can TNBC return as bone cancer in the hip
Member Posts: 5
can TNBC return as bone cancer in the hip
Unfortunately, it can. Bones are one of the places where any kind of breast cancer tends to metastasize. From what I’ve read, if there’s a metastasis, bones are the “best” places for the patient.
But remember that there are many benign reasons for bone pain. I wish you all the best.0 -
This would be a recurrence with mets to the bones. Sorry!0
Yes, it would be breast cancer in the bone. Insist on bone scan if you haven’t already had one.Chemo took care of what I had in sternum. Sometimes radiation. Praying that's not the reason for pain.0
I am sorry you are dealing with this. Unfortunately breast cancer can and does metastasize into the bone, along with other organs, such as the liver.0
Yes, MBC can show up in different organs. My oncologist orders a CT every 3 mos. I get a brain scan annually, then a bone scan when she says. Dr. stays on top of every little thing. I'm 5 yrs out from dx of MBC.0
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