow stuff.
I had a gorgeous tooled leather shoulder bag that I held onto but didn't use, and finally donated when I was moving. I've wished for that purse so many times. My ex bought it for me in 1971-72 from a sidewalk vendor in downtown Atlanta. Lordy, time flies.
I do shoot and carry a revolver. I have a shotgun of my Daddy's but never shot it. One time I was dating a guy from Illinois who worked at the VA Hospital with me. He was surprised I was encouraging him to get a gun permit and that I knew about pistols. He said I was the only woman he had EVER known who liked guns----i didn't say it, but I thought what kind of women do you know? Since then I've learned Illinois is a liberal state, but he was in the military.
It seems to be more dangerous here than it's ever been, and I'm wondering what's gonna happen with society if the young men have no respect for anybody's life. Elderly women are one of their targets because we are assumed to be weaker.
I just happened up on some pepper spray at Walmart that I bought last night. I hadn't had any in a long time, but I'll feel safer walking with it. You should get some, too!!
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I just got a pair of Arias Pro Lacers. They should last for about 3 to 5 years-good arch support, where I can walk and dig in them. Round toes. They are for old cowgirls. My knees can't tolerate pull on-pull off boots. It does hurt--So I lace up. I do love my boots. Shoes too. When I got married I had about 25 pairs of shoes--strappy stilettos, Italian heels, pumps, flats, Hawaiian sandals for the beach That I got in Honolulu, moccasins, leather oxfords-- I didn't have boots. He brought home a stray dog. I caught it chewing in the closet, I smacked it and I told him to leave the closet doors closed. He came home late, and I woke to find ONE shoe out of each pair completely chewed up. I had a hissy fit and cried for several days. We were broke. My mopping shoes were in the closet with the broom and mop-I had to wear them to church and shopping.
I found some Victorian lacers by Abilene. Tiny toe, under-slung heels. They'll come in Monday-- I do hope they fit. I always wore pointy toes and under-slung heels. Good arch support- good ankle support-great for 16 hours of riding. Look good- I've gone into so many doctors and they told me to pull my boots off. No hammer toes, no bunions.
With the weight on my belly and skinny legs-I can't hardly find pants that fit me, and I look sort of homeless. My hair just flies-there isn't enough mousse and spit in the world to keep it in place, so I need some nice fitting footwear to look decent.
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Wow. This is the stuff we have hanging over our heads but hope we never hear. You have certainly received life shattering news. But... They have amazing treatments theses days. Have you talked with your oncologist about prognosis?0
@lujos, I am so sorry to hear this. Were you having problems or was it found with a routine scan? Do you have any sort of plan yet? Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I am sending good thought and prayers your way. Take care.0
I am so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you.0
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