Had My Second Shot- Moderna
Member Posts: 763
I had my second shot today. My arm is super sore, but I keep watching to make sure it's not reddening or swelling. I keep moving it to keep range of motion and not let it get too bad.
I don't feel like I am run over by a freight train. Most people I have known have said it usually starts about 3-4 hours after the shot if you are going to have those sort of side effects. So hopefully the achy arm is as much as I get.
Folks, if you are so inclined- go on and get those vaccinations. The sooner we do- the sooner we SHOULD be able to get back to "normal."
I don't feel like I am run over by a freight train. Most people I have known have said it usually starts about 3-4 hours after the shot if you are going to have those sort of side effects. So hopefully the achy arm is as much as I get.
Folks, if you are so inclined- go on and get those vaccinations. The sooner we do- the sooner we SHOULD be able to get back to "normal."
Oh, wow, I just wrote on your wall, asking how you are feeling, and I decided to check the questions before exiting - glad I did! Okay, I am crossing fingers that freight train stays away!0
I just read this. I’m glad your side effects aren’t bad. Congratulations on getting your second shot! I bet you’ll feel more secure once the waiting period is over. I did and do.0
After my second Moderna, I never did feel "run over by a freight train:" more like having chased after a sugar-high toddler for a few minutes. I had the arm soreness (though not the red patch I got after the first shot), but I knew to keep moving my arm all the way home, so I retained more range of motion than the first time. The next morning I awoke feeling a bit simultaneously warm-&-chilly, so I took my temp: 99.4, about a degree or so higher than my normal but by no means a fever. A little headachy, but no more so than from tension or allergies. Chicken soup for lunch and lots of water. Two Tylenol at bedtime, and woke up absolutely fine.
On a semi-related note, I have seasonal pollen/mold allergies as well as vasomotor rhinitis (my nose runs when come indoors from the cold air). Even with my mask on, people freak out when they hear me sniffle. It's been so high-tree-pollen, cold & windy here that even with my mask on outdoors (which is now officially "optional") my nose runs like a faucet. How can you wipe your nose indoors without removing your mask, a definite no-no? Pinching the mask to catch the snot is also a bad idea.0 -
We had Pfizer, just sore arms the day after. One son had Moderna and a short day after of flu- like symptoms, other son and daughter in law get theirs this Tuesday so it will be interesting to see how they react. He did have a mild case of covid in November so wonder if that will have any bearing on what happens to him.
I've had bronchitis for the last couple of weeks, so coughing has been freaking people out too. I would say a subtle under mask nose wipe would certainly be appropriate.0 -
ChicagoSandy- I know the feeling about having the sniffles from allergies. Ditmoll, I know the feel about the coughing. Both of them definitely won't hurt anyone, but now we are so conditioned to believe that everyone who coughs or sneezes had COVID and we are going to die if we are in the same space with them. I told my husband that a person could pass gas and people wouldn't even move these days but if someone so much as sniffles, the whole store would shut down and you would be taken to some remote island and left for dead.
In any event, I did NOT escape the less pleasant side-effects of Shot 2. I woke up yesterday feeling like I had done battle with a freight train. I was so sore. I have a very swollen area under my right arm in the right side breast area. I keep hoping it's just "normal" swollen lymph node, but it's not pleasant at all. It feels like someone full fist punched me in the side of my breast. I will definitely be bringing it up at my appointment tomorrow to make sure there isn't something there I didn't notice but now it's been "revealed." So I hope you will all give me some good vibes before my appointment tomorrow.
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legaljen, sending good vibes to you.
I doubt there are many remote islands left! And, with all of our masks, any foul odors emitted by someone’s body can’t reach us easily! However, I have smelled someone’s cigarette smoke when passing a smoker outside. It permeated my masks, so I’m probably wrong about not smelling XXX (I wonder if the WN censor will allow that f-word).
P.S. Okay, the censor does NOT allow eff-ay-are-tee. Ridiculous.0
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