What book(s) are you reading?
Member Posts: 787
MarcieB suggested we resume sharing what we’re reading. I’ll start, below.
I’m reading Mindhunter, by John E. Douglas and Mark Olshaker. At the time of publication (1998), John Douglas was an F.B.I. profiler (he helped develop the field of profiling criminals, especially killers, and even more especially, serial killers). I’m very interested in true crime, and he’s a very intelligent and compassionate person.
Second book is Stolen Focus, by Johann Hari. He was a guest on Bill Maher’s show. The book is about how we find it very hard to focus these days. I haven’t started reading it but will tonight.
Looking forward to hearing what you all are reading. MarcieB, thank you for getting this started again!0 -
When I do read these days it’s what I call “fluff” - light things to help me escape.
I’m interested to know… Do many people read more than one book at a time? I read one time that some movie star - I forget who - said he reads something like five books at one time. I don’t think I could keep everything straight!0 -
Thanks, Bug. My “fluff” are true crime books.
I read two simultaneously, usually, or just one. I find it hard to keep things straight, and I often don’t care. I don’t read deeply.0 -
Lots of fluff here too - mostly light mysteries. My last more intense one was Alafaire Burke's Find Me - twists and turns to the very last page.0
I love true crime books too. I think I have read all the Ann rule books out there (she is who got me started with her book on Ted Bundy) Once, while reading one of her books, she mentioned the help of a forensic pathologist named Chesterine Swiklik. I played with her as a child! She lived across the street from my grandma before her family moved west. She was also - BRILLIANT. It had to be her, there cannot possibly be two Chesterine Swikliks.0
Dltmoll, thank you. Good to know about that mystery. I’m gonna check it out.
MarcieB, that’s amazing (and hilarious)! No, she’s the only one. I’ve read all the Ann Rule books, too.0 -
As for what I am reading now, that would be, "Once Upon a River," by Bonnie Jo Campbell. Bonnie is a Michigan based writer and I actually met and talked to her at length once, through a writers group. She sets her stories in the gritty parts of the midwest. It is like a midwest version of Southern Gothic. She published a book of short stories that is excellent, it is called American Salvage. It was even nominated for a National Book Award in 2009, which is almost unheard of for a book of short stories! I heard they are making a movie of this book so I want to read it first. It's gritty, and a little dark....It reminds me of Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodell, only set in Michigan instead of the Ozarks.0
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