stopping ibrance
Member Posts: 1
tired of being tired
Hi! I’m glad you found us but sorry you needed to. Is there another medicine or treatment you can have if you stop taking Ibrance? I’m a breast cancer survivor and I’ve never taken that med.0
Hi, I echo Carool. I'm glad you found us too, but I would also like a few more details about your situation? I have a friend who began taking Ibrance two years ago and she seems to be tolerating it well, but everyone is different.0
Hi kootgirl,
I also take Ibrance. I'm on the lowest dose, 75mg. I have been on it for 2 yrs. I started on the highest dose. Like you, I was tired, but saw great results so just sucked it up. I went to a lower dose without it growing so Dr. gave me lower dose. Yes, some days I am really tired, but am so thankful that the cancer hasn't spread further. I was on 8 different chemos before Ibrance. It was a bumpy ride. Very scary. Take care.0
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