Urban fantasy author passed away over the weekend
Member Posts: 196
Rachel Caine was a fairly prolific fantasy author. She ha an aggressive form of soft tissue sarcoma. She went into hospice care in Sept as she had run through all treatment options, including clinical trials. And in Texas, I guess palliative care is only available through hospice. I'd become friendly with her on Twitter. She was so gracious. We traded cancer stories. I got to share my good news on my clean CT scan a couple weeks ago, and she was so happy for me. I used to go to science fiction conventions. I really wish I'd gotten to meet her IRL.
I'm so sorry for your loss, BuckeyeShelby. It's so hard.
(In Texas, you CAN get palliative care without going into hospice. Not sure why she wasn't able to get it. My hospital has a fairly big palliative care unit, new since I've been getting treatments.)0 -
Maybe it has to do with her insurance. Working in the industry, I know some policies are touchy about stupid stuff.0
BuckeyeShelby, I'm sorry about Rachel. That would have been nice to meet her in person.0
I, too, am sorry about Rachel.0
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