Friendly Friday
Member Posts: 65
Not a question about diagnosis or treatment. Just a check in with everyone here to see how you are doing. I find that just checking in from time to time reminds us all that we are not alone and someone still "sees" us in the times we think we have talked ourselves blue in the face to our family, doctors, et cetera.
No health concerns here for now. I have a yearly physical in two weeks. I think everything will be okay. Being a military dependent, we are still seen at a Military Treatment Facility nearby. Our doctor separated from the Navy and we have been assigned new providers. I will meet my new doctor soon. I also plan on seeing about getting a new provider closer to me, in plan/network, to free up more availability for active duty dependents and for those retirees living closer to the facility.
No health concerns here for now. I have a yearly physical in two weeks. I think everything will be okay. Being a military dependent, we are still seen at a Military Treatment Facility nearby. Our doctor separated from the Navy and we have been assigned new providers. I will meet my new doctor soon. I also plan on seeing about getting a new provider closer to me, in plan/network, to free up more availability for active duty dependents and for those retirees living closer to the facility.
Hi, ImWorthIt. Thank you for checking in. It’s now Sleepy Saturday. I’m fine. Nothing much new. Omicron is lessening here in NYC, so I’m getting eager to take the subway to Manhattan and meet friends.
I hope you like your new doctor.0 -
Hi, Imworthit! I posted a question here a few days ago about taking the pills they want us to take after treatment (I am struggling with this). I got quite a few very helpful responses. I think we might all be in *January comas* - at least those of us who live in the cold northern states. The dreary gray days just get to one's spirit. Not to mention being snowbound right now. I am trying to think of a project to get my enthusiasm for life going again!0
Hi Imworthit! Winter doldrums here in Michigan here too. I just ordered a raised plant bed kit, a bunch of seeds and a couple of books - looking ahead to spring!
My checkups/yearly MRI are in March, so fingers crossed. Hope you find a doctor that fits your needs.0 -
Thanks for posting, ImWorthIt. I hope you like your new doc.
I had my annual mammogram in August and got a call back. After the call back mammogram I was told to go back in six months. That six month mammogram was yesterday (Friday). The doc said things are "stable, come back in a year". Whew. I'll discuss the details with my onc but I was so relieved to get that news. My annual breast MRI is in a couple of weeks but I'm trying to take one thing at a time.
Dltmoll, very best wishes for your upcoming checkups.0 -
Hi all. Bug, I am glad you got good news on your mammo. Definitely worthy of a sigh of relief.
Dltmoll, your raised bed project sounds nice with your seeds. I am glad you are looking ahead to spring. I love spring- the new flowers, the cool warmth. I know, that makes no sense to most people, but for me it is out of the cold of winter but not the hot of summer.
Marcie, I didn't even see your question about the pills. Or at least I don't think I saw it. I know you mean about "January comas." I feel like that too, and I am not even in the frozen north. Just tired of dreariness and the gray days. Ugh.
Carool, I am super excited that you will feel comfortable to take the subway into Manhattan to socialize. That's a big step. So glad COVID rates are starting to go down in some places.0 -
Hi, Imworth it -also known as Loreal! Love the name!
Seems everybody is so tired of the grayness. Here in upper MN - I've got a bit to go. I don't mind the snow - but the unending grayness has gotten to me. And the extremely bitter cold.
Also, like a lot of those already posting - March seems to be the month to have labs, sticks, appts and scan anxiety. I've also thrown in plans for reconstructive surgery like some have had...which is not scheduled yet due to Covid and...winter. I'm going back and forth on doing it at all - but I have discomfort from the changes after surgery 6 years ago - and my oncologist brought it up. It's probably going to be April, and maybe the threat of a "snow-event of major proportions" will be much less. The surgery will be an hour away and I've yet to find someone that can take me and bring me back. It will be easily an 8 hour day for them. So, we'll see!
A of us are here - only quiet. Absorbing that Whatnext is not even close to what it used to be. We need to work on getting it back! Take care and thanks for reaching out!0 -
ImWorthIt, thank you! Haven’t yet made the leap. Will soon.
Bug, I’m so glad you got good news.
Ashera, I wish you good luck if you’re having any scans in March. And with your reconstructive surgery when it takes place.0
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