To lighten your mood on a cold winter day!

Teachertina Member Posts: 205
edited 2021 11 in General Cancer
Need a chuckle? Every now and then I look for things to lighten my mood. Here are a few Life’s Truths for Mature Adults.

• I totally take back all those times I didn’t want to take a nap when I was younger!

• Was learning cursive really necessary?

• Google Maps really needs to start their directions on #5. I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of my own neighborhood!

•Bad decisions make good stories!

•You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren’t going to do anything productive for the rest of the day!


  • andreacha
    andreacha Member Posts: 196
    edited 2021 11
    Thanks, Teachertina. All are true. And you were spot on with the weather. Just like that here now and for the next few days. "Cursive", in the day, was called The Palmer Method I believe. And we had to pass to get our certificate. Of course, I still use cursive as I can't read my printing. And today's generation should all become doctors so that their handwriting will look just like a doctor's.
    Ironically, Steps 1-4 on a google map I find wrong more often than not. And, yes, I've made my number of bad decisions. Some I can talk about, others I'd rather forget. I don't work anymore in a "real job" as I'm retired. But I understood your statement fully. That's why my clean sheets are sitting in a chair in my room and not on my bed. I'm so thankful I haven't stripped the bed. Maybe, tomorrow.! Think I'll go take a nap.
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited 2021 02
    I can write some form of script but I never use it (I print, but of course I type much more). And I really relate to what both of you said about postponing some chores or other work until “tomorrow.”
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2021 02
    Remember those old fashioned, low-tech, primitive days when:
    You could rotary dial "0" on your corded phone and instantly get a real person?
    When the Operator knew more about happenings in your town then than FB does now?
    Back when people only stared at their phone while they were dialing?
    When you could slam the receiver down when you were DONE talking?
    A time when phones had no batteries, only cars did?
    The last time someone yelled "I'll get it!" when a phone rang?
  • andreacha
    andreacha Member Posts: 196
    edited 2021 11
    po18guy -- In 1951 we moved from Boston to Southern NH. We had a crank phone! "Jane" was usually the operator. If we wanted to speak to someone local, she would connect you, however, if she knew that Mrs. Whatever was out having lunch with a friend, she'd tell you at what time she was expected home. There wasn't any voicemail in those days. And we had one other party on the line. There was nothing going on in town that Jane didn't know!
  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited 2021 11
    @Po18guy- I definitely remember dialing 0 to reach a real person. That person could do a lot of things- get you a phone number (now that's 411 or perhaps Google). I remember the days in our town when you only had to dial 5 numbers to get the person you were calling. My best friend's phone number was 6-7332. Mine was 6-8040.
    And if you were unhappy with the person at the other end of that conversation, slamming the phone down was so much more satisfying than "end call." LOL Plus, when you hung the phone up- you were really disconnected. There is always a small margin of error now when you "hang up" that the connection is still there so when you call the person an SOB they might hear you. LOL

    I still love reading letters from my relatives that always used script. They all had amazing "penmanship."
  • Teachertina
    Teachertina Member Posts: 205
    edited 2021 08
    Here are a few more!

    • I hate when I miss a call by the last ring (Hello, Hello? Shoot!), but when I call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail. What did you do after I didn’t answer? Drop the phone and run away?

    • I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

    •I keep some people’s phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

    I disagree with Kay Jewelers; I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay!
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited 2021 02
    Thanks, Teachertina! The first and the fourth resonate with me, especially the first. I never understand that.
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 394
    edited 2021 02
    Teachertina and Carool, re missing a call and then calling the person back right away and the person doesn't answer... Something similar just happened between my sister and me the other day. We were texting. I sent a text and then put down the phone and got in the shower because I thought we were done. She called almost immediately (but not soon enough) but I was already in the shower. She left a voice mail message and said, "Where are you?! You just texted me! Did you run away?!" :-D
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited 2021 02
    legaljen1969 and Bug, funny!

    Re the old days - I, too, remember dialing “O” for “Operator” and immediacy getting a human being on the other end. And the days when, in more populated areas, phone numbers began with the first two letters of a word. My childhood phone number was HY 5-5067 (HY for Hyacinth).

    But back then, long distance calls cost a fortune. No one could be reached’(or tracked) by phone outside. No answering machines. I much prefer the situation today.
  • Teachertina
    Teachertina Member Posts: 205
    edited 2021 11
    Just a couple more things!

    • The only time I look forward to a red light is when I’m trying to finish a text!

    • I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.

    • Sometimes I look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still don’t know what time it is!

    • There’s no worse feeling than that split second you’re sure you’re going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far!
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited 2021 07
    I’m number 3 all over, except that I’m looking at my cell phone instead of a watch.
  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited 2021 08
    @Teachertina. that one about the leaning back in the chair is definitely one I experience. I sometimes have that feeling even with a rocking chair. LOL